Friday, December 29, 2006

The Effort to Force Bush Out

Wayne Downing, four star general in the United States Army dead at age 67 - conceptually in a hospital bed.

Downing was a 34-year Army veteran, and his last active-duty assignment was as commander in chief of the U.S. Special Operations Command at MacDill Air Force Base near Tampa, Fla., in 1996.... [L.A. Times].
Washington Post suggested he was Special Forces at Bragg in the early 1990s, right before we killed about hundreds of our own guys perhaps at Benning but definitely in the winter time in the 1990s []. He would have at least heard about that. It might be possible to date that incident by looking at 'New American Century' literature and signature blocks, suspecting the hardening position and uptick readiness was one result of spreading awareness.

[L.A. Times]After his military retirement, he emerged as a more public figure when he became deeply involved in terrorism task forces and committees.... Downing oversaw the 40-member team that investigated the June 1996 truck-bomb attack that killed 19 U.S. servicemen and one Saudi and wounded 372 other people at Khobar Towers, a U.S. military housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia... [end citation].

It sounds like Downing was a genuinely good man who blundered into the Bush trap scenaio, ultimately saw what was going on, and, now guessing they were watching him quite closely [look for a proximate duplicity - it's been twelve years since he left the service and they easily could have hung somebody on him], when they saw that Downing had passed the 'pivot point' they quickly took him down.

How does this effect the other four star generals? 'Better to never be for Bush, than to be for Bush and burn on it' because then they do kill you. If you're consistantly against Bush the downside isn't that bad - they just don't appoint you to the honorary commissions or make you Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

Creighton Abrams. He was a general, by God. He pulled the Army out of Vietnam and didn't cry about it, and I bet he would have gone back in when the North Vietnamese invaded but the CIA threw down Nixon, and then Ford took the Kissinger-Bush line in giving it to the Chinese. With Abrams conveniently dead of lung cancer. Supposedly George W. Bush flew A-10 in Southeast Asia, and it would have been for the CIA in the mid-1970s. 'Show of force' just to let them know we hadn't cowed, even though we really had and they knew it.

That's history. Now its Tommy Franks - kiss ass or kick ass? We really don't know, but the field artillery has largely been sold in favor of high priced jointness motif smart weapons, which, end of the day, seem to be killing as many civilians as the artillery did at ten times the cost. What are we planning to leave the Afghans with? Are we going to give them drones? We're damn near helpless without the drones - how will they be able to function? What about the Iraqi military - are we going to sell them F-22 fighters and fiber optic cable circles, or give them PRC-77s with a 105 mm cannon on a truck bed?

Sorry. Downing seems to have been genuinely well-intended, but that really isn't good enough as the police state [led by Michael Chertoff of the 'Chertoff for Kerik' bait-and-switch] closes in on us. CIA hires Taliban to attack our guys in Afghanistan for $5 dollars a day. He leaves us with a mixed verdict: Downing backed Bush - perhaps against his better judgement - but he was never duplicitous like that, though we definitely have generals over there [in Iraq anyway] who are, and he didn't call them out on it. And there seems to be treason in the Special Forces he was either shielded from or anyway did not resolve.

Donald Rumsfeld with Saddam Hussein 19-20 Dec 1983. Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense longer than anybody else save McNamara, and he only missed that by a couple of weeks. I think this is why.

Three Points Related to Campaign 2008

1. The Vela Incident of 22 September 1979 [explosion of a neutron bomb in the Southern Indian Ocean] almost certainly relates to inoculation of the first AIDS victims/carriers in Africa. Having down selected to CIA Mugabe in Rhodesia the previous April-May-June, Allard Lowenstein bringing the virus to Africa.

2. Iraq invading Iran on 22 September 1980 almost certainly advances that allegedly ‘defensive’ paradigm in battlefield applications of NBC or anyway biological and chemical warfare.

At issue is really handling an alien interface with a larger ‘reciprocity concept’ or ‘ying and yang’ paradigm.

3. There is no salary associated with being ‘First Lady’ – perhaps there should be but there isn’t. IF Hillary Clinton took CIA money [continued to draw her CIA salary or otherwise got Agency compensation] while she was in the White House at least through 1994 when she was working both health care and establishing a ground surveillance capability relative to Sheila Bilyeu, she should leave the 2008 race.

It’s preclusionary – her candidacy is based on people’s ignorance. If its true, she should quit.

Philip K. Dick, James Gunn, and K.W. Jeter.

“It’s not what I expected,” said Dortz slowly. “I thought everything about Project Psyche was a fake – all that stuff about psychonauts, and going into the Collective Unconscious. All bullshit covering up what they were really planning.”

“It isn’t?”

“I’m not sure anymore. This Dybosphere stuff - maybe they were using the phrase wrong, but they apparently had found something.... Some kind of universal field- like electromagnetic, but different, down on a subatomic level - with an interface in the human brain. Every human brain. The field apparently has a sentience of its own, though the Dybosphere researchers weren’t able to determine its exact nature. Somehow it overlaps and extends certain sections of human intelligence - subconscious areas, mostly. What happens is that field, being nonmaterial, inserts an otherwise unexplainable factor of free will into the material, and thus deterministic, nature of the human mind. Shit, I don’t know if I’m explaining this right. Human consciousness is a symbiosis. We’re just not aware of the other entity - the field, or Collective Unconscious, or whatever you want to call it - being part of us. It’s like it hides itself in us where we can’t even see it. What it gets from its symbiosis with the human race is the ability to move and operate in the material universe; what we get is a nondeterministic element - free will – in our own nature. But it’s not originally part of us; it came from somewhere else.”

Legger sat for a few seconds, letting the information filter in. “This is all stuff the Dybosphere researchers found out?”

Dortz tapped the black binders. “It’s all in here. And more stuff I haven’t gotten to yet.”

“And they located- this field? They know how to, like, reach it?”

For a second, Dortz’ eyes flicked toward him, then back to the road. “That’s right.”

He [Legger] knew the answer even before he spoke, but [ ][e]very word had to be exposed to the light. “What,” he said, “do they plan on doing to it?”

Dortz was staring straight before himself. “They’re going to kill it.”

Citation is from Death Arms, K.W. Jeter, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1987, pages 130 and 131.
Earlier in the work there is a description of Project Psyche [from page 115]. “The only thing I liked about it [Christmas] was that we got the whole day off. The lab coat brigade switched off their bullshit machines, and laid off with their dopey tests. That was OK: a whole day without having to fuck with those cards, or get those electrodes plastered all over your head. Or dick around with those little gold leaf things inside those bell jars. I always hated all that shit.”

“Because you couldn’t do any of it.” A simple, quiet statement.

He snorted. “None of us could. Well, a couple, maybe. Buddy and Rachel – they always scared the hell out of me; glad I was in a different dorm from them.” What a strange little bunch we were; he shook his head, remembering. Two dozen kids all locked up; like some surrealist version of a Victorian workhouse. With wires taped all over our foreheads, staring at some needle in a vacuum, trying to make it twitch. All for [Strezliczek – Daddy Charlie] – and his bullshit search for psychic powers.
[End citation]

I was jogging up to Bethesda one day, and a guy jogs next to me in the same direction. We get to talking, and it turns out his dad knew Allard Lowenstein – the man who brought AIDS to Africa. Lowenstein had apparently said that at every stage of its existence police plants outnumbered ordinary Negroes in the Black Panthers which I thought was pretty extraordinary considering that had supposedly been the era of street activism - now the CIA just has crack heads run cars into street festivals. Anyway, the guy went on to say that he’d worked either for the Agency or the NIH in relatively close proximity to the Agency, and well into the 1980s they’d been intensely studying psychic phenomenon. He talked about a guy absorbing an entire bathtub full of water into his body through his ***hole, but – disparaging and vaguely funny in a sarcastic way - that is actually a famous example of a CIA disinformation ploy [it is true but its deceptively bumbling or seemingly harmless].

William Barr was a CIA lawyer who I think went on to be briefly Attorney General of the United States under George H. W. Bush. A ‘semi-covert’ Agency associate named Terry Reed alleged William Barr was the Agency project executive/ head liaison with the Clintons and Asa Hutchinson when they were running cocaine through Arkansas in the 1980s and ‘90s; anyway, from there Barr went into telecommunications and has headed industry relations with the government [and Congress].

If the CIA is burning up or radiating ‘human essence’ or ‘free will’ [Jeter pages 130 and 131], I think William Barr is the guy doing it or in charge of the effort, but it backs into Hillary Clinton.

George W. Bush is going soon – Wolfowitz, Gonzales, Bush; and I don’t understand why the Senate is giving him anything now. It will be viewed as tainted, and ‘experts’ like Michael Chertoff are guiding you further into a regulatory environment which, in light of the corrupt subtext, is diminishing rather than enhancing the nation and what we stand for [or once stood for]. In sum, the book by Jeter was published in 1987 and I suspect it fairly describes the effort Barr is leading which probably was initiated in parallel to Saddam Hussein NBC or biological and chemical attacks against Kurds and Iranians.

Negroes with AIDS. It is preclusionary, and Hillary Clinton should leave the 2008 presidential race.

Talking immigration, traditionally immigrant parents did not get Social Security benefits, changed in a tie vote broken by Al Gore under Clinton in favor of giving them benefits. In return for keeping the unification option, maybe Congress should do away with awarding them Social Security benefits believing that was hastily conceived. And definitely force Bush out first.

Marine General (Reserve} who George W. Bush called back to active duty for the 'New World Order' following 9/11 just died, but the obituary disappeared out of my Washington Post [late May 2007]. Douglas O'Dell commanded the embassy interface, apparently to make sure there weren't going to be any problems in the international community as we expanded our situational dominance. Bush could have had an active duty officer do it, but then there would have been a chance they'd tell him to shove it up his ***.

Orchestration. CIA setup actually in the World Bank using World Bank staff. Jews got the presidency of the organization, and now they're trying to leverage it in trading up.

Israel is per se too wealthy to qualify for World Bank funding on its own, but the Palestinians aren't and Israel has been sucking down World Bank funding to pay for check points at which to harass the natives. True - somehow they got the World Bank to fund Israeli security services,
and a guess is that Wolfowitz also managed to fund Mossad outposts in Jewish communities elsewhere [at one time they were strong in Latin America perhaps related to their use of drug smuggling as a funding mechanism].

Now reliable indicators suggest the Wolfowitz-Ali Riza controversy is entirely manufactured and, worse yet, they have people like the senior bank staffer from New Zealand tangled up in it.

Sad day for us, but understand their product is repression on the street in Africa. Since the days of the American Israeli Allard Lowenstein, CIA for sure and a guess is World Bank similarly supports
Robert Mugabe.
Double swine.

And the VA Tech shooting was really a CIA mechanism for bringing talented 'engineering students who focused on water resources' and foreign language speakers into the Agency. You wish they were dead instead of working for the CIA. Covert.

ENRON had a water division under Rebecca Mark, and the entire industry had a bad reputation for swooping down on South American peasants and ripping them off.
Now the CIA has people with false identities ready to insert.
What swine.
What cowards.
How pathetic.
If its something you're proud of doing, you typically don't need a false identity. It comes across as childish lying.

Here comes gun control via a really duplicitous mechanism: Gun Law Pragmatism, E.J. Dionne Jr., Washington Post, April 20 2007 page A31; Koreans Aren't to Blame, Adrian Hong, same paper, same page. YES THEY ARE. All right; really they're not. It's government by Protocol of the Elders of Zion. Bush is swine, but the people who helped him in it aren't looking good either.

