Saturday, September 30, 2006

The CIA Attack On America 2006-2008

....In the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who would become the first female speaker in history, called for harmony and said Democrats would not abuse their new status.
She said she would be "the speaker of the House, not the speaker of the Democrats." She said Democrats would aggressively conduct oversight of the administration, but said any talk of impeachment of President Bush "is off the table."

Well, that's the deal they cut. Greatly appreciate your awareness and participation. Unfortunate ending to a CIA operation; it is their turf and they caught Allen blind. In truth he had gone too far down the road with them in supporting Mike Luttig for example, and that might have led them to seeing him as vulnerable. Obviously we will be watching Webb's voting pattern and moves to normalize relations with Vietnam, hoping we get our guys back.


Not as often, but hopefully now and again this blog will keep going; obviously Bush is still swine. Now more than ever. Rumsfeld was not the problem - Bush is the problem [our indicators are that he blew down the shrine in Samarra or gave it the 'green light', not Rumsfeld or Cheney]. Gates was promised the Pentagon years ago while he was still out in McLean; almost funny, Bush can't let Rumsfeld resign without trying to leverage it in corruption. CIA at the head of the military command is not a reform movement; of course we hope the officer corps will actively work to defend itself.

My name is Andrew Bestor and again, I greatly appreciate all consideration of bizarre CIA attack mechanisms and the ongoing violations of Title 50, United States Codes, Section 401 et seq. Thank you.

CIA transitioning Tuskegee-era syphilis testing to Vietnam as it was ending in the United States, and holding infected POWs - now - ongoing 2006 - well after the war ended, as Swine Bush makes relations between the United States and Vietnam routine.

Tom Harkin was in on it from the beginning, and Webb picked it up no later than the mid-1980s [but didn't support Perot on it in 1992]. Webb's wife is in on it.
The argument here is not that they're 'bad people.' It's that they're the wrong people.

If one of the photographed prisoners was an infected American [and we think one probably was]we suspect its this one [above], who looks almost Negro and may be a legacy of Tuskegee-type experimentation [described below].

The American, Frank W. ("Red") Walton, may have been CIA.

All of that is background to the race for the United States Senate from Virginia 2006, with a look toward the race for the presidency 2008. Indications are that they ain't lying about it. Within reason, if you can catch Webb - you can ask him about this. He isn't 'bad' - or at least we don't claim he is. He's wrong. Also, we'd like to know where his wife works.

Welcome. The blogspot begins at the end, documenting our 'sequence of awareness.'

Too prejudicial for campaign. What we’re willing to tell you now that the voting is over.

Liberal Democrats are killing the black people. Actually, they’re killing us all. AIDS, wasting diseases, and other invidious activities of the CIA – the beginning of a schematic history. Can’t get around them; it is Bill and Hillary Clinton at the heart of perpetuating 'The New World Order.'

Webb himself is PERHAPS in on transitioning the Tuskegee blood research project to Vietnam, and on the continued imprisonment of about 2000 POWs [1800?]. His wife [Hong Le Webb] MAY BE also tied to it; indeed that issue might have factored into their meeting and marriage.
Does anybody know where
Hong Le Webb works? She's a lawyer working in securities brought forward as George W. Little Kid makes relations with Vietnam routine, but no one has said where she works. She definitely has not denied contacts or even work with the Vietnamese government.
At a superficial level MKULTRA is a recognized CIA designator or overview nomenclature for a research effort targeting man in his environment. Some financial paperwork and internal documentation survives, but the contractor reporting and deliverables were conceptually destroyed as Richard Helms left for Tehran in 1973 - both evading responsibility for cooking up Watergate and as a precursor to taking down the Shah.

Subproject 24 was superficially a 1954 designation for an educational meeting - and that is all the Agency will admit to. Really the subproject appears to have represented Agency involvement in the Tuskegee blood testing, transitioned to Vietnam as the effort in the States was winding down as ultimately recognized by Bill Clinton - with no mention of CIA involvement or ongoing experimentation/research monitoring in Vietnam.
In that sense, 'what they admit to' versus 'what they are not' is the tip of a HUGE iceberg threatening us all 2006, and really driving to the heart of the liberal CIA Democrat conundrum. Not only does it back into AIDS, but it backs into American POWs being held in Vietnam and subjected to medical experimentation [specifically a wasting disease], the American cancer rate and genetic engineering of grains and alteration of our food supply essentially by or at the behest of the CIA.

CIA MKULTRA Subproject 24. Memo dated 04 August 1954 [to/from redacted]. In response to your request.... [medical citations provided]. George Wolf, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois. "Chemical Induction of Cancer", 1953. see esp. 29, 44 etc. By means of a special genetic technique, Strong, JK.C.I.5, 339, 1945 induced tumors with methylcholanthrene in many different tissues. Methyl Cholanthrene is a good initiator (high tumor incidence) and a good promoter (short latent period) -p.85 Wolf.
..... If this hydrocarbon can be produced in the laboratory by chemical transformations of normal constituents of the human organism, it is possible that the substance may arise in the body through a process of abnormal metabolism - and initiate cancer [underlined].

.....Carl Max Hasselmann and Hans Otto Johne in Arch. Dermato & Syphilis 188, 693-707, 1950 reported primary multiple skin carcinoma with simultaneous tertiary syphilis. Disturbances of the cholesterol metabolism, present in syphilis cases of long standing, as well as cancer cases are discussed with respect to the chemical reaction between the physiological substances [ ] and the cancerogenic substances [ ].....

A guess is that the blacks were selected not out of strictly speaking 'racism' but because historically the group tends to have high cholesterol.

Peter Buxtun went through a series of efforts over the course of several years trying to 'out' the Tuskegee program, with awareness dating from the late sixties to final publication by an Associated Press reporter named Jean Heller on July 25 1972 - at which point the story exploded. The overall sequence very much sounds like it was CIA manipulated, implying the Agency was active in the program from 1954 to 1972 [supported by MKSEARCH/2 documentation]. It is possible Mr. Buxtun may be able to identify key participants [maybe CIA people] based on orchestrated denials or partial releases of data in that time period.
How it went down:
1968. Concern raised about ethics of study.
1969. CDC reaffirms need for study.
1970. First news articles condemn Tuskegee study [but gains support of local medical society which sounds like CIA adjudication], and after that the CIA played hot and cold faucets until Jean Heller ‘somehow got the story to break’ nation-wide.
July 1970 [ALSO]. Tom Harkin goes to Con Son, the island prison off the coast of Vietnam, with Hawkins and Anderson [Congressmen] along with Don Luce and Frank Walton who presumably were associated with the CIA. Harkin takes photographs which get published in Life [magazine]. Somehow those photographs fit into the continuity paradigm but we need to review them before commenting.
July 25 1972 Tuskegee story breaks. This is not to say either Jean Heller or Peter Buxtun are CIA, were planted by or for the CIA, or are in any way associated with the CIA.
Pre-1973 evacuation of American troops. 2006 we have credible reports of rumors about Black Syph or Black Clap [venereal diseases resisting penicillin] circulating among troops in Vietnam during the war, alleging infected soldiers would be left on Con Son or on an unnamed island in the Philippines and not permitted to return to the United States.
The continuity of the syphilis issue is the point; was MKULTRA Subproject 24 transitioned across the MKSEARCH era via the infected troops in Vietnam. WE THINK YES.
April 1975 Hong Le Webb ‘evacuated’ Vung Tau by fishing boat and is picked up by the United States Navy.
1975 [ALSO]. Con Son prison was conceptually closed with the fall of South Vietnam, noting the islands [Con Dao island group] are remote and access is limited even today by both practical and regulatory concerns.
Bobby Garwood CIA manipulation issue apparently designed to further a situational dominance paradigm.
1986/1987. American prisoners evacuated from Vietnam, hospitalized in the Philippines, and returned to Vietnam in a condition of captivity.
October 1992. Ross Perot [failed] October Surprise bid to free or ‘repatriate’ at least several Americans apparently living as escaped POWs in Thai/Burmese border area [Perot is prohibited by the CIA from doing that or publicizing the issue].
Mid 1990s. Hong Le and Jim Webb marry. Bill Clinton begins to ‘revisit’ Tuskegee issue with conceptual apologies and vaginal statements effectively evading recognition of the ongoing problem. Clinton certainly DOES NOT ever recognize any continuity in CIA MKULTRA testing whether or not it is Subproject 24 as we suspect.
Clinton narrowly avoids being impeached.
2006. Bush moves to normalize relations with Vietnam, while continuing the Clinton policy of lies and evasion regarding the possibility of POWs being found alive in general and on any CIA efforts to induce a wasting disease in particular never mind the larger effort to compromise the human immune system.

