Origin of the Problematic Interface
Could be speaking to so-called 'terrorism' - CIA orchestrated or otherwise, with the Richard Helms government of Iran slash Hezbollah and the Israelis running Hamas.
"We're doing it again. We're taking counsel of our fears, and scaring the hell out of ourselves. You shouldn't underestimate an enemy, but its just as fatal to overestimate him.....
Possibly America's greatest general.
Reflecting here the Allen Dulles betrayal paradigm.
Before The Colors Fade; Portrait of a Soldier, by Fred Ayer Jr., Houghton Mifflin 1964. From page 145. Even before Patton was unshackled, there was an immense pressure upon General Eisenhower which, in his difficult position as Supreme Commander of Combined Armies, it was not possible for him to ignore. This was the British....
Later the pressure increased. Even as U.S. forces broke crashingly out of the Normandy perimeter, Patton was fully aware of the situation.....
As it was Patton's divisions rampaged westward toward St. Lo; eastward to Brest toward Rennes, then northward through Auranches and Argentan in an attempt to seal off the escape route of the German Seventh Army at Falaise. At a crucial moment, however, his XV Corps was ordered by SHAEF [Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces] to halt at Argentan.... As a result, nearly half of the enemy escaped, mauled and with a huge loss of armor it is true, but alive and thus able eventually to regroup and re-equip, to fight again most effectively in the Battle of the Bulge. George Patton was angry. General Bradley was almost as angry but in a more moderate way....
Emergent, it looks like the Germans flew a heavy bomber 12 miles off New York City in September 1944, took pictures of the skyline at night, and told the Americans they'd nuke it if they weren't given a chance to 'fold down' in an orderly manner.
This is their targeting scheme and blast effectivity. 15~20 kilotons which is what we dropped on the Japanese: a number of points including the difference between the two bombs we dropped suggests one of them may have been German. Some argue the second bombing [Nagasaki] wasn't strictly speaking 'necessary' but that may have been deployed for 'other than tactical' reasons. Graphic is via Reich of the Black Sun by Josph P. Farrell.
Page 154."In every case, particularly throughout the campaign, I was under wraps from the High Command. This may have been a good thing, as perhaps I am too impetuous. However, I do not believe that I was, and feel that had I been permitted to go all out, the war would have ended sooner and more lives would have been saved. Particularly I think this statement applies to the time when, early in September, we were halted owing to the desire, or the necessity, on the part of General Eisenhower in backing Montgomery's move to the north. At that time there was no question of doubt that we could have gone through and on across the Rhine within ten days. This would have saved a great many thousand men.....
Since the witness in this case might be accused of prejudice, we should look at one who was forced to be professionally objective such as [German Major] General [Richard] Schimpf [of the 3rd Paratroop Division]. In his evaluation of the strategic situation in question he wrote:
There is no question that if your Third Army had not halted [by orders from SHAEF] before Metz in September, it would have penetrated the Seigfried Line very quickly and been across the Rhine in a short time. At that time we were powerless to cope with the situation in that portion of the front. But when your Third Army was halted, we obtained the time to regroup and we used that opportunity to the utmost.
Page 177. ....[O]n the 15th of December Field Marshal Montgomery published not his G-2's but his own personal "appreciation." It contained the following categorical language: "the enemy is at present fighting a defensive campaign on all fronts; his situation is such that he cannot stage major offensive operations. Furthermore, at all costs he has to prevent the war from entering a mobile phase; he has not the transport or the petrol that would be necessary for mobile operations, nor could his tanks compete with ours in a mobile battle." .... On the very next day the Germans without a doubt "committed" their armor [in the Battle of the Bulge].
The latter citation on Montgomery's writing can actually be typified in the New World Order orchestrated drama 'force multiplier' paradigm [Martin Luther King, "I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man...on the night before he died, and Bill Clinton, Bombing Crisis Proves Relevancy of Presidency, Steven Thomma, Knight-Ridder in The Salt Lake Tribune, April 22 1995, WASHINGTON - Just a day after an all-but-forgotten President Clinton felt compelled to insist that he remains relevant, the tragic bombing in Oklahoma City proves it.... [J]ust 12 hours before the explosion, his White House news conference drew the live coverage of only one of the three major television networks. "The president is relevant here," he said at that time, responding to a question; see also Disaster Allows Clinton to Show His Relevance; Oklahoma bombing thrusts him back into spotlight, Susan Yoachum, San Francisco Chronicle, April 21 1995. "In contrast to a news conference ignored by two networks less than 24 hours earlier - during which he offered an extraordinary defense of his relevancy as president - Clinton was in command and demand as news of the bombing stunned the nation...." as classic examples].
At issue is mitigating problems like the horror of AIDS and intrusive nature of government, both of which are targeted and both of which we argue here are invidious beyond reason, actually diminishing human ability in a mush of useless waste and draining void. Patton was a great general, and instead of providing him with a broader picture they conspired to choke him down with the exaggerated 'slap' issue. Swine certainly, but scary is that they are important swine who absolutely lack vision beyond conspiracy.
Violent crime was down, probably because they were radiating the ghetto. Now crime is coming back up - is somebody getting them to lift the radiation [hopefully]. The idea is that the issue needs to be brought forward and articulated with precision. The actual problem is not that Clinton did or didn't order the ghetto radiated to cut crime, but THAT IS the political problem which has kept the ghetto radiated.
This is hugely an argument to get our troops out of Iraq NOW. Pull them out. Vietnam is not a better place for our having been there and the CIA having betrayed the government in the south. China is actually more liberal and better off than Vietnam, and that is exactly a legacy of the PHOENIX program. They don't thank you nor should they.
There will be an amnesty in Iraq. Get used to it. There needs to be an amnesty, because if there isn't you're essentially letting the CIA game in the country and in the judicial system which is exactly what the CIA wants and you should whole-heartedly oppose.
Israel spent the summer Cambodia-izing Lebanon, exactly as a by product of our activity in Iraq [hence the term 'Cambodia-izing]. They used munitions we had stored in Israel - apparently $4.2 billion dollars worth including cluster bombs. Do not replenish that store of munitions, evacuate what you can, and get the **** out of there NOW.
FORCE BUSH OUT as the first step in reform.
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