EMERGENCY ALERT. In the twilight of the rapidly fading Bush presidency, fear the worst. Before departing Washington for the Easter recess Bush held a question-and-answer period with media at which he misspoke or used poor grammar which they subsequently emphasized.
To David Gregory NBC: ...My concern, David, is several...
To Bill Plate CBS: ...suiciders...
To Ed Chen Bloomberg News: ...air traffickers...[which he said in lieu of airline passengers].

That event/sequence and the subsequent media coverage [Political Theater and the Critic in Chief, Dana Milbank, Washington Post, April 04 2007 page A2] is almost certainly an indicator of some kind.
Lauren Gross suggests Bush has up to four doubles which she says she saw when he [Bush] was CIA at NASA in the late 1970s, and she claims Porter Goss is in on it.

...A braided rope and brass posts kept reporters 20 feet from the president. The White House allowed only one network to videotape the event...

The verbal play - now noted as episodal - suggests an impostor was being used; perhaps even a particular impostor, though its possible or even likely the impostor does not reliably err and now has to do it by design. They kept reporters back, which may suggest visual disparity or discernable difference between the real Bush and the impostor most likely in profile.

The real question - where was Bush? Presumably off racketeering, using the impostor as a validation or confirmation point. The FEAR is that another terrorist attack is in the offing, and he was meeting with the major players - almost certainly including ties to the Jews and Israel - defining how it would play out.
If it wasn't that, it was continuity in the criminal manipulation of the markets and economy. Bush is swine - you have come to the right blogspot.

One winter late 1990s, 1200 American soldiers were killed and wrapped in plastic on a road perhaps at Benning. Bush made the point he wanted to make on September 11 2001, and anything beyond that works against him. He should just leave now.

Walter Schellenberg, man under Canaris who engineered the move of the German government into exile in 1945.

Academics are such ***holes.
Meanwhile, President Nixon viewed the worsening situation as an opportunity to demonstrate his so-called "Mad Man Theory"..... Nixon aide H.R. Haldeman later quoted how Nixon had explained the theory to him:
"I want the North Vietnamese to believe I've reached the point where I might do anything to stop the war. We'll just slip the word to them that 'For God's sake, you know, Nixon is obsessed about communism. We can't restrain him when he's angry - and he has his hand on the nuclear button....."

HEY ****head liberal, comfortable on the tenure tit with IV drip of nurture whore/comfort whore paradigm. Where do you think Nixon got that? ***hole.
Yes, in fact it turns out they just intended to let Henry Kissinger win for the rest of their lives, so they'd have something to moan about on the anti-war campus like old times. Be fashionably outspoken in their liberal agenda - any reference to Indians as a sports mascot is a crime against humanity - and very oppressive.
How about gays in the military? Lets let gays in the military. How about a signing bonus to get gays into the military - they're under-represented. All those gay people hankering to join the military. "Give me your poor, your restless" - wedged tight in the basic training chow line at the position of parade rest, the famous phrases assume much more literal meaning: "Make your buddy smile." What a bunch of ****.

Schellenberg and to a lesser extent Himmler played 'good cop' against the Nixon-Hitler lunatic figure with advanced Parkinson's and maybe syphilis to boot [now we know the Nazis started that rumor and not the Soviets as many people assumed].

You knew he was an artist - why are you surprised to discover he was an actor too?

This is the Swedish Count Bernadotte, who figured as a middleman and was later shot by the Jews in Jerusalem for his trouble [true - 1948]; now suspecting the CIA set him up for that as a sign of their sincerity and gratitude. Swine. Turns out he was fine dealing with Himmler - it was Allen Dulles, the Gentleman Spy, that took him down.

What is the bottom line truth in the matter. The Nazis had more devices than you would believe based on our own lame over-expensive and underproducing attempts. Get over it; Nagasaki was a better bomb.

The guess is that the Nagasaki bomb went out through Switzerland. These dates are somewhat tentative but look good as an initial cut.
April 13 they showed Hitler in newsreels as a hook,
April 20 Himmler met with Norbert Masur of the World Jewish Conference to work the deal for his own move into exile [they helped him - see note below],
April 21 Himmler and Schellenberg met with Bernadotte,
April 22 Schellenberg sent interned military attache Col. Vanamann over to Bern and that must have meant something probably related to the northern route - my guess is that Wolff and those guys handled the southern route on their own,
April 23 Schellenberg and Bernadotte met Flensburg; Himmler, Schellenberg, and Bernadotte met Lubeck, the Swedish government was "primarily interested in preserving the Scandinavian area from senseless destruction through a continuation of the war.... Himmler said he understood the point.... [Schellenberg],
April 24 Schellenberg brought Bernadotte to the Danish border at Flensburg and Bernadotte flew on to Stockholm,
April 25 Schellenberg ordered inmates in Danish and Norwegian concentration camps be turned over to Sweden [question - did the Nazis belatedly take any 'high value' prisoners in anticipation of this?],
April 26 Bernadotte returns Odense conceptually as private citizen whose "chief concern remained the prevention of further fighting in Norway and Denmark" [Schellenberg who met him and drove to Apenrade],

"Allied press [ ] publishe[s] an account of the matter..." which means something,

April 28 Schellenberg and Bernadotte to Lubeck; Himmler authorizes Schellenberg to arrange for Swedish internment of German forces occupying Norway, also internment of German forces occupying Denmark; Schellenberg returned Flensburg, arriving Apenrade next day.
April 29 Schellenberg lunch with Bernadotte and Ambassador Thomsen; drive to Copenhagen,
April 30 Schellenberg meeting with Dr.Best, then with Bernadotte and Herr von Post, following which Swedish Ambassador von Dardel gave lunch, Schellenberg returned Flensburg; drive to see Himmler now at Kalkhorst, near Travemuende - arriving 4:00 a.m. May 01.

Schellenberg is informed Hitler committed suicide, and Himmler went to bed at 3:00 a.m. or about an hour prior to his arrival.
My guess is that Himmler spent a long day holding a nuclear missile pointed at Stockholm, and an hour after Hitler cleared Norway he went to bed.

Of course Schellenberg writes very seriously without meaning any humor at all at least in this sequence, but he doesn't get Himmler out of bed. If there was no nuclear explosion the situation evidently worked out; Schellenberg informed Himmler and Doenitz had met April 30 - and they presumably worked the critical interface together, but at least in writing he lets the biggest moment in his professional life pass without particular note.

May 01 Schellenberg and Himmler to Ploen to see Doenitz, Schellenberg at least arranging to return Copenhagen,
May 02 Schellenberg continuing from Padborg in Denmark in Red Cross car,
May 03 Herr von Post and Herr Ostroem evacuating Copenhagen, Schellenberg returns Flensburg,
May 04 Schellenberg to Ploen to meet Doenitz, only to discover Doenitz relocated to near Flensburg [Muerwick]; Schellenberg reports to Himmler/
von Krosigk, later to Doenitz,

Schellenberg notes capitulation being held off by the truly heroic efforts of Army groups under Schoerner and Rendulic,

May 05 Schellenberg bidding farewell to Himmler in leaving for Copenhagen,
May 06 Schellenberg continuing on from Copenhagen to Malmo in Red Cross plane; Malmo to Stockholm/Broma in Swedish military plane [Schellenberg pointedly says "bomber" which may or may not have additional meaning],
Herr von Ostroem meets Schellenberg at airport, going to house of Bernadotte for talks with
Herr von Post and State Secretary BOHEMANN,
May 07 Schellenberg arranges to send team to Norwegian border conceptually to see if German command authority will work with him,
May 08 Team departs [Ambassador Thomsen] and returns; Schellenberg contacts
von Krosigk by telephone and hears Germans capitulated by declaration previous night.

Himmler went to bed April 30; in waiting until May 07 were they dispatching more boats south out of Norway [more flights out of Berlin] or were they just making sure the boats that had cleared got well away. I see another evacuation 'lift' toward the end of May or early June [Colby, in Norway as a young man before going on to head the CIA, suggests there was another lift with 'a big send off' - crews chanting in a Norwegian harbor], but the immediate week of the surrender is not as clear to me.

NOTE on the man who walked Himmler into exile. Chaim Herzog - diplomat, soldier and scholar, politician and journalist, lawyer and legislator - was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1918. The son of the Chief Rabbi of Ireland, Rabbi Isaac Halevi Herzog (who later became the second Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel), Chaim Herzog grew up in Dublin, receiving a thorough Jewish education, while attending Wesley College. He immigrated to Israel in 1935 at age 17 to study at a yeshiva (talmudic academy) and to begin the study of law.
Herzog embarked on a long career associated with military affairs. He served in the Haganah during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39. While in London to complete his law studies (1942) he joined the British army and served as an intelligence officer in the Normandy campaign and in occupied Germany....

Go ahead and hate Himmler and Heydrich, but know the Jews were in on it beginning, middle, and end. The Jews actually protect[ed] Mengele but that takes place years after this.

Ernst Udet conceptually died on 17 Nov. 1941; Werner Vati Molders, 22 Nov. 1941; Heinrich Hitler, at least conceptually captured 10 Jan. 1942 and dead a couple months later in Soviet captivity; Fritz Todt, 08 Feb 1942; Reinhardt Heydrich 04 Jun 1942. Supposing 'the cluster' of men didn't really die. I understand how Molders [Germany's top fighter pilot], Hitler [Adolf Hitler's favorite nephew], and Todt [Germany's top civil engineer] could have deployed as an 'advance party' in preparing for a 'Fourth Reich' in exile. Heydrich - of course with his reputation as an enforcer - might have been more useful in his lesser known role of fighter pilot, in which case he and Udet would presumably align behind Molders.

The alternate possibility is that the Nazis brought outside labor into exile with them and Heydrich supervised that. Vague references suggest it might have been Russians half voluntarily fleeing Stalin, but documentation - even references in media or literature - is elusive.

"If you had been a Wehrmacht soldier at the bombed-out railroad station in Poltava, a city in the Ukraine, during the summer of 1942, you may have seen a very strange-looking military unit on the march, heading for a waiting passenger train. The unit consisted of women, all of them blond and blue-eyed, between the ages of 17 and 24, tall and slender, their sensational figures encased in striking sky-blue uniforms. Each woman wore an Italian-style garrison cap, an A-line skirt with the hem below the knee, and a form-fitting jacket with the insignia of the SS. You might have thought the SS had recruited a platoon of high-class call girls, but the truth was far stranger than that. You would have been looking at Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler's latest brainstorm--the Antarctisches Seidlungensfrauen [Antarctic Settlement Women or ASF]."

So wrote Russian UFOlogist Konstantin Ivanenko, as reported in UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 9, Number 3, January 21st, 2004. Ivanenko claims that the SS’s Rasse und Seidlungshauptamt (Race and Settlement Bureau or RuSHA) was the agency responsible for selecting women for the Antarctisches Seidlungensfrauen. About half of these "recruits" were Volksdeutsch -- ethnic Germans whose ancestors had settled in the Ukraine in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. The others were native Ukrainians whom RuSHA had "upgraded" to full Aryans in a process called Eindeutschung (Germanization). [‘10,000 Ukrainians’ gets talked, perhaps suggesting an element of CIA orchestration. “Station 211” is a possible designator].

The Ivanenko statement is used to lead into a so-called ‘Stargate’ paradigm, or ability to travel between worlds. We don’t know how immediate that would be, but of course the possibility suggests an alien interface with the Nazis.
Even with direction, it might take hundreds or thousands of tries before what Einstein conceptualized as a ‘wormhole connection’ is made to another Stargate, and not every Stargate is on a world capable of supporting life.