Your awareness is appreciated. Please keep up the good fight.

A BIZARRE insider look at the CIA takeover of government in Virginia, and they are swine liars. In a sneaky disinformation ploy, ‘the CIA,’ presumably speaking through executives or other credible sources, tried to claim they weren’t involved in the attack on Allen which is crap anyway because Tester is their guy [and Obama apparently supported him – Tester - at a fundraiser in San Francisco after announcing his own potential presidential candidacy on television; better buy a score card if you want to follow this game], but Hong Le Webb is filthy in it. Sure she came out on a stage with all the liberals – they’re probably all in it. They may have even held her back to flash her at the end of the campaign but the Washington Post doesn’t really provide us a standard for judging the 'appearance sequence.'

Actually, the comparison is faintly insulting to
Valerie Plame who only looked at Yellow Cake and set up a trap to try and take down senior government officials – even Plame didn’t have the audacity to then make an attempt to plant herself IN the senior slots. Incredible.

Contemporary ‘rumors’ during the war and our recent source suggests ‘deliberately infected’ POWs were held on an island off the coast of Vietnam – and betrayed. Left there when the Americans pulled out which in time represents continuity in the Tuskegee types of experimentation only here in a wasting disease [Hans-Whatever Syndrome with one image sequence known to exist] rather than a blood disease and cancer potentials in the terminal stages of syphilis. The island group is off her hometown.
Webb met her in the mid-1990s when he’d been in on it for a decade though after Perot had made his move and lost, and she’d at least conceptually fled in 1975 though its possible the family was placed in the refugee flow as a cover – with the CIA all things are possible and equally plausible. Now she’s a securities lawyer in it.

Question: did they TIME normalization of relations with Vietnam to the attack on Allen. This is just breathtaking stuff – is it possible to waterboard her? Or waterboard them? The heightened tension interrogations – are those only for use on foreign nationals? Can they pick up an error on her citizenship application which could open the door?

Webb should have withdrawn. He really never should have run in the first place and he knew it. They couldn’t just put her on the commission to normalize United States and Vietnamese securities trading? No. Bush is swine, and he maximizes his effectivity in it. Counterintuitive to decent people, he does not minimize his affiliation with it or his affinity for it.

Vote for Allen. Definitely vote, and definitely vote for Allen, but do not let this drop. Is it possible to catch
Webb at a party and gang up on him – is he around Virginia enough for senior military guys to catch him? What a wasted campaign – it is unbelievable he blew all that limelight, though obviously that’s the CIA paradigm. What swine to think he could get away with that.

Obama is none too impressive either. Sweet Jesus – what is our nation coming to, that the guy would only narrowly get on base after the CIA buried Jack Ryan in Chicago 2004 to turn around, peddle his ass up and down the eastern seaboard endorsing the entire CIA slate in 2006, and promptly run for the presidency in 2008. Audacity.

Senator Allen. Please end so-called ‘No Child Left Behind’ [No Child Advance Unmonitored], repeal Oxley-Sarbanes, publicize and ultimately prosecute CIA violations of Title 50 seq 401 et seq., and blow these swine out of the water.
Webb should have withdrawn; he still has a chance to do the honorable thing off the Key Bridge. Forrestal was Secretary of the Navy and Webb emerges unscathed? Clearly our Navy is not what it used to be. Force Bush out, and force him out now. Just start talking and do not stop. Do not let this drop or walk away from it.

What an unbelievable experience.

Late breaking Sunday UPDATE: Word on the streets of D.C. is that Webb's wife, Hong Le Webb, is in on the POW issue. We don't know how - she's a securities lawyer and may arrange payments from the United States to the Vietnamese government for holding the Americans prisoner. Pictured below with a couple of liberals capable of rationalizing that type of thing.

This is almost beyond belief. Raw audacity the Democrats would run the guy; this may be something the
New York Israeli lobby cooked up and used Schumer [conceptually responsible for selecting and vetting the Democrat's Senate candidates] as their tool in implementing. They pay lip service to Howard Dean's effort in all fifty states, but they clearly are not on the same sheet of music.

PLEASE vote, and PLEASE support George Allen. It's Sunday at 11:30 p.m. Can you get people out of bed on this?

Hanoi; specifically the lake with the island where the main body of POWs were suppose to have been kept.

Webb is wrong, don’t vote for him, and move on in your life – we THOUGHT the period of major accusations was over. We THOUGHT we’d deadline or max the gauges by now, but it only gets worse. Webb can only be as bad as he is; the problem is that we’re realizing there are many more ways to leverage the guy than is immediately apparent. Bush is swine. Bush is continual swine, and ever deepening swine. Every time you access this blog you know Bush is swine.’

Webb moved into the Navy slot right around the time ninety something American POWs, betrayed by Kissinger and left in Southeast Asia, were flown to Subic Bay, nursed back to health at the Navy hospital there, AND RETURNED to Vietnam in a condition of captivity. The POWs tried to get the staff at the hospital to help them and the staff wouldn’t. They lifted in and lifted out on C-130s, and a guess is that Elizabeth Dole has the inside line. Red Cross was in on it, and to this day apparently has access to them.

Webb’s wife – belatedly introduced to the campaign – is an ethnic Vietnamese practicing as a securities lawyer in Washington D.C. as Bush is opening with the Vietnamese, or normalizing relations. Bush wants her husband in the Senate as a tie to the Vietnamese; how can Webb go along with that?
Understand the wife made the man attractive to them; do not doubt that.
AND they’ve still got our POWs. Word has it about 2,000.

'Voters knew my wife was Vietnamese,' says Webb.
Yeah, but they didn't know you were in active conspiracy on the POW's, you ***hole.

Heckler jumps Allen and got tossed which wasn’t great, but how many people would have questions for
Webb and his wife if they shared awareness? Beyond mere heckling, would they tar and feather and ride the pair of them out of town on a rail – the disparities in this Senate race are absolute and stunning. The betrayal. Sure Bush is swine, but at some point you have to say that Webb is swine too for going along with it. He didn’t last long in the Navy slot and apparently resigned in a fight with the Bush-tool and swine Frank Carlucci who also had CIA credentials behind him.
Was the fight over the POWs rather than over the size of the Navy – either way
Webb is swine for not coming clean on it, AND in running for elected office at the behest of Bush when he knows that EVERYBODY – Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese and Russians – knows he isn’t clean with his constituents on it. Swine. In fact the only people who do not know are his potential constituents.