[Possible CIA media interface on the web]. Most of the worlds capable of supporting life seem to be inhabited by a human or alien culture. The exceptions tend to be uninhabited for a reason. They might be geologically unstable, lack enough water, be too close to a black hole, or pose some other danger to anyone on the surface. Assume the Nazis got lucky. Their world is safe for long term human habitation or a world with a pre-industrial human culture that has no contact with any of the various alien races. The native population might number in the thousands. Most of them make a living by growing crops, perhaps with a few specialists such as blacksmiths. How the Nazis would treat the natives might depend on the ethnic background of the natives. Anything other than an ‘Aryan’ population might be subjugated. Such a population would be a good resource in aid of the larger characters, especially if they were able to set up some kind of resistance movement.

As Ivanenko suggested, the Nazi definition of "Aryan" changed considerably over the course of WWII. Their Imperial Japanese allies were embraced as Aryans of a sort. Even the fanatical Waffen SS units were recruiting non-Germans by 1943, including Russian POWs. The Nazis were not above redefining their beliefs for pragmatic reasons and the realities of a small population supporting a growing industrial base might force them to do so. On the other hand, a die-hard SS commander might order the native population worked to death regardless of other factors.
The latter of course would be Reinhard Heydrich, but again the implication is that we’re going full bore into the scenario in suggesting the Nazis had a Stargate capability almost immediately on their arrival in Antarctica and were anticipating the subjugation of another culture from mid-1942.

Every man should respect raw intelligence. Most men respect clear organization, the capacity for unified action, and precision. This is not a good situation - forced labor is not pleasant under any circumstances, and backed by physical beatings and starvation it is particularly bad. From the vantage point of the World War II German, however, the difference between two such men might be 'the daring' or the conceptualization of a schedule or path to their end goal.

"In this connection I recall a conversation with Himmler. It was 1942, and I had just reported on our attempts to negotiate a peace between Japan and China. Hitler's original conception had been to create, with the help of Britain, a so-called "Eurafrican Space," which was to be built up as the center of resistance against the East. Finally, after 1940, recognizing Britain's refusal to reach a compromise, he transformed this conception into that of the so-called "Eurasian Space." Walter Schellenberg, The Labyrinth; Memoirs of [ ] Hitler's Chief of Counterintelligence, DA CAPO Press, 1956/1984.

Again, that citation might suggest an alien interface, with Himmler party to it and Schellenberg on the edge.

Photographs side-by-side, Todt looks like the engineer and Speer an ordinary man apparently smart enough to step back and let Werner Heisenberg make the schedule to the bomb.

1. Albert Speer met General Friedrich Fromm for lunch at Horcher's in late April 1942. Fromm said they needed a new weapon [Wunderwaffen].
2. A meeting on nuclear weapons development was held 04 June 1942 at Harnack House.
3. Speer reported on the possibility of nuclear weapons development in meeting with Hitler on 23 June 1942 [15th item on the agenda].
4. Photograph [series] is of SS Leader Himmler inspecting facility construction in Monowitz Poland on 16 and 17 July 1942.

Also in the Spring of 1942, the Germans placed a triple agent with the FBI in New York City [Alfred Meiler/Walther Kohler], who "engaged in a complex Funkspiel or 'radio game' with his German handlers" described below.

Beyond the construction the Germans were busy in it.

End of the day, I think SUNRISE or the conceptual surrender of German troops in Northern Italy was really the mechanism by which the Germans [certainly including SS Captain Guido Zimmer, SS Colonel Eugen Dollmann, and SS General Karl Wolff] smuggled at least ONE finished weapon over to Allen Dulles in Switzerland and on to the United States who subsequently dropped it on Nagasaki.

The really interesting thing is that they must have had more than one [their deal with Dulles was presumably based on their making more than one]; indeed, its possible German production significantly surpassed American production which limped along with only a single finished weapon and demonstrator engineering device in the summer of 1945.
Who knew? Roosevelt and Stimson for sure, almost certainly Eisenhower which is why he kept the Dulles brothers in place when he was president, maybe Bradley. Churchill and de Gaulle, but apparently they never told Truman and definitely not men like Patten.
Heisenberg visited Krakow in November or early December of 1943, presumably either solving a final problem or watching production begin with an eye on the purity of the output which apparently exceeded all expectations; one of his students [Erich Bagge] perfected the isolation/separation method for the Germans. That is pretty funny; for all you hear of the Manhattan Project, the Germans killed us in production - truly an engineering triumph.

The German Atomic Bomb, David Irving, Da Capo, 1967 [Simon & Schuster] at page 284. Bagge's proto-type apparatus for separating uranium-235 had been set up, together with a similar machine designed by the young Dr. Korsching, in a room of the Grotz building; it was running so well that its isotope-separation factor for a single stage was about four times better than for a single stage of the gaseous diffusion adopted by the Americans.
His "isotope sluice" had had a checkered career; twice bombed out in Berlin, and three times evacuated, it had begun its final trials only in those last few days. The ugly bottles of uranium hexafluoride had been sent across by the I.G. Farben firm, and experiments were about to begin....

In fact it now looks like that excerpt isn't entirely true, though I have a tough time quantifying how much material the Germans did have. If the Nagasaki bomb was German of course they had all that and more, assuming they didn't give their only device to the Americans and didn't even put all their eggs in one basket [would that be a matter of evacuating capability on different U-Boats, or evacuating partially by air and partially by boat].

Also of interest. In 1941 Werner Heisenberg offered Niels Bohr a deal to avert the bomb. Bohr turned him down. Six months later Heisenberg knew he was lucky Bohr had. The Germans made subsequent offers though, and now it isn't clear if those were 'disinformation' or meant to be misleading.

The American people think of Vietnam as having been a very dirty war, but World War II was certainly no less corrupt. My father nearly had his feet frozen off in the so-called 'Battle of the Bulge,' but really that whole German offensive turns out to have been an orchestrated pre-CIA adjudication mechanism allowing the Nazi government to bargain for their survival and perpetuate situational dominance.

To the extent the Jews were in on that, the situation can't help but undermine the conceptual Holocaust Imperative. "Never Again" my ass - "On Schedule" is more like it. AIDS, stealing the wealth of the Palestinians in the Intifada[s], bombing Lebanon, racketeering in Iraq including with Iran - all of this has gone too far.

Widely misunderstood, Hitler actually was a wounded soldier which virtually nobody denies. Our Veterans Administration has impossible regulations trapping really crippled soldiers in a bureaucratic nightmare. That isn't our Generals. That is the Bush Administration, it may also be a CIA plan, and knowing he is conspiring with people he otherwise calls "terrorists" to cripple our soldiers in the first place, I do not know how anybody can respect George Bush.

Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg once stated that "The Dulles brothers were traitors." Some historians believe that Allen Dulles became head of the newly formed CIA in large part to cover up his treasonous behavior and that of his clients. Christian Dewar, Making a Killing

Just before his death, James Jesus Angleton, the legendary chief of counterintelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency, was a bitter man. He felt betrayed by the people he had worked for all his life. In the end, he had come to realize that they were never really interested in American ideals of "freedom" and "democracy." They really only wanted "absolute power."
Angleton told author Joseph Trento that the reason he had gotten the counterintelligence job in the first place was by agreeing not to submit "sixty of Allen Dulles' closest friends" to a polygraph test concerning their business deals with the Nazis. In his end-of-life despair, Angleton assumed that he would see all his old companions again "in hell." Michael Hasty, Paranoid Shift

Citations off the Cory Panshin website, the larger situation is somewhat more complex than that but the treason of the Dulles brothers is clear.

Werner Heisenberg arrived in Zurich to see his old friend Paul Scherrer within a day or two of the onset of the last great German offensive of World War II.
....Chance and Paul Scherrer's invitation brought Heisenberg to Zurich that day, when Rundstedt looked unstoppable.... With him was his friend Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker [who's father was then German ambassador to the Vatican separately linked to Allen Dulles]. The two men thought of themselves as physicists come to talk physics; they traveled with no aides or bodyguards, carried their own luggage, stayed in an ordinary hotel, made no secret to Swiss friends of where they were living and working. Heisenberg's War, Thomas Powers 1993 at page 394.

During his visit to Zurich in December 1944 a rumor circulated that the physicist [Heisenberg] had come with a political purpose - perhaps to float some kind of "peace feelers." The details of his coming and going, like the original invitation itself, have been lost.... But there is evidence enough to assemble the skeleton of his visit:
the OSS knew of it from Scherrer as early as October, perhaps sooner;
Heisenberg wrote Scherrer in late November 1944 to say he would be coming about December 15 [essentially dating the Bulge Offensive],
he spoke at the physics seminar on December 18;
he had dinner one evening at Scherrer's home, probably on the 23rd,
and he left Zurich in time to spend Christmas with his family in Urfeld. [Powers at 395]

....Finally, Heisenberg told Scherrer that a month earlier [November 1944] the chief of German nuclear research, Walther Gerlach, had suffered a "nervous breakdown." Did Scherrer trust Heisenberg? The best answer is that he did - after the visit of December 1944. [Powers 397].

The ULTIMATE success of the German nuclear program must have been keeping it secret from Walther Gerlach, unless his 'breakdown' really was a case of the last minute jitters. But as for the Dulles brothers? Swine. Our admiration for the Germans grows commensurate to their disgrace and increasingly apparent weaknesses.

An insight into the relationship between what was then the pre-CIA OSS and FBI: Spring of 1942 the Germans placed a conceptual agent in New York [Alfred Meiler/Walther Kohler] by having him 'blow his cover' to an American diplomat in Madrid. FBI held him and played him, thinking they were using him as a double agent. "He engaged in a complex Funkspiel or 'radio game' with his German handlers, sending several hundred messages over two years to Hamburg"....
Usually difficult to see given movement patterns and an inability to control exactly what happens at meetings or in a travel sequence, this is a rare 'pure' or classic example of a triple agent which can be otherwise hard to describe. In fact the guy was using the FBI to get misleading information into the structure of American government and the OSS [for that matter Leslie Groves] must have known that by 1943, but there is no indication they ever told J. Edgar Hoover in Hoover's reports to Roosevelt.
Murdered or anyway dying just before Watergate, we hugely respect and pay tribute to Hoover who appears to have done both an excellent job and his best to protect the American people - unless you did expect him to have to spy within the American government to obtain information on nuclear physics for example [which they should have given him if they did expect him to catch the rat]. CIA has always manipulated 'in-house' or anyway intergovernmental communication to suit their own ends - **** 'em now.

Tony Garippo has been apprehended in collusion with the Jew. Most likely Schiff, the alternately celebrated-joyous expansive and loathsomely venereal Toad of Toad Hall. Oh they are swine. Dating back to the New York days; if you want to 'go that road' you should have gone that road. Swine. Never stand with the friend of a Jew to your rear, because they will kill you to advance the friend no questions asked.

What is funny - we've pulled troops from South Korea, leaving them essentially naked in the face of a true 'rouge' nation threat were you to take Bush seriously. They launched their big missile on the 4th of July and blew it up thirty or forty seconds into the flight after showing us they could do it, and they 'in concept' blew off a nuclear warhead but we weren't sure they had and probably still aren't - its adjudicated half steps with the Chinese right behind them, and really the relationship with North Korea appears to be right about where we want it to be.

I don't like CIA Bill Richardson sniffing around.

If you want to be scared, know the Chinese let the North Korean activity go on understanding it will trigger calls for militarization in Japan which I mostly oppose. I recommend in-flight refueling - Japan should retrofit their commercial air fleet for in-flight refueling, and reorganize their army reserve into a capable force that trains people in applicable skills, promotes people to appropriate leadership positions, holds units together at suitable levels of readiness, and discharges people in a timely manner into a secondary 'inactive' reserve though the days of a large Japanese ground army are probably gone. Have the Japanese ever trained with the South Koreans - well, they should have an agenda of things they'd like to do if the opportunity presented itself - if the North Koreans ever threaten them with a missile again. Exactly what would they do together? In-flight refuel. It isn't easy to oppose that as militarization, but it is a critical capability I bet the Chinese would take note of.