Please support Allen 2006.

Swift Boat Veterans Against Kerry? Swine, but understand there is a foundation of real hostility beneath that to the extent people are aware of gaming with the POWs still trapped. Its surprising some Marines haven’t taken Webb out, gotten him drunk, and thrown him through the juke box.

“The POWs tried to get the staff at the hospital at Subic Bay to help them and the staff wouldn’t,”
presumably because the staff was partially CIA and the ones that weren’t CIA were threatened with the warrant-less domestic surveillance mechanism targeting family and friends. Smirking Asians standing outside the house; CIA might have done that just for practice and as a way of leveraging the Philippine situation ‘in the lower 48’ so to speak. A small display of force will quickly silence the activist bystander.
That’s why the Marines should have thrown Webb through the juke box.

Why you read this blogspot daily. An image sequence was broadcast [we saw it], possibly live but more likely digital stored. Past gaunt; a skeletal frame with the flesh rotted off him, the guy had been deliberately infected with Hans-[Something] Syndrome. Didn’t catch the second word in the hyphenated name but thought it began with the letter ‘s.’ Wore a hat and rain coat and sun glasses; he has so little flesh he was defined by that - hat, coat and glasses. Cheek bones and skeletal lower jaw. They can’t have underwear on him – he must wear some kind of diaper. Swine
Webb, swine Bush. Approximate to the time of the sighting, a source in Washington D.C. who usually talks about energy fields and street surveillance tactics abruptly said that some Vietnam-era POWs had been deliberately infected via a venereal disease and had been left on an island off the coast of Vietnam because they were contagious. The source never returned to the subject which presumably was ‘validation’ of a fashion, or anyway never went beyond the initial statement suggesting someone had put them up to saying it and it was not their expertise. On the other hand, typically the CIA floats something at least peripherally true on the internet to tip awareness, and a search six months ago didn’t find anything.

Please oppose Webb. Please support Allen.

The ringing fire alarm website:This is an emergency. Please support Allen.’

Shown is the lake and island which we think is where the main body of POWs were initially held. Sad betrayal; we hear Bobby Garwood was a CIA orchestration. Book Kiss The Boys Goodbye dealt with the subject in detail; given the image sequence, the source on the venereal disease, and a misinformation effort on the bus returning from the National Archives in Maryland which wouldn’t otherwise warrant mention [State Department] we’re pretty sure its true.
Media support: The Wall Street Journal pursued the POW story with some diligence across the '70s and '80s, suggesting the implications of the situation have not gone unnoticed in the larger trade arena, and a guess is that freeing POWs was Ross Perot's 'October Surprise' in 1992, but they - swine
Bush - wouldn't let him.

ASK Webb. Go ahead and ask him. VOTE for Allen.

Wall Street Journal reported a Canadian offer to serve as intermediaries suggesting others saw the recovery scenario as viable [probably Jan. 21 1987]. The North Vietnamese understood they would not be able to utilize radar and electronic warfare technicians to their full potential which leads to the assumption there was a Chinese interface. Presumably they're held under some kind of house arrest, and by now may have all been returned to Vietnam though there is some question on that - outside indicators are not clear, and the POWs may have preferred China to Vietnam.

'Brightlights' is either the American term for the prisoners o
r the name of the 5th Special Forces teams certainly in the region conceptually trying to recover the Americans [obviously now doubting the Special Forces was genuine in the effort but probably using the excuse to stay over there].
"Buon Nhans" or Chosen-by-God-to-stay 'in a dialect used in the region held by General Khun Sa' is one of the Asian terms. "Thuoc Hoa Va Ho Chi Minh" or Blessed by God and Ho Chi Minh may be Vietnamese circa 1980s which may also have been an example of an atheist government corrupting an existing religious perspective in assuming legitimacy.

Nomenclature is very important - nobody knows anything until you get exactly the right word. YES - we do want the POWS/MIAs returned [alive] to the United States [now], but we are NOT accusing Asians of relative dishonesty [returning the POWs is actually relative honesty] because we previously accepted the relative dishonesty and called it honesty when we knew it was not.
We accuse guys like
and his wife of the dishonesty, and he knows it and it makes him nervous. Swine.

Please vote, and please vote for Senator Allen. Oppose all cheating at the polls.

Russ Feingold – occasional scowl - is the face of the Democratic Party for anybody who is serious about the Democratic Party. This is not the new face of the Democratic Party. This is an upstart kid who spoke well his first time at bat. Was Howard Dean consulted before they sent him to Virginia?

Webb has run the most divisive campaign in memory – not against Allen but against himself. Did he produce a single speaker who opposed gun control ? There are two Virginias, and Webb invariably trashes one for the other.

Maybe it does originate in a jocular sports background; Allen’s charm is that he doesn’t trash one half of the team for the other.

Senator Allen is going to win on November 7th, because people vote their jobs and not “one starry night.”

Had they been asked, both Dean and Feingold would have told them not to bet the ranch on ‘one starry night.’
Hillary Clinton has strong negatives, but she would have told them not to bet ‘one starry night.’

What really happened in Virginia 2006 ? Challenger
Webb based his strategy on conspiracy, building off what he knew was in the wind - the ‘Allen Blunder.’ The PROBLEM with that is it drove him to finish liberal when he could have finished conservative; he had a blank slate.
Allen on the other hand was defined, and
Webb let him retreat into his successful accomplishments rather than challenging him on so-called ‘No Child Left Behind’ which is really ‘No Child Advance Unmonitored’ or the Bush plan to privatize social security for example. Our problem – this is not an anti-Webb blog or even a conservative blog; this is a vehemently anti-Bush blog and in failing to attack on the real issues Webb let Bush walk away unscathed.

Say what you want about J. Edgar Hoover; he was happy in his office, really never represented himself as being anything other than what he was, and never tried to run for Congress [or assert ‘situational dominance’ over the larger democratic process]. To the contrary, Hoover actually worried about his guys getting caught without warrants. What we have in Hastings and Webb [note the parallels in time] is raw, unmitigated, contempt. They will endlessly game – they already have engaged in what are by any standard ‘elaborate deceptions,’ and we’re sorry but there is “nothing you can do about it.” Oh yes there is. Don’t vote for them.

Webb is trying to minimize his involvement, but it isn't his call. It's Bush's call. Webb might not have seen participation in the domestic surveillance mechanism as central to his role in the Department of Defense, but Bush definitely did. The evidence - Webb got the tap on the shoulder. He's here. It's him. Circumstantial but compelling.

Footnote for the Hoover buff. Charles McNary, Frank Knox, and Wendall Willkie all died in 1944 as
Dewey sought the nomination and then ran against FDR. The previous contenders were eliminated [Alf Landon had surrendered without a fight]; in fact the speed of the American drive across France to open the Swiss border allowed Allen Dulles to return to the States where he is known to have been around when Willkie’s life ended. You would dismiss that as coincidence but then Harry Truman won the narrowest of upset victories against Dewey in 1948; Hoover didn’t miss much and one wonders if he tipped it or was in on it. You don’t tip TOWARDS the CIA; you tip AWAY FROM the CIA.

Webb is wrong, and Allen is right.

Please support Allen and oppose Webb.