Israel on the other hand is hugely stronger than all of its neighbors combined, and it instigates acts of conceptual terrorism to destabilize the region on purpose and get its own way. The government in Iran is the Richard Helms/Henry Kissinger government of the mid to late 1970s. Can't get much more of a fix than Richard Helms's personal attention and residency. These Jews - what do they want?

As the 'multicultural genderneutral interracial highend thin-band upper-class RULING ELITE in black SUV technocrat NGO or nonspecific government but certainly regulated government' advocacy roams the globe, corrupting political systems in the installation of women and criminal organizational structures with nothing now standing in their way.

Instead of cheating the system at the behest of the CIA and diminishing ourselves in front of the world, how about we play by the rules and bring an Italian man in at the top? How about that?

Which the United States has never done before.

Try the Constitution. Well it turns out you can't try an Italian man exactly because the first chance he gets the Italian man will run out and collude with the Jews. That sounds like a one line joke, but it blows our whole national effort in the Middle East to smithereens for crying out loud. People take that racketeering very seriously, and we're working too hard to screw around in it.

We want Fair Trade - not Free Trade. And getting there is harder than it looks; CIA very overtly picked Putin and Hu Jintao - now we figure out they chose to attack in Japan as Clinton and Kantor were working toward an overview trade policy, and the CIA attack essentially diminished Murayama through the backdoor and set the stage for continuity in LDP rule.
Trying to stop it, Clinton held Murayama up effectively as a straw man, and the CIA/Kokka Koan iin kai/LDP alliance clobbered the crap out of him.

Her campaign for the presidency is nothing to write home about if she hasn't figured that out yet. What should she do? Articulating the problem will be a significant part of the solution.

Whether or not the Japanese were our largest trading partner across the mid1990s they certainly got the most attention, and now - continuing today February 2007 - instead of talking with all the lights and microphones on her [does anybody doubt she can flash press right now?] HILLARY Clinton is goading what has become a 'unified Asian surveillance and threat mechanism' to compete for situational dominance in Washington D.C. And they love that. Its their bread and butter. They conspire with her.

At best perhaps a way to assert their conceptually special capabilities or plain relevance, the CIA or whoever - her private surveillance mechanisms - literally instigates ground activities. At worst her people are racketeering in civil court processes and trying to sour a case immediately at the bar. Reading this somewhere else you may get the impression there's not a lot going on in some of these government offices here in Washington D.C., with your jobs going overseas and smirking Asians pitching these chumps in 'special relationships' and deference to cultural abstractions. Swine.

What does peace in the Middle East really look like.
We still have East Jerusalem [red] and Israeli activity along the border [blue] to work. Do you want the King of Jordan to put a line of troops in East Jerusalem[?]; ending the activity/check points blah blah blah that isn't now behind the wall is probably a lesser question. Make them cease all the activity and pull their stuff or leave it [maybe rent it as an absent owner], and in some locations the wall itself needs to be revisited.

I think the tunnel between Gaza and the West Bank is half a mile down - even if somebody did smuggle pretty darn big nukes into the tunnel a blast would only crater the surface. The highway needs to be at least four lane divided - maybe six lanes divided, as you can see 'internationalizing' the Golan Heights.
The Jews built their wall, and now they have to live behind it.
Hamas, Jewish tool 'the Israelis now don't want to acknowledge' [blatant ever since Efraim Halevy was placing leadership via attacks undermining the King of Jordan] never recognizes Israel's 'right to exist.' They just promise that NOTHING goes over the wall, and the Israelis promise NOTHING - not radiation, not commercial manipulation - comes out.
The old Mayor Daley scheme for segregating neighborhoods using highways, and no Palestinian is ever more than an hour from the seashore. Bus in the morning for the children. Big damn highway with express lanes. Seashore. Tyre.

Everybody knows the government killed Martin Luther King. If you want to be contemptuous of the American people go ahead - if the CIA killed King, of course they controlled the riots and burn pattern afterwards which further divided the neighborhoods. Straight on. No doubt.
A. So-called 'Devil's Night' or the burning in Detroit before Halloween. Was that done in anticipation of CIA attacks on the auto industry [Kirk Kerkorian at GM and now Alan Mullaly from Boeing sending Ford manufacturing overseas]. That burning might have been/probably was CIA, and like a bunch of little kids the ghetto hoods eagerly joined in on it never realizing they were slitting their own throats.
B. Rodney King. Did they stack a jury in anticipation of the rioting. Supposing they did, some though not all of the burning and destruction must have been targeted.
Is it possible to 'reverse engineer' what their targets were?
Did they deliberately stage the truck driver getting pulled out of the cab and spiked in the head? Painful to watch.
Did they otherwise use news cameras to mitigate the unintended effects of the rioting, diminishing that which they didn't want while permitting that which they did. Its an interesting situation [these are interesting questions], but they don't automatically enhance your respect for the mass of people who were pretty apparently manipulated. There was talk at least in LA - maybe Detroit - about upper middle class people acquiring hand guns which I support, but really you're doing that in opposition to the CIA and their plume of criminal activity [it actually is a pure Second Amendment application] which most people don't understand.

In a bigger picture, where do you think that came from? Unfortunate, the manipulation has so favored the Israelis we have to just end it in the Middle East. The idea is to clearly divide neighborhoods and ultimately remove the possibility of fighting.

No doubt, the economy in Ireland and people with jobs broke down the IRA, the British police never did. They're not holding Palestinian tax receipts - when they're serious about peace, the Jews will be slipping a little extra in but there is no fairy tale with happy endings. Disarm? Why would you disarm? Baghdad or Beirut [CIA riots in LA] - you just want people to stop killing each other.

Would it help the Middle East to have Syrians and Jordanian military guys breezing around in white Jeep Wranglers with the tops down. Jaunty. As they also deal with the Iraqi refugee problem on their other border.
Tony Garippo WAS going to work exactly those issues with the American ambassador - our guy on the ground, a 20-something year Air Force vet fluent in Arabic maxed out at E-9 running a contracting section who has essentially done this same type of thing before.
I theorize that if you really want to impact Iran, start buying custom handmade Iranian carpets in big sizes. 9x14. Those things must be incredibly labor intensive. Retail you can get them for about six grand, and a Ford Ranger costs about eighteen grand. Is it possible to swap a new Ford Ranger for three carpets, essentially setting up small Ford dealerships/truck rental franchises in the Kurdish area of Iran[?]. Questions remain.

BUT right off the bat Tony Garippo goes off colluding with the Jews. Put a match in gasoline. Blair is out, and Bush is out too. They are out, and no - its not half steps after that. Lives, fortunes, and sacred honor - people have too much at stake to play little kid games. How much trouble are the Jews in? Lebanon last summer was not helpful and people are pissed off about it. I can't tell if it immediately pissed off the New York Jews, or if it pissed off the Europeans and their rage at the betrayal is now having an impact on the New York Jews.

Israel is now the obstacle, back-dated at least to the Intifada which effectively confiscated Palestinian middle class wealth.

Let us talk reality. There is no combination of air forces in the Middle East which the United States cannot fly through to resupply Israel in the event of war. Thirteen aircraft carrier groups. We can probably outnumber never mind outgun them, plus we bring formidable anti-aircraft capabilities to the region, some of which we've already given Israel.
Get whatever munitions we have in Israel OUT.
Remove the munitions.
Whatever wasn't dropped on Lebanon last summer - get it OUT NOW.
With some legitimacy, uninvolved and certainly targeted parties can claim the United States was behind the bombing of Lebanon last summer,
and its a fair bet the Mossad and CIA arranged the border incidents and kidnapping of the two soldiers to being with. Sure thing if they're implanted with neuroprosthetics or other radiation-based technologies.

Northrop M2-F3, testing the "behavior of wingless aircraft at speeds of up to Mach 1.61 and altitudes of 22,000 meters [73,000 feet]."
In this version anyway launched in flight from a B52 bomber; 16 flights from July 1966 to May 10, 1967 when it crashed, following which it was rebuilt and flown 27 more times until being retired in Dec. 1972.

Only it wasn't exactly 'retired.'

Evidence Points To Secret U.S. Spy Plane, Roy J. Harris Jr., Wall Street Journal 04 Dec 1992 page B6.
[subtitled] Magazine Suggests Aircraft Has Flown Mach 8 [5,280 mph] For Years on LIQUID METHANE, triangulating on taking SR-71 out of service [SR-71 Mach 3.3 or 2,193 mph] and an unexplained budget line item in 1984.
With 'Scramjet,' NASA Shoots For Mach 10, Guy Gugliotta, Washington Post, Nov 10 2004 page A1.
NASA X-43A at 110,000 ft above the Pacific at Mach 10 or 7,200 mph on HYDROGEN. Scramjet is supersonic combustion ramjet, meaning it takes oxygen from the atmosphere rather than carrying it like a rocket.
My notes say "Pegasus rocket booster,' but it is[was] experimental and I thought it actually launched as a parasite off a B-52 in flight.

Pictured is the M2-F2 to M2-F3 evolution, with the 'six million dollar man' crash in the middle [apparently the film of what was at least conceptually an 'accidental' crash was used in the t.v. show]. Remember when $6 million dollars seemed like an enormous amount of money[?].
Span 2.9 m [9ft 7in]
Length 6.8 m [22ft 2in]
Height 2.5 m [8ft 9in]
Weight 4,500 kg [10,000lbs]

1. An induced image sequence featured units much like this only quite a bit LONGER. Tough to estimate how long; they [the ones I saw] were painted a uniform deep Army green. I don't remember what the tail configuration looked like.
2. The only serious or viable parasite/drone fighter/bomber or 'in flight vehicle launch' research that I ever heard of was undertaken by the Nazis in preparation for their evacuation to the South Pole. Is this - or the longer modern vehicle I 'saw' - at least equivalent to what they developed[?].

Has the jury reached a decision on so-called 'composite' skin[?]. Boeing JSF had a multi-layer fiberglass 'batwing' made in kind of a monolithic pour process. Of course they didn't get the job.
Inside tip - flying saucers at the South Pole do feature at least fiberglass-like if not true composite skin, so the issue isn't going to go away but on the other hand it wasn't clear to me the saucer I saw was intended to batter through a highstress environment.

12 Feb 2007
Cheating in sports may be the most shocking thing [all right, slaughtering the Amish school girls was the most shocking but it wasn't common while cheating in professional sports is pervasive and they have safeguards you assume to prevent it rather than enhance it], and killing people with AIDS is probably the saddest thing [because it is both hugely unfortunate and widespread], but getting the CIA out of the economy is going to be the most important thing facing government once George W. Bush is removed from office.
1. The industry takes great pride in saying the majority of Americans own stock or are involved in the stock market including through mutual funds.
2. Before Reagan, a couple companies used to re-state earnings every year - by the end of his administration, hundreds of companies a year were doing it.
3. [The] Non-scandal of CEO pay, Rich Lowry, Washington Times, February 7 2007 page A15. As the Economist magazine puts it, CEOs had been paid like bureaucrats; now they are paid like entrepreneurs.... New York University finance professor Roy C. Smith points out that in the second half of the 1980s, 25 percent of the mergers were hostile takeovers. In the 1990s, such takeovers declined significantly. "One reason?" he writes. "There were fewer under-performing companies remaining"..... [T]he National Bureau of Economic Research argues, "The sixfold increase of CEO pay between 1980 and 2003 can be fully attributed to the sixfold increase in market capitalization of large U.S. companies during that period."

Are those three points related, and to what extent were[are] they CIA-instigated[?]. We aren't going to feign naivety, are we? - or put another way, we can't credibly feign naivety. I don't think the market is significantly overvalued, but I think it would have been if Social Security was privatized [which I very much opposed].

Quickest fix might be to tie executive compensation to dividend rather than valuation, but it will also be necessary to see if they made money available under Reagan after choking the supply back under Carter. Did big merger guys have CIA designators - did the CIA make money in what appears to have been a unification process[?].

Among professionals, how did Bush really justify his privatization scheme[?]. He didn't say the market was undercapitalized, did he? He just said the executives would get more pay. I have wondered if these big value companies will be able to consistently produce the cash in dividend – I encourage people to own stocks, but you shouldn't have to sell them to make money. Does talking about this equate to saying the emperor - or the decider as the case may be - isn't wearing any clothes?

The second most important thing and a related step is figuring out what the CIA has done in civil and criminal law, and then figuring out how to mitigate that. Department of State v. Washington Post Co., 456 U.S. 596. In September 1979, respondent Washington Post Co. filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552, requesting certain documents from petitioner United States Department of State. The subject of the request was defined as "documents indicating whether Dr. Ali Behzadnia and Dr. Ibrahim Yazdi ... hold valid U.S. passports"..... Petitioners' affidavit, from the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, explained that both Behzadnia and Yazdi were prominent figures in Iran's Revolutionary Government and that compliance with respondent's request would "cause a real threat of physical harm" to both men [at 597].

In other words, those people over there who Bush is threatening to attack may very well be CIA from the Helms-era now thirty-something years ago and you still can't ask about it even as he lines the bombers up and maybe sends them across the border with or without your permission. How do you know Bush didn't coordinate arresting the Iranians with Hezbollah before he did it; hell, for all you know they had a two day conference, the upshot of which was putting choice Iranians exactly where Bush needed them to be.
But again, the foreign policy aspect of that is trivial next to the domestic economy and what effectively is a regulatory mechanism.
Was the little old lady who sued over McDonalds coffee being too hot CIA-orchestrated[?].
Was that down in New Mexico[?], well, even if it was that would have happened long before CIA executive Bill Richardson ran for governor so it probably was not related. The case led to all kinds of preventive activity and effectively represents a regulatory regime - to the point where some schools don't let kids run on playgrounds.
Perhaps more widespread in targeting a single industry, my guess is that they - the CIA - decided to knock medical specialties out of some areas, and the question is whether they were consistent in using tort lawyers to do it, or, perhaps more likely, they undertook to instigate the accident or conceptual 'mal-practice' to begin with, then deployed the lawyer, worked to get it in front of a hostile judge, and ultimately stacked the jury on a case-by-case basis, acting where they saw opportunity. Throw in some media manipulation and threatening looks at the regional insurance authorities. Would a state be able to counterattack against automobile insurance companies, telling them that if they want to sell auto insurance in the state they also have to offer medical malpractice or participate in some kind of malpractice pool coverage?

It kind of goes without say that if you can get Bush out nobody else is going to invade Iran - so Joe Lieberman fights for Bush, but as our guys are emptying out of Iraq we need to bring our Vietnam-era POWs home from Southeast Asia. The abandoned/infected/rejected - that effort was not helped by people kissing Henry Kissinger's ass when he came to testify. I speculate he and George W. Bush dye their hair white - they enjoy racketeering too much to go naturally gray so they age it. Bring the POWs home. Understand mitigating CIA penetration of the economy will be iterative, and its important to plan for a sustained effort. Force Bush out. Andrew Bestor

13 Feb 2007
Returning to the question - is the market undercapitalized? No. If the companies can't make dividend its the opposite - overvalued - but that really is a matter of bringing them back to 'the dividend habit.' If Bush had privatized Social Security [an idea first floated under Clinton and Rubin], where was the money going to go? I think it was intended to go into foreign companies - they were going to try to internationalize the New York Stock Exchange on your Social Security.
Is Senator Clinton talking this on the campaign trail?

Is that why Senator Clinton wanted to represent New York in the first place?
East Coast / West Coast urbanization with flyover paradigm be damned - they're going hogs to the trough New World Order in the markets. Long before the emerging economies can meet the requirements [bribery significantly outweighs taxes in Mexico, a truly optimal paradigm for the usage-based neocon economist] and as our own SEC heads to obscurity with the questioning - and bust - on Martha Stewart as their last great claim to fame. She is a pretty sharp lady, caught doing a pretty stupid thing. That was a setup, wasn't it? So they boosted her stock up front and sold it short or something, but made her one of the richest women in the United States for a year or two? I don't doubt she was hitting people - landscapers - with cars; being a tool in a CIA fundraising structure is probably a nerve wracking experience.

With George W. Little Kid and his privatized Social Security - that was people's retirement. What an ***hole. That was old people saving and trusting in the system.

Is there any backdoor tax this guy won't seize and take to the fullest extent possible? This big government, intrusive government, backdoor taxing government maniac - with Senator Clinton kind of peripherally in the picture as the if they had been planning to internationalize the New York Stock Market which we don't know for certain but if politician appealing to the nurture whore / crisis whore paradigm Bush alienated? With each of them speaking to 'faith'; the now totally discredited faith arguments of pirates drunk in a blood-lust power lineage rampage.
American people buy Japanese cars - its a free country.
American automobile manufacturers racketeering in planned obsolescence and crappy designs - as Bush sought to privatize the Social Security by funneling money into the stock market and all the old people who own shares in automotive [never mind people with healthcare from those companies] hoping Ford and GM were going to have hit models this year. What an ***hole the guy is.

New CEO from Boeing is going to send Ford manufacturing overseas as Toyota sets up in America making pickup trucks which is a market they never used to compete in - isn't that cute? Isn't that just multi-ethnic and gender neutral and warm? And you wanted old people to put their Social Security money in that? You let Bush speak of it and you didn't immediately ridicule him on national television? You get campaign donations, but haven't forced him out yet?

On the anniversary of the Golden Dome shrine bombing [Samarra], Baghdad car bombs kill 80, The Examiner, Feb 13 2007 page 17. Bush and everybody in on that are swine.
What should we do? After blood-purging the CIA; literally getting Army torturers to make them stand outside naked at night with sections of 50 USC 401 et seq. rudely shoved up their ass - after that?
Air Force is talking about in-flight refueling as their highest priority. It may be their most immediate need but I don't think it is their highest priority. A hundred twenty odd high tech spy planes maybe at Ellsworth [the so-called Aurora] have a stunning high speed capability beyond what petroleum-based fuel mixtures can be optimized to provide, and I would bet big in tech. I would not build the Joint Strike Fighter, because its a 'jack of all trades and master of none' airplane, but redesign a whole new fighter program even though the F-16 and F-18 are still leading edge.

Have the Air Force mod late model used commercial planes for in-flight refueling and for an interim weapons platform as we look at the next generation bomber which may still be twenty years out, but really focus on an entirely new paradigm in air and space. That may or may not be the most immediate need, but it is the highest priority. We're a nation of the future - we aren't suppose to be a nation of 'CIA-fixed stock markets.'

It is shameful that civilians conceptually had a 'space plane' before the military [though I hear or rather 'see' that wasn't the case in reality; one of the supposed 'test bed' units at National Air & Space Museum represents a successful configuration in at least limited service]. Rome rotted from the inside out; we got new sidewalks on Capital Hill as the school boilers burst. Is the CIA screwing the public schools here in Washington D.C.? Make them stand outside naked at night [publicly identify them, stop what they're doing, get rid of them], but beyond that we have to move passed it. Bush is Old World Order and corruption oriented. Force him out, but really we should have run him over by now or brushed him aside in moving forward full speed ahead.
Andrew Bestor

Word has it the Air Force doesn't want to do the tanker mods in-house, and certainly not at Tinker. I would open an alternate repair/mod facility in North Dakota or Great Falls Montana. Keep the big airframes out there. Pendulum has swung out too far to the contractors and the military needs to start doing some of their own work. Their ability - and willingness - to do that will bring down prices; they could order packetized systems and assemble their own fighters for instance [eighteen United Auto Workers in a California hanger assembled the Boeing JSF demos - paperless. Entirely off p.c. screens]. We don't need the big contractors to do assembly. We should move work out to the Dakotas and Western Nebraska / Eastern Montana trying to mitigate a potential alien issue, and the Air Force will be at that interface anyway. So its a mod shop and maybe not immediately a fighter unit[s].

Save/spend the big money on the real meal - the technology is what will make or break you. Inflight refueling you have to have but only its absence is going to win or lose a war for you [overstating the case - there's probably a whole science to fuel allocation and strategizing].

All right, you have the mod shop. You're looking at a weapons platform [maybe a 777 airframe with pressurized ejection port and rotary storage for cruise missiles], and you're feeding inflight refueling mods through as budget allows.
Use this to resource level the cyclical budget process. Got a little cash - see a late model/low cycle 757/767 cheap in an airline reorganization? Things get slow - drop guys down to Tinker. Could suppliers support two hangers/eight to ten mods a year? Tinker is going to oppose it, fearing a drain on them but I argue the opposite - I would not increase the size of the Marine Corps over Iraq and Afghanistan but I would definitely increase the maintenance MOS numbers in the Air Force as a mechanism for fighting the contractor pricing down. A lot of that is attitude - make them know you can do it and have guys eager to do it. Sure there's some promotion slots. Eighteen United Auto Workers assembling the JSF. Two squads of guys in a barn? You're crazy if you don't do it.

Marines need something to replace the Harrier. Well, they might want Marines to assemble a couple planes as a start-to-finish Marine event. These United Auto Workers were competent mechanics and their lead guys may have been 'pick' but it wasn't a special team endlessly trained in the particular airframe [which hadn't existed until Boeing just invented it anyway] and there was no paper. It was off a computer screen. That actually is a fairly immediate need - what are you going to do for the Marines if you don't go JSF? Do they like JSF - can they buy new Harriers cheaper as an interim step? They must have the STOVL JSF; part of the attraction probably is them just wanting to get the hell away from Harriers.

Inflight refueling mods as you go; watch the airlines try to target sales by bribing procurement officers.

I very much oppose the so-called 're-militarization' of Japan, but when I was over there 1992~1996 the situation was chaotic and needed some kind of organization.
The Kobe earthquake relief was not handled very well; the disaster was just smaller than Katrina and the Japanese wanted to get back up again as opposed to being kept flat by government orchestration as happened to New Orleans. National Guard American years ago [under Reagan] meets a Japanese 'reservist.' Electrical foreman running a gang on a construction site wasn't an NCO after twenty something years, and all they did was meet for a weekend in the summer for rifle practice and a few formations [instruction in something]. And they had drinking.
The days of a large Japanese ground Army are past - what they need are fighters to defend the islands and inflight refueling capability, the latter point being very difficult for the Chinese to oppose.

How concerned are the Japanese about Taiwan? Why decide now - some of their commercial planes maybe on that route just have an inflight refueling capability is all.
Realistically we probably don't need as much capability as we have for ourselves - the issue is Taiwan and to a lesser extent South Korea.
North Korea test fires another missile? One of the Japanese airlines has the largest 767 fleet in the world. One of their planes departs from a scheduled flight plan and refuels a couple of fighters over the Sea of Japan. Maybe they refuel South Korean fighters. No big deal.
[In a very calculated or deliberate move, Britain never gave Hong Kong the vote. Taking the reverse approach, I would ask Taiwan to enact Social Security legislation and make the mainland try to match it].
Retrofit a couple Israeli El Al airframes for inflight refueling if you want, but they are on my ****[dirt] list at the moment.