In their wildest accusations, don’t let them characterize the Hastings situation [and by default in time, the Hastings-Webb issue] as some kind of conservative attack. It’s a Ruth Marcus attack out of the Washington Post, Pelosi’s Unintelligent Choice, November 01 2006 page A21 but at this point we’re trying to leave Pelosi out of it believing she is just a dupe. It is long past time for Hastert
to go, but sad the Democrats will replace him with a dupe.

On each and every occasion, oppose cheating at the polls.

Herndon, we have a problem. Jim WebbMichael Fox, Bob Kerrey, Barak Obama, the rest of them – have confused Virginia with Detroit. There is NOTHING more offensive than a liberal being liberal while at the very same time sucking down the big defense budget.

John DeCamp says
Bob Kerrey looted a bank in Nebraska and he wrote a book about it which makes for a compelling read – there are problems in the cast of characters – but even if there weren’t, they hugely misjudge Virginia in one critical regard.

Virginians aren’t hypocrites. You be you. We be we [previously living in McLean].

Actually, there is one thing more offensive than being liberal on the big defense dollar. It’s being liberal on the big government security agency budget. Classified, surveillance, Black Ops, answering the phones at the office “Hello?” when everybody else in the world says their name, or actually being a domestic operative/affiliate planted/posted somewhere like the ACLU or working in a nebulous cause like ‘women’s rights’ or ‘opposing torture’ at the behest of the CIA – and at least implicitly denying it every day.
There are some swine in the northern Virginia suburbs and they may vote for Webb which would only make them double swine.

There are problems in the United States Senate – we won’t be sorry to see Frist go. Pennsylvania wants a change and the lobbying community in the District of Columbia has exploded, doubling in size under Bush – maybe Pennsylvania should change.

George Allen is the solution
Jim Webb [who is significantly associated with a warrant-less domestic surveillance mechanism all those guest speakers would pretend to abhor except they don’t think you’re ever going to call them on it] is part of the problem.

By any conventional standard Allen should be more vulnerable than he really is - supporting Allen we would none-the-less concede that Virginia is entitled to two choices while this year they only have one. Allen is a candidate; Webb is a conspiracy. That point does not reflect well on the national Democratic party, and don’t blame Howard Dean. Charles Schumer was in charge of recruiting candidates: CIA Tester Montana, warrant-less surveillance Webb, Lamont-who-seems-to-fit-into-the-paradigm-and-certainly-his-supporters-do of Connecticut. Don’t even ask what was on Schumer's mind.
How has it come to this, though?
Webb is being driven to being much more ‘liberal than he naturally is’ which is luckily happening in campaign before it would inevitably happen on the Senate floor, so in this case at least the voter actually can make an informed decision. The conspiracy played their cards too young.

George Allen is better. George Allen is the candidate to support. Please vote, and please vote for George Allen. Strictly as a footnote, we admit
Webb could have run better on his own visiting Marine bases and college campuses – Washington & Lee to the cadet corps at VMI to the technology at Virginia Tech to the women’s colleges with the real accomplishments in education which Virginia naturally represents. He’s blown the campaign with the fly-by visits from the out of town, out of touch liberals, but that would have happened on the floor of the Senate anyway. Forewarned is forearmed. Virginia, you’ve seen it and you know.

Please vote for George Allen.

And so we discover Hastings was a fraud, and the standard for judicial misconduct in the District of Columbia is entirely bogus. CIA gaming including with a fixed jury in the federal courts - what swine. Diminishing to our democracy and enabling - or in some degree legitimizing - repression in China, their activity is egregious and must be totally opposed every day, everywhere, every chance.

Please oppose the CIA takeover of Congress.

Oppose their tool Jim Webb.

Support Senator Allen.

Why gaming in the courts is wrong - starting this blogspot in opposition to their racketeering, there was no intent to raise legal arguments against the liberals. Where they go we can only follow, arguing their work is counterproductive and ultimately traps the people it was intended to save.

The 372(c) [now 351] is the lowest form of hopeless. Abandoned. Betrayed by liberals; Ronald Reagan never left the Democratic Party - they left him. Now - knowing Hastings was entirely a game - you can read this 372(c) at your leisure, thinking "there but for the grace of God go I."

Or you can just support Senator Allen and
oppose the CIA fix Jim Webb.

.....Approaching 28 USCS 372, in In the MATTER of a CHARGE OF JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT OR DISABILITY 137 F.3d 650 (D.C. Cir. 1998) the District of Columbia is unambiguous at 651, “A judicial misconduct proceeding, however, is not an appropriate venue by which to challenge the propriety of a judicial decision.”

Previous 28 USCS 372 litigation in the District of Columbia has seemed fairly limited, based on a newspaper article about two Senators having lunch with a remote Judge MATTER 39 F3d 374 (1994) [though in terms of finite documentation that one is tough to beat], a Judge’s wife working as a receptionist for a Senator inquiring of the Secretary of Commerce MATTER 85 F3d 701 (1996), and a general grievance about an independent prosecutor ‘sexed up’ with an allegation about a Judge and unauthorized wiretapping and electronic surveillance more-or-less attached trying to fit into the statute (unsuccessful) MATTER 137 F3d 650 (1998).

The exception of course is Hastings v. Judicial Council of U.S. 829 F.2d 91 (D.C. Cir 1987) where two judges signed the Complaint against Hastings and it took five more – armed with grand jury documentation – to tackle him. Perhaps not appreciating subtle nuances in law, the untrained eye sees Hastings very much as all or nothing – conceptually a case will go back to the same judge unless the litigant is successful in inflicting serious career damage on the guy, which [I] argued [wa]s not fair to either [me] or the judge, made no allowance for what [I] maintain[ed] are [my] unique and compelling circumstances, and [I] claim that is also contrary to the intent of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act passed October 15 1980. Citing James R. Browning, Evaluating Judicial Performance and Related Matters 90 F.D.R. 197, 205 (1981) “Conceding that almost all judges are almost perfect almost all the time, it is still true that on occasion a particular judge should not sit on a particular case. The statutory mechanisms for accomplishing this result are ineffective. Statutory provisions for disqualification for cause have been interpreted narrowly. Motions for disqualification are seldom granted [denied in a particular case]. Appeal from the denial of such motions are rarely successful. There is a need, but there is no effective remedy.”

That was still true ten years later, citing Richard L. Marcus, Who Shall Discipline Federal Judges and How? 149 F.R.D. 37 (1993) which discussing numerous complaints pages 378 to 389. Outcomes can be summarized as a handful of judges hustled into retirement, some dismissals, and a number of findings that corrective actions had already been taken, but not one single reassignment. Why should [I] undertake the 28 U.S.C.S. 372(c) process – as ably demonstrated by Mr. Marcus, and the subsequent Matters litigation in the District of Columbia stretching across the next decade [perhaps as originally argued exactly by those who now oppose me], it is utterly futile. Except [this case] is different, and in fairness to the others Browning in 90 F.R.D. at 240 notes the federal Act was drawn up “not to ferret out and punish offending judges but to improve the functioning of the court by solving administrative problems.” From their perspective that is arguably what the Clinton administration tried to do in litigating Matters regarding special prosecutors. Trying to avert the threatened reassignment [I] wanted to ferret out and punish but ALSO raise larger process issues. ‘The judge as an issue’ disparate from the plaintiff’s issues with the defendants in a possible appeal is not the judge’s fault – would the Court turn [an] [a]ppeal into a disciplinary action concerning the judge? The judge is not responsible for the race to the bottom. An administrative query might well find the judge already took corrective action – he’s a fool if he hasn’t [ ] – but that’s too late for [me] getting radiated in the eyes April 14, 2004. If [the judge] had permitted discovery TWO YEARS AGO at [my] own expense we would be past this part by now.
A better opposing argument would ask why [I] don’t caption [the judge] in the 42:1986 Complaint, and while [I] certainly thought about it [I] suspect the judge’s immunities would make the action futile. Court is suppose to involve substantive actions and not mere gestures, right? More generally, suing the judge is very typically a pro se action and fuels bias in the federal courts which this Court cannot be blind to. Hard rocks for the ship in the storm.