I also argue we should optimize our refueling fleet anyway - the 767 frame may be necessary some of the time, but most of the time I bet you could fly a smaller plane/capability. Make it a blended fleet of wide body and narrow body - stick with a Boeing cockpit and let guys train up to be certified for the range of planes.
Very few Army guys or Marines leave the service and continue doing exactly what they did on the inside with similar if not identical responsibilities and authorities, but Air Force pilots do. Should we significantly step up our 'deployed reserve' activity in the United States, renting gates at some of the smaller civilian airports, buying commercial fuel at some standard government rate, and having them takeoff on refueling missions or military transport missions? Literally switch your hat? Thinking out loud is what a blogspot is for.

Kobe Bryant spotted Gilbert Arenas 60 points in December [Wizard all-time franchise high], setting up the rematch in Washington D.C. and a potential longterm box office draw. CHEATING. 'Pathetic' is a good word - 'hollow' is another. Can't you get thrown out of professional basketball for doing that? 'Black Sox' be damned, ol' Shoeless Joe Jackson lives and plays hoop for the Lakers. When he's not playing baseball for the Yankees, who equally shamelessly threw a game to the Nationals last summer. Honest competition is the essence of success - these people are all high end socialists with big money agents papering over the 'legalities' implicit in our understanding of the game. It isn't trivial - they're flushing our society down the tubes? Who 'they'? Exactly who?

Philip Anschutz controlled a railroad [Union Pacific].
He started installing fiber-optic line along the railroad right of way[s] and called it Qwest[ongoing from 1996-1998].
I bought shares, and got slammed when the price crashed.
In September 2004 the Navy dismantled their antenna system at Clam Lake Wisc. and Gwinn Mich. which they had used for communicating with submarines.
In January 2007 I met an American soldier who served in Iraq at an anti-war demonstration. He was in communications, I started talking about the old PRC-77 from years ago when I was in, and he said they've gone commercial. Fiber-optic. In fact some deployed soldiers wished they'd kept the radios as backup because the satellite infrastructure was not entirely in place.
Does the Navy now communicate with submarines off the Qwest network of fiber-optic cables, is the stock artificially under-valued, and did I get caught in a CIA pump-and-dump scheme, encouraged to buy and hold shares as they pulled money out much as Ken Lay apparently got caught at Enron?

Were they able to orchestrate media in support of the pump-and-dump, if that is what it was? How long does Mr. Anschutz expect me to have a sense of humor about this? What contracts do they have beyond the Navy[76 Hz or very low frequency]; is there some application in space? Is Mr. Anschutz - a wealthy man - planning on discussing these emergent issues with shareholders who might be less immediately wealthy?

In fact the situation is much worse than just the technology issue or stock manipulation [bad as that is]:
1. Anschutz owns the L.A. Lakers and Kings which gets into the CIA macro corruption paradigm [the corruption of the entire society beyond the economy roughly commensurate to his support for 'directed' religion], and
2. he owns a large movie theater chain [once you have the society neutralized, a means of indoctrinating it conceptually forward].
Will Smith as Chris Gardener in Pursuit of Happiness which some cities are taking homeless men to see; unfortunately the whole scenario was probably an artifice.

Dan Snyder is similarly owner of the Washington Redskins and 'framed' as the owner of Six Flags amusement parks which he bought into with the imposter Bill Gates; perhaps we can begin to generalize in viewing these situations as a 'CIA wealth nexus corruption' paradigm.

That we have not been able to force Bush out is just unbelievable; the implication is that however damaging they understand it to be, both Snyder and Anschutz are firmly 'on board' the CIA express to 'The New World Order' which I have elsewhere claimed is just the bare knuckles 'Old World Order' taking extreme measures to preserve or really enhance its situational dominance [old news] blatantly at the expense of the less fortunate [stunning and egregious]. Bare knuckles or stab in the back; unfortunate for Hillary Clinton-types, a significant aspect of the problem is the government fighting for relevancy as evidenced by first the deliberate ruin of the inner city school systems, followed by No Child Advance Unmonitored and now Privatization.

Yes/No question: does Robert Bobb, president of the District of Columbia school board, have a CIA affiliation. Did Anthony Williams; there have been at least instances of the CIA killing children in Washington D.C. [recent] whether or not they have a specific designator [with nomenclature and project number] or advocacy for it.

Starting in the Watergate-era, Hillary Clinton and Justice Breyer engineered the CIA overthrow of Nixon who apparently was not willing to play along with the larger CIA manipulation agenda, Clinton continuing in government through distributing crack cocaine and arresting the male Negroes in the great CIA crack versus powder controversy which at least in retrospect looks very deliberate indeed, passed initiating the CIA effort radiating the Negroes with William Barr [CIA ex-Attorney General of the United States] using cell phone equipment, to now disbanding the public school system.

Does Senator Obama have a similar longtime CIA affiliation[?]. 'Community activist in Chicago' is kind of circumstantial evidence to the effect he does; Martin Luther King appears to have 'gone over' and Jesse Jackson is most likely even firmer in it which gets into his half brother hiring guys to kill a business partner maybe in North Carolina. Standing in front of the White House with my protest sign, a CIA guy assured me with utmost sincerity that when Bush does get forced out there will be trouble in the ghetto and gang leader Jeff Fort [is he in prison in Texas?] will be a part of it. Der Dolchstoss. With the wealthy people all in on it. It is also unbelievable - and a damn shame - more CIA people don't commit suicide, but really there is no honor among thieves, pious hiding in their 'need to know' and government pensions. The Jews were killed with gas and burned for the sake of the German soldiers who didn't like simply shooting them and throwing them in mass graves, not because that was initially seen as the best way to do it.

How does Mr. Anschutz manage to think of himself as a religious man? Why isn't he reporting on this blogspot in his Washington D.C. newspaper [The Examiner]?


Biden Attacked

They already took Feingold and Bayh out of the 2008 race in making way for Clinton and Obama; is Biden next?!?

****ing surveillance elements - JEWS or Asians [slightly less likely] - STILL are not letting the graphic post [upload] - January 25 2007 [now 26 JAN 07]. As a matter of routine, penetrating cyberspace in government buildings.
Taking a minute to run warrantless private surveillance with government equipment on an American citizen in front of the Asian covert intelligence mechanisms in the Hart Senate Office Building after lunch 01/25/07. Utilizing the Capital Police. I'm sure it seemed like a fine idea at the time.
Who would do something stupid like that? Unbelievable, it looks to have been Democratic staffers on the terrorism subcommittee, or even worse, on the Constitution subcommittee, with offices overlooking the Calder in the Hart atrium.
SWINE. Swine. They work for bin Laden, and suck in blind lock on the nurture whore /crisis whore paradigm big government money terrorism tit.
In previous lives, they may have worked for Jamie Gorelick.

Seventeen currently-seated United States Senators are implanted with invasive neuroprosthetics [based on a CIA MKULTRA Subproject 119 design].

Electrodes on the surface of the brain AND HYPOTHALAMUS.

Senator Joseph Biden [D-Del] is rumored to be one of the Senators.
Particular media sources are critical of his unrestrained proclivity for verbal introspection. Including in public committee meetings.

No Resolution to Biden's Talk Show; [FINAL Edition], Dana Milbank. The Washington Post. Washington, D.C.: Jan 25, 2007. pg. A.2

Chairman Joe Biden of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was trying to uphold two resolutions yesterday: one criticizing the Bush administration's Iraq policy and the other Biden's own resolution to himself -- to stop talking so much.
The Iraq resolution passed 12 to 9. Biden's other resolution failed, by a voice vote -- Biden's voice.
The Delaware Democrat and presidential hopeful ran the hearing more like a talk show host than a chairman: inviting the other senators to speak and then commenting on each senator's remarks.
He opened the hearing with a 3,000-word statement in which he used the word "I" 88 times, including a lengthy discussion of the types of questions he has asked himself and how he has answered himself. Finally, the committee's ranking Republican, Richard Lugar (Ind.) got a chance to speak. Then Biden spoke again. Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) introduced an amendment. Biden interrupted him four times, the last time stating, "I don't want to belabor the point."
By this point, Sen. John Sununu (R-N.H.) had heard enough Biden. "We're going to be here a long time, and I'd certainly like to speak," he announced with irritation. Biden yielded the floor to Sununu, but then interrupted him, too -- five times.
"Senator," Sununu eventually pleaded. "You've had a wonderful opportunity to express your views. I think many on the committee would at least like to express their own views, and I'm sure you'll have ample opportunity to respond."
For Biden, verbosity frequently tramples what might otherwise be profound points. Friends have urged him to put a sock in it, and he knows that his wordiness prevents him from being, as he has put it, "the best Biden I can be."
But, like any addict, he is prone to lapses. "I'll not interrupt again," he promised after one of his monologues yesterday -- this one after remarks by Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) -- and then he broke the promise minutes later.
The veteran legislator is hardly the only one in the Senate, or on the committee, to suffer from long-windedness.....
But Biden suffers more publicly from the need to explain every contour of his thinking; he at once seems keenly aware that he should keep things moving, yet unaware of the need to stop himself from talking....

Biden battles wordiness
JENNIFER BROOKS. Gannett News Service. McLean: Jan 14, 2006. pg. 1
USA Today, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, Inc.
WASHINGTON -- Does Sen. Joe Biden talk too much?
Yes, said the reporters who clocked the Delaware Democrat's questions at Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito's hearing with stopwatches.
Yes, said the pundits who speculated that the would-be presidential candidate's biggest political handicap might be his mouth.
Yes, said Biden himself, who went on CNN to admit he should have skipped the long-winded speeches and cut straight to his questions.
The Alito hearings should have been a place for the former Judiciary Committee chairman to shine. Here was a national forum, a chance for Biden to strut his stuff to a larger-than-usual C-SPAN audience.
It didn't quite work out that way.
First, Biden insulted an entire university. Then his long-winded questioning style drew ridicule from columnists and late-night talk show hosts.
"It's unfortunate, because in the middle of all that talking are some really interesting points that get lost," said Jennifer Duffy, political analyst for the Cook Political Report.
Biden asked plenty of probing legal questions this week, but he could also veer wildly off topic.
"I don't like Princeton," he announced to Alito, a Princeton alumnus. The next day, Biden donned a Princeton hat for the cameras and apologized.
Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen devoted his entire column to Biden's gift for gab, warning that it could wreck his 2008 presidential ambitions.
"The only thing standing between Joe Biden and the presidency is his mouth," Cohen wrote in a Thursday column.....

You can do that with neuroprosthetics. Radiate someone passed the 'restraint' barrier that typically prevents them from embarrassing themselves.
Radiate someone passed the 'impulse barrier.'
By itself it is not per se a 'volitional impairment' - you can't get Biden to unknowingly vote against legislation he really wants by secretly radiating him - but it would be an annoying technique to employ in harassing someone.
Supposedly took down Phil Graham at the Washington Post after he got Lyndon Johnson on the ticket in 1960 [wouldn't be the first time they did it],
but that was apparently using drugs.

Tough to tell.

Biden - a politician - already suffers from a reduced expectation or a 'class bias' against politicians and wordiness,
he seems to suffer wordiness most at 'icon' moments or hearings which are anticipated to draw a lot of viewers and typically do [Roberts Supreme Court nomination, hearings on the Middle East],
a clever operator can do it with a deft touch that often defies explicit recognition,

and end of the day it is possible a person or person[s] unknown are radiating Senator Biden to produce the embarrassing effect and essentially trivialize American Constitutional Procedure. Taking him out of the race in 2008.