How many of their victims are able to litigate against the CIA?
Damning are the classic conspiracy cases United States v. Guest 383 US 745, 16 L ed 2d 239, 86 S Ct 1170 (March 28, 1966) and United States v. Price 383 US 787, 16 L ed 2d 267, 86 S Ct 1152 (also March 28 1966) with the significant manpower mobilization, focus, and media coverage. There the government cared. By comparison, the conspiracy here is entirely out of reach. While setting up high tech devices, radiating [me], and sharing the fruits of the effort is a popular pastime in Washington D.C., the moment [I] attempted to reverse the situation monitoring either [the judge] or the defendants [I] would get in so much trouble it would be unbelievable. And media coverage in [the case] – certainly a fascinating situation - is being kept artificially sparse.

Undeniable is that the law feigns virtue in claiming “any person” can initiate a 28 USCS 372(c) action, but in Hastings it took two federal judges to start the ball rolling and five more who knew what evidence they wanted and where it was located to tackle him....

Should [I] have sought an injunction? Against a seated federal judge? [I am] a white middle-aged college graduate with no previous convictions – were [I] a young black high school drop-out with several convictions how far would that fly?

Law outside the District of Columbia includes at least one case which might be obliquely interpreted as an exception to the general rule of only losers litigating Judicial Disability: from the 4th Circuit in 1986 Matter 795 F.2d 379, “this complaint presents the rather remarkable phenomenon of a successful litigant whose complaint is that the success was not speedy enough and that the district judge, the subject of the complaint, engaged in conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the Courts in the process of deciding for the complainant.” Even here a winner perceived themselves as having been a loser, but a close reading of the opinion goes on to outline a long term libel/ first amendment issue between the judge and a newspaper which had been a persistent critic.
While big politicians in the 28 USCS 372(c) actions typical in the District of Columbia have money in defense funds – or supporters may work with the attorneys, or the attorneys may forgive the debt or make other arrangements - there is a significant expense associated with that action for more typical litigants and this Court cannot be blind to that.

[I call the theory they articulate ‘Public Officials in Private Conspiracy using Government Resources – human and technical – on the Quasi Private/Public Dime’ and suggest that objectively considered any court would find it asinine].

46 Am Jur 2d 176: “The mere fact that a judge had previously presided over a different case involving the same party is not, by itself, a sufficient basis for requiring disqualification.” The citations provided in 46 Am Jur 2d SS176 are probate and child custody; certainly nothing in assault or torture and [I] claim [my] circumstances overwhelm that precedent or rule.

This is as close as [my case] comes to what might be seen as the conventional 28 USCS 372 allegation in the District of Columbia Circuit [wife of Judge working for Senator, two Senators having lunch with remote Judge] - ‘big fish in a small pond as actionable legal theory’ - and the District of Columbia Circuit has already found the “old-boy network” is not actionable in MATTER 39 F.3d 374 at 382.

Hastings must be seen as a trap for the pro se litigant; two judges signed the Complaint but the opinion does not specify why – only that they did – and the committee of five judges made a beeline for the grand jury documentation. Is that a reasonable standard this Court would expect from [a pro se litigant]? If so, [I] would probably need all the accoutrements of an investigative mechanism complete with undercover sources and grainy video tapes alleging somebody conspired to bring the matter in to [the judge] – rigging the assignment at the clerk’s counter for instance. There certainly is an abundance of surveillance mechanisms – even private ones – in this town, but [my] case is so highly politicized [I] do not think [I] can meaningfully access any of them. With a circumstantial case centered around the neuroprosthetic technology, [I] should not need to.

WEBB, TESTER, LAMONT - holy cow, that's a lot of guys in on 'the fix' 2006.

Hastings IS the standard or the known example of judicial misconduct to which all other allegations are compared in the District of Columbia. Noting the jury DID NOT reach a guilty verdict, a judge was recorded and observed in a pattern of communication and movement [allegedly] soliciting a $150,000 bribe.
Matters allegations of judicial misconduct in the District of Columbia circa 1990s concern various Clinton efforts to attack and remove judges from assorted inquiries and lawsuits, all or at least most of which uniformly failed.

While they were doing that, however, Hastings himself – the recently exiled former judge – snuck around by the backdoor and got elected to the House of Representatives (D-Fl) where he now sits on the intelligence committee [Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence]. In fact, he is second in line to be chairman of the committee when the Democrats take control of the House, and Pelosi doesn’t like Jane Harman who conceptually is the ranking member or first in line. And columnist Ruth Marcus says the Congressional Black Caucus is solid behind naming Hastings chairman and won’t be swayed. Pelosi's Unintelligent Choice, Ruth Marcus, Washington Post, November 1 2006 page A21.

That is so extreme it - the election and committee assignment - must be a CIA orchestration [beyond the court case]. It is insulting to the democratic process and our institutions of government, and it diminishes Congress in front of the military command and our foreign allies. Actually, it diminishes us in front of our enemies as well, but our allies are the ones who really get cut.

And in walks Jim Webb as a CIA fix candidate designed to take down Senator Allen, who is solid in the state but trailing slightly in the northern suburbs where the CIA employees who are trying to pull this grand scam all live.
What swine.
This is unbelievable.

Virginia cannot vote for Webb. You can’t even use Hastings as a standard of judicial misconduct never mind making the guy head of the Select Committee on Intelligence – that case was too extreme. The Clintons raised trivial issues in their 372(c) allegations, but conducting the massive FBI operation behind Hastings is beyond the ability of private litigants to mount and it goes too far the other way.

These orchestrations are farcical. Disgraceful. Pathetic and wrong.

Please vote for Senator Allen.

Please vote for Senator Allen, and tell him not to let them do this stuff.

[William Barr who went on to be Attorney General of the United States under George H.W. Little Kid] received his bachelor's degree in government and a master's degree in government and Chinese studies, in 1971 and 1973 respectively, from Columbia University.

[Justice Ginsburg] was a Professor of Law at Rutgers University School of Law from 1963-1972, and Columbia Law School from 1972-1980, where she became the first tenured woman and co-authored the first law school case book to be written on sex discrimination. She was a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in Stanford University, California from 1977-1978.

Looking at William Barr and Justice Ginsburg as having been Columbia and CIA, its worth questioning how ‘hard a line’ there is between CIA and Mossad both in theory and in reality when you have New York Jews deploying for Allard Lowenstein of the CIA so Israel can get a neuroprosthetic technology concurrent to the Columbia issue.
Lowenstein and Peter Bourne also tie to Stanford. Columbia itself may be ‘Uptown’ and not ‘Manhattan’ but it’s certainly New York and Dennis Sweeney is not known to have identified which neighborhood or borough a group of Jewish people attacking him were located in. That operation continued - worsening - at least into 1980, but Efraim Halevy ran the Mossad in the United States 1970 to 1974 which is when it all began, and their little schemes are becoming increasingly transparent.