What is the answer? Oh, Democratic staffers on the terrorism subcommittee set about attacking me after lunch on Jan 25 2007 utilizing the Capital Police in the Hart Senate Office Building, apparently for lack of anything better to do. 'What swine' you say, but that's about a typical government response in Washington D.C.
Go to the FBI on somebody attacking Biden?
I don't have proof,
they would investigate me,
and they wouldn't go after the people attacking Biden but would actually use my 'crazy' allegation to open the door further for anybody who wants to take a shot at him.

All right, you ***holes who won't let my graphics post [upload]. What you need to do is ransack government for an oscillator [device which detects radiation - I am sure the Navy would own a few or could direct you somewhere to get one]['double ridged' is better, and they cost about $100,000 a pop if you're civilian just buying one but that would be cheap in protecting the Senate], and mount it on the far wall of the hearing room facing where Biden sits. But you are childish swine, and it won't break my heart if you lose your jobs over this.

While our inept Homeland Security forces are focused on Arabs who are merely pissed off about CIA manipulation of their [and our] political processes. We should be so pissed. Anyway.

From the Perspective On The New World Order daily news letter Jan. 22 2007, a major bust on Bush which factors into the George W. Bush recognition sequence:

Originally backed by financier J. P. Morgan in the effort, Nikola Tesla was an immigrant research and testing scientist/engineer who built a tower out on Long Island. Planning began in 1900 [concept development began earlier than that], and he [Tesla] went out to the site full time in June 1902. Something happened - Tesla somehow uncovered a way of accessing natural energy - and 'the big guys' promptly crushed him, ultimately to die penniless and alone in a New York hotel room with 'the big guys' - almost certainly including J.P. Morgan - embargoing the methodology of his work on an ongoing basis. Still. Today. Other side of the coin - in roughly that same time period, Allegheny College graduate and 'muckraker' Ida Tarbell was attacking Standard Oil Company in McClures [published in 14 parts between Nov. 1902 and Oct. 1904]. She had a source inside the company - Henry M. Flagler, which Rockefeller knew if indeed he didn't arrange it - and from our vantage point today it very much appears a deal got cut.

It looks like the deal was for broad progress and not selective manipulation as they overtly showed the hand of Rockefeller. That appears to have been the understanding or even the trust which has now been broken with the Americans backing a military government in Pakistan which has actually reduced the standard of living since independence, and an Egyptian government much more repressive than Nasser ever thought to be. Swine.

You can't screw people too bad. J.P. Morgan would not approve of Bush and his big hoarding millionaires and billionaires ransacking this country. Swine. Bush must go.

The granddaughter of James A. Baker III got sucking into a pool drain and drowned 2002. Utmost sympathy to the family, complete and without reservation - unless it turns out that was CIA-orchestrated like the CIA-orchestrated school bus accidents and deaths of school children in accidents as part of the CIA seat-belts-on-school-buses advocacy, in which case they're all just swine. Killing your own granddaughter as a vehicle for regulating in-ground pool installation. That would illustrate how corrupt they are, or more literally, how far they've departed from reality, and even the extreme Christian right would admit that if they understood it was true. Utter swine.

Footnote: Jews as in Jewish people in the United States [pursuing Dennis Sweeney in New York as a classic example] insofar as it doesn't seem likely the cyber aspect of the surveillance originates in Israel, though of course that is possible.

Northern No Fly Zone, Southern No Fly Zone, Oil-for-Food; given the bombing of Lebanon 2006, all of that looks like a very cynical and calculated effort to confiscate Iraqi wealth and systematically grind the people down in reducing their standard of living.

Particularly when you look at the Israelis - Efraim Halevy - placing Mossad agent and Hamas founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin via a contorted scheme which compromised the King of Jordan September 1997, and other American efforts preserving the governments in Iran and Iraq in that time period.

Peter Bourne and Bill Richardson gave Saddam Hussein a then-highly classified neuroprosthetic technology in the summer of 1995. The blind can see and the deaf can hear though the CIA wont give that same technology to blind or deaf people in the United States today but is making them jump through hoops to no avail. The blind as a bigger threat to the World Order than Saddam Hussein 1995 is crazy.

Clear is that Steven Richter betrayed Iranians and Iraqis to their deaths, certainly as bad as Aldrich Ames, AND that was known in 1999.

Annals of Espionage; Saddams Best Friend. Seymour M. Hersh, The New Yorker, April 5 1999, page 32. On Steven Richter and the Richard Helms CIA orchestration in the region. [E]ventually [Richter] took over Iraqi operations as head of the Near East Division..... Renowned inside the agency as a territorial and single-minded manager..... chief of station in Amman Jordan, which was the overseas center for the CIAs coup plotting inside Iraq. Richter was a controversial manager... brilliant... ... Steven really knows his business, one colleague told me. Hes probably one of the savviest operational guys....
Hes in control, and you dont question him, [a different] intelligence officer told me. Hes driven off the talented core of Arabists.

[Maybe creating a minor controversy over how Mr. Richter spells his name; I thought it was Steven based on now dated notes from The New Yorker but may have taken it down wrong. Washington Post wrote Stephen in The CIA And the Coup That Wasn't, By David Ignatius, Friday, May 16, 2003; Page A29, which appears to be the only direct citation immediately available. References to a 'Steven' Richter associated with a software company involved in a fight with Microsoft are more common, and Microsoft - specifically Bill Gates/imposter Bill Gates - is controversial in the field. Anyway, an apology to Mr. Richter if Im wrong].

.....[A]n earlier Richter assignment, as the director of a secret operations center in Germany in the late nineteen eighties [ ] had been to collect intelligence from Iranians who were spying, at great personnel risk, inside Iran...
[which the CIA admits]
AND to destroy the spy ring in order to blind the Americans - specifically 'good' factions in the CIA - once they knew the Richard Helms agenda was being advanced
[which the CIA does NOT yet admit].

....Richter [ ] ordered the agents to double their reporting..... letters sent to Richters agents in Iran were often addressed in the same hand and mailed in batches that included the same return accommodating [CIA cover] addresses. The Iranians quickly [ ] blew the network apart. More than thirty Iranian informants were seized and put to death.
Page 39. Sometime in 1996, the CIAs Near East Division, with approval from a higher authority, had begun a separate [ ] operation inside Iraq... Richters operation.... A group of defectors from the ruling Bathist Party in Iraq.....[identified by the CIA as representing an alternative government were tricked into joining a conceptual coup] scheduled to take place that summer. The plan ended [ ] spectacular....Saddam knew all the detailed plans...and rounded up and executed scores of those involved.....

DBACHILLES was Steven Richter intentionally killing Iraqis for the CIA. They now know it and can see it; we can see that BUT BEYOND THAT we can also see the other side of the coin. We can see the 'ying and yang' so to speak; killing the Iraqis AND driving off the talented core of Arabists.

Richter probably wont deny it.
Feigning leaks to implement so-called partitioning in the first place, killing Richard Welch to stop the identification of CIA agents mid-1970s, and now eliminating the core of regional specialists circa late 1990s.

Seymour Hersh is in on it. Page 36. The first executive director of UNSCOM [United Nations Special Commission on Iraq], Rolf Ekeus, of Sweden... chose Scott Ritter ....
Page 37. Ritter [ ] envisaged a joint Israeli-United Nations signals-intelligence (SIGNIT) operation..... Whats more, Ritter wanted Washingtons permission to share U-2 reconnaissance photographs of Iraq with the Israelis.....
[T]he U-2 flights were under the direct control of UNSCOM and could not be challenged....
Page 35 [but in time sequence]. Ritter, desperate to keep the operation under U.N. control, asked the Israelis to process the telephone intercepts.....

Efraim Halevy [certainly Israeli], Scott Ritter [who wanted to be Israeli], Steven Richter dating back to IRAN CONTRA: Middle East gone to **** in the 1990s.

Bad news all at once: is The New Yorker in on this? Swine.

One poor picture, but that is only the first part of the problem. The second part of the problem is the repression they were planning, and the tools they were intending to use. Rancid Raymond Odierno, deliberately dropped in to sour the milk - he went over as a Major General and radicalized the Sunni Muslims so successfully they made him a Lieutenant General. Make the CIA stop causing trouble over there. Leave. Surge the money to cover the withdrawal. Pull the troops. Force Bush out.

Footnote on the Steven versus Stephen [Richter] spelling controversy. From Wikipedia:

Scott Richter is the CEO of Media Breakaway formerly known as LLC. He has been accused by some as being a U.S.-based email spammer....
Richter was listed in the ROKSO top 200 spammers, but his inclusion in the list was deleted in 2005. His company once sent some 100 million emails a day. One of the most famous emails was the offer of Iraqi "most wanted" playing cards in 2003; Richter claims to have sold 40,000 decks before they were even printed....

Facing a $50 million judgment in Washington state from the Microsoft case, in March 2005, filed for bankruptcy protection. It claimed to have assets of less than US$10 million and debts of more than $50 million. Microsoft's refusal to settle a $20 million claim based on Washington state spam law is what forced Optinrealbig to file for bankruptcy. Steven Richter, who is Scott Richter's father and President and General Counsel of Scott's company, commented "OptIn is profitable but for these lawsuits"....

CIA in spam email. No way. Well.....
CIA orchestrating particularly low class or trivializing aspects of civilian support for the war might be more likely.
Very possibly NOT AT ALL RELATED beyond an interesting coincidence in names, it would be a funny take-down were it true.

[On Raymond Odierno, here with Senator Clinton. CIA yearbook photo of football star and cheerleader].

Do you know who youre surging into? If the President does opt for continued oppression in Iraq. Rancid Raymond Odierno, who has already pissed off the Iraqis and made us more enemies. No way will they forget this guy. Fighting The Insurgency, One Units Aggressive Approach; ‘It Looked Weird and Felt Wrong, Thomas E. Ricks, Washington Post page A1 July 24 2006 on Major General Raymond T. Odierno, man who radicalized the Sunni Muslims as an aspect of the CIA orchestrated civil war Phoenix program in Iraq. Every male from 16 to 60 that the 4th Infantry could catch was detained, he [Col. Alan King, Coalition Provisional Authority] said. And when they got out, they were supporters of the insurgency.

January 2007 it looks like that was intentional, giving us a timeframe for trying to reverse engineer the CIA phasing structure or evaluate the wars progress as a CIA activity meeting scheduling milestones.

Bush now faces the prospect of an insurgent government declaring control over Anbar province and other Sunni-dominated areas in a matter of months. The Voices on the Gallows, Jim Hoagland, Washington Post, January 04, 2007.
That guy is now one of the top generals we have over there. Hoagland argues Bush has in fact gone ahead and partitioned the country into three regions with or without the permission of Congress:
[1.] Anbar province and other Sunni-dominated areas with
[2.] the semi-independent Kurds and
[3.] the political alliance between his [Malikis] Dawa Party [ ] and the radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr over the rest.
Its almost funny; if that outcome with a generous dollop of anti-Americanism thrown in - was what you wanted, than Odierno did and continues to do a good job. Thats what the Jews wanted him to do, right? The American military defending Israel and manufacturing a role which will keep American troops on the ground over there for years. Sweet.
If, on the other hand, that is not what they were suppose to be doing - our military was not suppose to permanently alienate huge portions of the Middle East as a career objective, divide Iraq, or participate in the Israeli strategy of securing Israel by confiscation of wealth [bombing Lebanon, goading the Palestinians into Intifada or whatever], Odierno sucks, and Bush is being hugely duplicitous. Swine.
Odierno, 52, said that the U.S. military could provide only a partial solution to Iraqs problems, and that more jobs and provincial elections were key components in regaining the peoples trust in government. Baghdad Needs Iraqi Troops, General [Odierno in his own column] Says, Joshua Partlow, Washington Post Jan 08 2007.