Webb did not originate it, but he formalized it.

Indicators are the CIA is NOW trying to deny involvement in the attack on Allen so perhaps it was conceptually undertaken by Naval Intelligence or somebody else, but their denial isn’t good enough. Bush is high on pushing forward with the illicit mechanisms and the CIA lawyers already arranged and legitimized the arguments like ‘Public Officials in Private Conspiracy Using Government Technology on the Quasi-State Dime [of implicit eventual promotion or even just affiliation if not immediate monetary award in pay or overtime]’
and you can’t let the CIA deny that now.
It is a huge reform argument CIA LIBERALS like Hillary Clinton have no intention of addressing; meanwhile people – Amish school children – are being gunned down.

Webb should withdraw. Not over anything he wrote [though it's very possible the publishing ties to CIA activity]. At least he does write, and it isn't about raising a child in a village [by big name politicians who briefly focus and then walk on it] when the marriage rate is in a free fall. There is something to be said for having the husband go down to the corner tavern after the fight with the wife, as opposed to having the cops put him in family court where he uses the one phone call to contact a lawyer who also does divorce. Might not happen often but the scenario probably has a larger 'intimidation effect' over time - careful with a woman who might turn on you [first date question in New York - have you ever sent a man to 'family court'?].
Well if you're an Ivy League woman of the ruling elite of course family court would be the preference.
Webb should withdraw because the whole surveillance paradigm is sordid, certainly including the part he spawned which has proven explosive; it's very possibly a factor drawing the U.S. into doing worse than we should be doing or leading to 'reduced expectations in advance,' and our military has been corrupted by it. Not entirely his fault, it's difficult to see where his part begins and ends.

U.N. notes increase in Israeli roadblocks, by Karin Laub, Associated Press, Oct 11 2006. Jerusalem - Israel's network of military checkpoints and road barriers in the West Bank has grown by 40 percent this past year, part of an increasingly sophisticated system of controls that disrupts all aspects of Palestinian life, a U.N. agency said Wednesday.
These physical obstacles are carving up the West Bank into separate parts, with travel between them becoming more and more difficult, said David Shearer, head of the U.N.'s office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Jerusalem....

Allard Lowenstein was a liberal Jewish CIA guy who had significant ties to the Mossad and Israel. POINT BLANK the fire has burned across the bridge, and they've got us playing their game.

Twofold Operation Seals Sadr City, Troops Seek U.S. Soldier, Militiaman, John Ward Anderson and Ellen Knickmeyer, Washington Post, October 30, 2006.
BAGHDAD, Oct 29 - American military police backed by Iraqi troops maintained their cordon of Baghdad's Sadr City on Sunday, manning barricades and check points in and around the Shiite slum in an operation to find a [CONCEPTUALLY] kidnapped U.S. soldier and to capture [an Iraqi militia leader].
The soldier, an Iraqi American translator whose name has not been released, has been missing for six days. He was abducted [ ] while making an unauthorized visit to see relatives in the Karrada neighborhood of central Baghdad last Monday.
U.S. forces have effectively sealed off Sadr City and its 2.5 million residents from the rest of Baghdad, and within Sadr City, they have isolated the neighborhood around the home of [ ] Abu Deraa....

Hopefully that American soldier really did stray and was legitimately kidnapped, as opposed to this being some CIA manipulation game which ultimately traces to the Israelis or supporting American community [having grave doubts about their soldiers being conceptually kidnapped by CIA-Hezbollah effectively legitimizing the attacks on Lebanon. Tunneling is old now, they have technology to monitor it IN THE BAG WITHOUT DOUBT and after all the distances aren't great; the Lowenstein effort effectively showed the Israelis could implant their whole damn army and monitor the lot of them with a couple dish antennas. Circa 1975. They just want to settle the Golan Heights which isn't theirs; day of the 'poor Jewish people' passed with the attacks on Dennis Sweeney which EVERYBODY in the industry knows about but nobody is saying].

The President of Iran - who denies the Holocaust - is very probably implanted, making the whole thing a goof on the international system in the nurture whore / crisis whore paradigm, but it leads to a lot of horrible repression.

Supporting Democracy - Or Not, Anne Applebaum, Washington Post, October 31 2006 page A21. [On Hungary 1956] As late as June 1956 a clueless CIA (sound familiar?) published an internal document declaing that "there really is no underground movement" in Hungary at all....
Only after four days of street fighting did the American secretary of state,
John Foster Dulles - a man who had spoken often of liberating the "captive nations" of Eastern Europe - finally declare that the U.S. government did not consider the Hungarians "potential allies." The message was clear: The West would not intervene.
Or almost clear: At the same time
Dulles was reassuring everybody that nothing would be done, Radio Free Europe was explaining to its listeners how to make molotov cocktails and hinting at the American invasion to come. To use contemporary language, a part of the U.S. government was "promoting democracy." Another part was "advocating stability." The result was a bloody mess.
The Hungarians kept fighting even after Soviet tanks arrived, believing help was on the way. Hundreds died. And Western policy in the region suffered a setback from which it took nearly 40 years to recover.

Shave and a haircut: six bits.

The Virgin Anne Applebaum, flaunting - and guarding - her own chastity and the public's ignorance in the Washington Post. Budapest 1956 was one of those unpleasant things which happen when the ruling elite - no more comfortable in the West than the East with real democracy - plays CIA games to enshrine a control concept.

The argument against letting the Israeli lobby drive us in Iraq is that the control concept is illusive and never was wholly conceptualized beyond the Israeli lobby wanting an ongoing American presence in the region [committed as a deployment]. It sounds funny; the Israeli lobby pushing us into a Middle East Korea but that is what they're looking for.
A white middle class American, that 'thought' simply would not have been written a year ago - but in Washington D.C. the gloves are off and everybody is talking real serious.

George W. Bush - and I guess Karl Rove, James A. Baker III, or whoever pulls the strings [Ed Meese always seemed like a lightweight but he might serve as messenger] - are trying to throw elections in Virginia and Montana never mind Budapest.

George Allen is better than the candidate they put up anyway, but he is also better than their whole little scheme. Please support him, and
oppose the orchestration.


Early 1970s into the 1980s the Federal Reserve kept credit to farmers real easy. Then, once it had ‘em hooked, it jerked the line and reeled them in – effectively confiscating the equity the farmers had in their land. Willie Nelson doing Farm Aid and all that; somebody sent in Tim McVeigh to diminish the credibility of the resistance. Nick Leeson Barings Bank was a clique movement versus the Lloyd’s ‘recruit to dilute effort’ in which many minor investors were lured in to save the clique. Looks like Enron was a clique movement that switched to the Lloyd’s model at the end when Ken Lay walked around asking people to put their savings in.

Jeffrey Skilling didn’t see that? He deserves what they threw at him; the sentencing reads like something out of The Count of Monte Cristo. Skilling Gets 24 Years for Fraud at Enron, Former Workers Tell of Hard Times Over Lost Jobs, Retirement Savings, Carrie Johnson, Post, October 24 2006. ....Dawn Powers Martin, who worked at the company’s credit union for 22 years, called Skilling a “liar, a thief and a drunk” who “cheated me and my daughter out of our retirement” [is that not ‘my daughter and I’ ?]. When asked to make a statement, Skilling professed remorse but he spoke with the most passion when he vowed to appeal. “I am innocent of every one of these charges,” he told the court...... and the still loyal ship’s mate turned ‘Count of Monte Cristo’ goes over the wall with the treasure map to get some cash before settling with the bad ones who did him in. SORRY CHARLIE. Best v. Kelly, Taxpayers Watchdog Inc. [cases they’d cite in bouncing him if he tried to argue CIA orchestration]

..... Under federal rules, Skilling, 52, must serve at least 85 percent of his sentence, which means he will not be released for more than two decades, when he will be in his 70s..... Skilling’s sentence is second only to the 25-year term given to WorldCom Inc. founder Bernard J. Ebbers [but different insofar as Ebbers was probably in on the fix AND crash, given the conspicuous consumption in million dollar parties and shower curtains etc etc]. ......Skilling’s term is by far the longest of any won by the Justice Department’s Enron Task Force, which announced late Monday that it was closing it’s doors [which is preclusionary – once they’re done, nobody will ever look for the money Fastow stashed offshore in the CIA vaults]. Former finance chief Andrew S. Fastow, who admitted siphoning millions of dollars from the energy-trading company but ultimately cut a deal with prosecutors and testified against Skilling, got a six year sentence..... [reduced from ten which surprised a lot of people].

It would have looked better filmed in black and white. Swashbuckling, once Skilling gets out and sets after his tormentors – his lawyers got roughly $30 million dollars with $15 more million coming; can you imagine how pissed he would be if he ultimately found they were in it with the CIA? Too bad the CIA also owns Hollywood.There’s something about galloping a horse down a moonlit dirt track while wearing a billowing cape that is strangely compelling when filmed from slightly behind and above.

Lea [Weingarten] Fastow was the only wife to get tagged, and that is a possible indicator: Al and Jenny Lowenstein, Peter Bourne and Mary King - at high levels, CIA travels in pairs. Won’t be released till he’s in his seventies, while Fastows get CIA summer camp, executive pensions, and dancing till dawn on the Caribbean tourist ships. Bad call Jeff.

What they’re saying at Wikipedia, CIA on the web. ‘Early career. While at Continental Illinois [National Bank and Trust Company], Fastow helped pioneer a system of raising capital by selling notes backed by risky loans. The practice spread across the industry “because it provides an obvious advantage for a bank,” noted the Chicago Tribune. “It moves assets off the bank’s balance sheet while creating revenue.” Continental became the largest U.S. bank to fail during the Savings and Loan crisis.’

Proof is in the pudding – Wikipedia says Skilling hired Fastow. True/False – Skilling knows damn well whether Fastow was a plant, and that is presumably why the executives never looked at all of Fastow’s off shore money accounts that went back across the years. The famous Skilling ‘***hole’ remark in a telephone call with business analysts – Skilling was expecting the CIA or whoever to cover that [interestingly enough, perhaps suggesting a parallel structure. Are we finding out that really there were two Enron[s]].

Fastow graduated from Tufts University in 1983 with degrees in economics and Chinese [William Barr Chinese]. While there, he met his future wife, Lea Weingarten....

Senate passed Oxley-Sarbanes 99 to 0. Efraim Halevy doesn’t discuss Mossad funding structures being operationally unified with surveillance capabilities. Hillary Clinton sat on the board of Wal-Mart as they were planning their attack strategy or what can be characterized as the ‘Chinese collaboration’ as opposed to significantly splitting China/Brazil for example.

Skilling got a lot of prison time even though he knew about it and HE THOUGHT he was on their side and it was national interest and the whole bit; it even looks like the CIA maneuvered the short selling of Enron shares to maximize their assets. How many companies in Virginia are used to park guys or stash material for the CIA - “Thursday night through March I need fifteen hundred square feet of warehouse space and a desk: can you help me out on this thing?"
Don’t be naïve in it.

Once burned twice shy. Previously he’d have lined people up for them. What’s his attitude now? Is Senator Allen seen as ‘resistance,’ with Webb seen as a collaborator? All we know is that they’re going after Allen and pushing Webb forward. Do they plan on then asking Webb to use his ties to help them, the way they asked – before they trashed and burned – Allen?

It is time for reform – it is passed time, and were it anybody else but Webb somebody could try to argue that, but here we are and Webb is significantly associated with it – the domestic surveillance mechanism and the MOUNTAIN of corruption going back to the early 1980s.

We all wish the world was different, but in the here-and-now Allen is definitely the man to vote for.

Bitter humor – in Montana Jon Tester opposes the Patriot Act or says he does [though he won’t do anything to challenge the CIA on it], while in Virginia Jim Webb embodies the worst aspects of the Patriot Act.

Vote for Senator Allen.

Editorial: Bush - Swine.

You thought you understood that Bush is swine, but this is an entirely new 'swine Bush' paradigm. Documented. The other Bush. Fl[orda] Lawmaker Faces Racial-Slur Inquiry, Peter Whoriskey, Washington Post, Oct. 27 2006. MIAMI - For months, state Rep. Rafael Arza has ducked accusations that he repeatedly used a racial slur. But last Saturday night, according to authorities, he was caught using a derogatory term for a black person on another legislator's voice mail....
In a rare move House Democrats vowed this week to walk out unless the prominent Republican legislator resigns or is expelled....
[T]he scandal represents a dramatic turn for a legislator who was a key ally in Gov.
Jeb Bush's education reform drive.... Several top Republicans distanced themselves from Arza this week.
"Opening up wounds like that just doesn't make sense - it's tragic and its sad," [
Jeb] Bush said. While praising Arza as a "great partner in education reform," [Jeb] Bush said "he's got problems. He's got to work on his problems.... Now I think it's time for him to focus on his own personal issues."
[The other representative] said he did not know why Arza used the racial language again on a recorder.
[ ] "It sounded like arrogance.... He's a bully, and somebody had to stand up to him."

Washington Post 2004 ran a photo of President Bush's daughter sitting in the back seat of a sedan, and turning her head over her right shoulder and sticking her tongue out at reporters in a chase car [visible through the rear window of the sedan]. Falling into a broad category of orchestrated swine-like behavior, that would be appropriate for display on a website which tracks such behavior. Ultimately hit the search engines trying to find an electronic copy - and couldn't. What is widely available on the web is a photo of the other daughter sitting in the back seat of a sedan, and turning her face to the left and sticking her tongue out at reporters standing near the car [visible through the back window on the driver's side of the sedan].

This one you get. The other one - the other daughter in the other photo - is apparently secret.
....The former first lady recalled receiving a letter from someone she knows saying she should tell Jenna Bush how outrageous it was for her to have stuck out her tongue at photographers while traveling with her father on a campaign trip, an act caught on film.
"I wrote the girl back and I said, if you'll pardon me, 98 percent of Americans would like to stick their tongue out at the press," Barbara Bush told ABC, adding that the gesture took place while the press corps was kidding around. "It was so nothing, and it was funny."

Family of swine in their pathetic orchestrations; media of swine who ignore the blatant for the CIA orchestrated.

This website supports George Allen and opposes Jim Webb; we oppose the attack on seated delegates in Congress [Allen and Conrad Burns], and we oppose any cheating at the polls or in the media designed to influence the outcome at the voting booth [where to begin: Cunningham and Ney seem to have been legitimate, while Foley, Weldon, and 'the guy sued for allegedly strangling his girlfriend though not sufficiently to merit criminal prosecution' all seem if not entirely feigned than significantly manipulated. We worry DeLay will be heard from again in one way or another].