Israel controls Hamas [as weve seen, with Efraim Halevy placing Mossad agent and Hamas founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin via a contorted scheme which compromised the King of Jordan September 1997 in an alleged attempt on the life of Khaled Mashal, Man in the Shadows, St. Martins Press, New York 2006], and CIA apparently controls Hezbollah if that organization werenÂ’t [similarly] actually founded by Richard Helms during his years in Tehran 1973~77. They can turn the violence on and off like a light switch. Syria and Iran arent destabilizing Iraq. Iran cut a deal with the CIA last summer legitimizing their influence in the southern half of Lebanon and maybe toppling the Lebanese government - do you seriously think theyre going to rock that boat over influence in Iraq which is trending their way unassisted? Partners in crime, they probably work with the CIA in Iraq as required. They may shut off the violence and claim the surge was effective, but really it was gaming all along.

Remember Robert Gates is CIA.

Allende and Pinochet circa 1973 [approx]

Why didnt Watergate represent the reform we needed at the time [in the mid-1970s], and how do we better focus on moving forward this time as Bush leaves office?
In part, the possibility of reform was then diminished by the ability of the CIA to control the debate, much as a bullfighter skillfully capes a bull, wearies it, and kills it.
Of course no one wanted those outcomes Richard Welch left dead on a lawn in Athens as a means of inhibiting the ability of Congress to identify responsible parties in the Agency as one example, Chile plunged into chaos with something like a fifteen year plume of agony as another but the CIA was willing to undertake the activity in extending their larger paradigm of situational dominance supposedly for ‘the greater good or occasionally for private profit complementing the greater good.

How does the legislative branch resist that in the battle to regain control of the government–in the United States. A key first step is accurately identifying problem areas.

Chile in the early 1970s is of great interest because the issues - copper as a key strategic component in alleviating the so-called energy crisis and Project Cybersyn, socialists actually with hands on control of the economy including factory production and movement of goods - continue to haunt us. CIA is still dominating them.

Copper. We are endlessly educated into thinking there is in fact an energy 'shortage' or even crisis at the behest of commercial interests in charge of extracting and refining petroleum - about a third of our trade deficit is spent on energy - when really we are constantly surrounded by energy free of charge. Attempts to utilize it date back at least to Tesla or in the purely American tradition maybe Franklin flying his kite in the storm - anyhow, somebody figured out a way to capture that free energy using copper. So far so good, but the petroleum extraction/refining interests moved to monopolize natural deposits or sources of copper in the 1970s and 1980s, previously noting Atlantic Richfield [ARCO] bought Anaconda Mining Company in January 1977 and Standard Oil of Ohio [SOHIO] bought Kennecott in 1981.
Pinochet attacked the Allende government right before Arab nations raised the price of oil following the October War of 1973 and Nixon was forced out.
Was Watergate really an operation effectively securing or institutionalizing big energy as a CIA funding mechanism worldwide, apparently with Nixon not willing to go along with it so they had to force him out? A third of our trade deficit is in energy - are we running a trade deficit with the CIA?
Simultaneous trouble in Iraq, with Iran, on the Nigerian delta, and with Venezuela - beyond the clumsy BP maintenance shutdown on the pipeline in Alaska - drove up the price at the pump last summer and allegedly killed the SUV market though I still see them around - turns out the summer crisis season was just confiscating middle class wealth in the United States.

And keeping them home, as opposed to letting them drive somewhere on vacation.

Real inside, beyond crimping the middle class down, we're wondering what the CIA - or whoever - was funding up.

Increasingly it looks possible to manufacture a range of petroleum-like products as opposed to refining crude oil from wells, liquefying coal, or distilling corn into alcohol beyond moonshine, but rather than opting for either the free energy captured with copper or the readily manufactured petroleum our country is being driven to extreme efforts at great sacrifice;
worse than that even, our government security agencies act as enforcement mechanisms for this regime of mandatory taxation and sacrifice.

Not surprisingly, George W. Bush brought the paradigm to the next level with attacks on the judiciary [at least Rehnquist] in 2004 and 2005 and the legislative branch ongoing from around that time [threats before the confirmation hearing Sep 20th 2005, Proxmire dead, one Senators wife kidnapped, another Senator in the hospital] beyond regime change in New Jersey and Connecticut across the summer of 2004. Bush never lined up congressional staffers for photographs before shooting them Pinochet was overt and Bush is subtle - but that is why Bush must be forced out. Logical or even inevitable, taking that next step is definitively why George W. Bush is such swine and sanctimonious.
Beginning with the October War of 1973 and precursor sacrifice of Allende in Chile, this is the ultimate in regulation and not free market at all.

Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover died at the same time and are hugely misunderstood public servants. People in the know are disingenuous in disparaging their service because there was opposition but it wasnt who you wished it was.

Project Cybersyn was an effort by the socialist government under Allende to assert central control over the economy, famously with 500 telex machines installed up and down the length of the country and monitored in Santiago. The control center had a mod 1970s look like something out of Star Trek but the system was only tested once by a truckers strike in 1972. CIA gets sulky when you refuse to recognize their genius, here both in installing the system and in organizing the truckers strike. Was Cybersyn the last best chance to salvage communism in Europe? Then a huge conglomerate, was it suppose to save ITT? It was a CIA project with an overview designator - how far was it intended to go? ITT supposedly opposed Allende but really they ran the effort for the CIA, and now they consider it a core specialty they bring [bought] to American defense contracting. Terminator movies, but a correction will include forcing Bush out and identifying CIA designators.

J. Edgar Hoover died when Nixon was attacked, and I increasingly think the two points are related.

Andrew Bestor

‘The BIG DIG’ underneath Boston Harbor supposedly ran wildly over budget at $13.5 billion dollars, but fact the project was a CIA funding mechanism, Project Manager Andrew Natsios was and is CIA going on to head USAID now persecuting Negroes in Darfur, and the Agency walked with about $9.5 billion dollars. No word on the woman who died when the concrete ceiling slabs crushed her car in the tunnel.

Invading Iraq, we definitely sent the troops but we only pretended to send the money. A guess is some big contractors got funded up for other work, some buildings were built half trashed and casual, and in some instances the CIA made splash that looks expensive but really hid the transfer.

Apprehending them racketeering in the deaths of Americans DEFINITELY with the collaboration of the U.S. military command over there - most likely with counterparts here undertaking domestic surveillance and evaluation - I say to pull the troops immediately. Beyond that the entire game post-Saddam looks to have been a CIA effort at destabilizing the region for the long term commitment of U.S. ground troops, most likely to protect Israel.

Bring the Americans home.

If, on the other hand, you really want to win with this 'surge,' send the money, and only pretend to send the troops.

We have a Department of Defense to protect us, and they are awesome in their capabilities. Defending us is very different from winning fights in the Middle East, however, where our technological advantages are only of use in subjugation and repression.

Do not Palestinian-ize the Iraqis. Do not West Bank-isize Baghdad.

Israel is holding Palestinian tax receipts which everybody admits they owe giving the Palestinian Authority [without controversy - the Israelis admit theyre holding them].
If the Israelis were serious about ending the trouble on the West Bank, theyd send more money and not less, and lift restrictions rather than imposing more checkpoints as the British did in Northern Ireland.
The problem is that the Israelis in Israel and the CIA in Iraq really arent serious about peace but seek a long term game outcome that is favorable to their larger agenda.

I thought the CIA was behind the bombing in Samarra, but sources in Washington D.C. hint that it was the Israelis. Either way, they could turn the spigot and significantly reduce if not eliminate the killings in Iraq.
May pain, disease, and suffering find them and the children of them who game with ulterior motives, confiscate wealth, restrict civil freedoms, and attack the poor in those regions.

They can turn violence in Iraq on and off like a hot water spigot - their corruption and scheming in 'the great game' is why I oppose the war and want to bring the troops home now. Violence in and of itself isn't an issue beyond what they deliberately conspire in; killing our own guys for no good reason.

An English woman named Gertrude Bell campaigned to raise a King [Faisal] as the Ottomans retreated after the First World War, and she pulled it off, opposed by the father of Kim Philby [famous in a reciprocity concept with the Soviet Union post-World War II] who wanted a republic. Cairo 1921 there was a big conference which gets into Allen Dulles and Philip Graves covering up for the Jewish Protocols of Zion in Constantinople; anyway, Bell was wrong and parochial in her thinking [unless she was truly disingenuous and worried only for the English all along]. Now its the republic - though somewhat violent. Make the foreigners leave.

Bush is out, and it isn't over Romney using 'Tar Baby' in a speech to trap George Allen though that pretty accurately reflects the attitude of the Bush administration. Half the State Department slots are empty and no one notices because they're just reading CIA script and not arguing strategy anyway.

[January 10~13 2007, Washington D.C.] Here it's bogus beyond surveillance, seriously limiting free speech. They aren't letting graphics post [upload]. Who is this 'they?' We think its the Jews - or somebody quasi-officially 'infiltrating' capabilities of the National Security Agency [Bryan Adrian 1990s to mid-2006 suggested it was Jews based on his experiences and verbal confirmation from a CIA source; I suspect that is true based on an attack on Dennis Sweeney by Allard Lowenstein and a group on New York Jews across the 1970s continuing passed the conceptual death of Lowenstein in 1980 to at least the mid 1990s].

[Final comment 01/15/07 11:00 p.m. Washington D.C. Southeast]
Terrorism - bull****. Ain't a lot going on in the alleged government 'security agencies' if they have nothing better to do than sit around preventing graphics from uploading, and the FUNNY part of the situation is that yes, this probably is a higher security priority for the Israelis than hunting bombers, particularly in that most of the bombers are Israeli orchestrated anyway and they can just call those guys at home.

Ford Dole 1976.

Captain of the House with the Master of the Senate.

Sunny Soldiers; Dole was never as "dour" as media represented him. Actually, serious isn't dour anyway. With a memory, but that's experience and not a state of mind; for that matter Ford was a partisan politician and don't let anybody say different now.

G. Gordon Liddy told me that [really Liddy wrote that in his masterpiece Will].

Dole - I would say a 'Thatcher out of office' in roughly the same era - buried William Miller of Goldwater-Miller in Arlington. George McGovern, bomber pilot in the war, could have been a great example for Tom Daschle but I'm not sure how much America really missed, while on the Republican side I think there is a sense of foregone opportunity.

Time for Bob to shine. Gerald Ford wasn't about terrorism or torture or privatizing Social Security. I hope Bob Dole stands up with a populist speech out of the Depression midwest and just takes Bush to the woodshed. Maybe on Ford working his $2 dollar a week counter job, while the worst Bush ever had it he was exploratory drilling for the CIA and bringing corruption to Major League Baseball.

Heard here first. Senator Allen was significantly backed by Nixon, and he can speak very authoritatively to 'the Nixon-Ford friendship and college football paradigm.' We HOPE the Republicans do not blow this opportunity in media presentation, teamwork, and explanation of friendship on-and-off the field.

Vice President Cheney says he isn't going to run in 2008. I hope he reconsiders; anyway, Ford is dead, there will be a limited amount of maximum exposure television time to be had for free, and this ain't the moment for Vietnam/Watergate retrospectives.

POST GAME. Pathetic. Dwelled on Watergate and never even mentioned Nixon and Ford's shared passion for football. Both played, Ford only starting after sitting out two seasons second string and Nixon mostly on the bench, but interestingly, while Ford is famous for it and the 'team' analogy definitely characterizes his political career [he brought it into public life], all evidence suggests Nixon followed college football in greater detail while he was in the White House.


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