From It's easy to rationalize [such] seemingly minor orchestration. By way of comparison, we never met Jeffrey Skilling and probably wouldn't like him if we did; nonetheless its increasingly clear that Enron was a CIA funding mechanism similar to Abramoff and Oxley-Sarbanes entirely contrived to advance government regulation rather than management accountability to the share holder. It is NOT easy, however, to see where even the minor orchestration ends.
Quite frankly, Allen was caught with his pants down: Sarbanes-Oxley passed the Senate 99-0. The CIA put one over on him. The catch is that Allen is willing to revisit the issue, and Webb can't. That's part of the deal the Democrats and Webb cut with Bush. It's preclusionary - you elect a Democrat and you let them walk away.

Jeb Bush
, has been caught red-handed in the crisis whore / nurture whore paradigm, with a blatant appeal to victimization; he manufactured bullying for Democrats to resist which, needless to say, does not speak well for the Democrats, and ultimately may further neuter them as a national party - they might be well served to walk on by.

[Mark R.] Warner Won't Make 2008 Run For President; Ex-Governor Cites [the Obama Candidacy], Michael D. Shear, Washington Post, October 13 2006 page A1, AFTER the CIA took down Jack Ryan in Chicago for Barak Obama 2004. Liberals stepping over the two dead bodies of better men, AND the CIA gun control advocacy has been officially revealed at almost the same time: "Edward O. Wells, 85, a former CIA officer who later became the first executive director of the anti-handgun organization now known as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, died Oct. 11 of brain cancer at his home in Washington".... "He was a pioneer who helped grow the organization," said Sahrah Brady, who took a leading role in the group after her husband, James S. Brady, was wounded in the 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. "He was a permanent fixture. He was totally committed to preventing handgun violence" [Matt Schudel, Post, October 20 2006 page B7].
Most compelling suggestion we've seen to the effect shooting James Brady may have been a premeditated aspect of the decision made by John R. Simpson and Stuart Knight to have Jerry Parr shoot Reagan in the car,
but anyway its official: at a macro level the people of Virginia have now been screwed every which way by the hometown CIA based in Langley, even though this may be operationally handled by the domestic branch recently moved to Colorado or New York Jews on Wall Street. Warner is down, Allen is attacked, Webb - the candidate-imposter who participated in the activity but evaded indictment in Iran Contra - has a ready forum from which to spread their disinformation and lies [to say nothing of Webb's work in creation of the domestic surveillance mechanisms], a liberal gun control advocate is being pushed forward for the presidency [they're very obviously photographed together], and your vote in Virginia 2006 will be saving yourself or alternately slicing your own throat in 2008.

Is it possible to separate Hillary Clinton from all this? Is she looking for the vice presidential ride on the Democratic side, and can we expect her to withdraw her official presidential candidacy in the immediate future as Warner did?
In a like vein, is this ironclad proof the CIA intends to undertake voter fraud in Virginia, or merely a preponderance of evidence that their tracks are leading in that direction. Time, Joe Klein, Why Barack Obama Could Be The Next President, October 23 2006.

Knowing Bush has thrown in with the Democrats in attacking Allen and trying to turn over control of the legislative branch, of course its fun to reverse engineer their illicit deal. Most important is that it keeps Bush out of jail. Quotes in The Washington Post 10/23 suggest George H.W. Little Kid was actually behind the whole thing [with James A. Baker III and Karl Rove doubtlessly close in back of him], trying to use the new Democratic majority in the House to protect him and attack his [Republican] enemies.
What does Bush et al want the Democrats to do for them?
'No Child Left Behind' is here to stay - registering your children for the feds turns out to be the Bush legacy. President Obama can't drop it.
'Bush racketeering deals' with the Mexicans, HUGELY opening the door to illegal immigration and setting them up for FANNIE MAE mortgages, are legitimized. They're not getting sent back now.

HUBBLE SAVED. Already a modest success, no thanks to Bush. Our thanks to everybody who assisted on that. Helpless George Little Kid was going to let it fall out of orbit and roast. Nothing he could do - when maybe it turns out the Space Shuttle problems were Apollo-13 legacy orchestration [the movie with their boy Tom Hanks was suspicious], and the 'scheduling crisis' with the old Soviets at the space station was straight out of the nurture whore / crisis whore paradigm.

Putin in the Union
. Pointlessly oppressive with a fine almost Texas-like 'stupid act,' feigning ignorance of the non-profit and charity 'registration' problems. That's the only union George Bush will talk about, but repression generally is the issue. Stricter Policy Splits West Bank Families; Americans Who Live There Denied Visas, Scott Wilson, Post October 23 2006. Its partitioning the West Bank like they want to divide Iraq - all you hear about is the violence, but the story notes there are 70,000 foreign nationals waiting for papers to live and work in the West Bank ['Sam Bahour, business consultant born in Youngstown Ohio.... developed a $10 million dollar mall' there and got 'an MBA through a joint program run by Tel Aviv University and Northwestern' paraphrased] and 120,000 families seeking unification with 4,000 permits granted annually.

How can you tell your children you endorsed that agenda?
[I] oppose Michael Steele in Maryland as an obvious Bush/Rove tool, and support Benjamin Cardin as an independent or at least non-Bush tied. The voters in Maryland may vote Steele in, but if he gets the seat it hopefully will be by votes and not fraud [Md. Voting Machines Had Defect, Cameron W. Barr, Post October 26 2006 page B1 continued B6 as Key Part Was Replaced in Many Voting Machines with photo of a "Diebold official Tom Feehan" looking perhaps deliberately hapless].

What's funny is that in cutting the deals and throwing control, Bush is admitting he is ideologically spent. All she wrote. They handed him a CIA script and he implimented it. When he came to the last page - that was it; he didn't have any more he could do with a Republican majority.

Can Boy George and the old man be broken? Absolutely. YES on the CIA capital punishment advocacy. Name one thing he did as director of Central Intelligence - Geo. H.W. Little Kid broke the moratorium in Furman v. Georgia using Gary Gilmore in Utah [July 1976 to three days before he left office in January 1977], with George W. Little Kid extending death into Connecticut, Vermont, and the Dakotas with the CIA. Their 'Capital Punishment Advocacy' with nomenclature or an overview designator, and the 'CIA lethal injection death process' as a subheading. We used to be a diverse nation with the gas chamber, electric chair, hanging, and firing squad. It was actually a mechanism they used to corrupt state legislatures. Seat belt laws - George W. Little Kid only continued what the Clintons started, and that's without getting into Clover Leaf. Kidnaping, rape and death of Dru Sjodin? Be sure and also thank their collaborator candidates for that.

Jon Tester in Montana and Webb in Virginia are Bush choices for crying out loud [YES - at some level they were negotiated settlements]; Webb is associated with the warrantless domestic surveillance mechanisms, supported by the CIA, and the media press against Allen continues. An Ascent Shadowed By Questions on Race, Bill Turque, Washington Post October 26 2006 page A1. ....'murky 30-year-old anecdotes'.... JESUS WEPT. Illinois had capital punishment and a convict on death row escaped. "Terrible Tommy" O'Connor from 1921 was sentenced to hang. The state held on to the noose and scaffold for decades until 1977 when it dawned on somebody that if they ever did catch the guy they wouldn't hang him. A group of prosecutors, one of whom worked on the John Wayne Gacy case [also late 1970s], were photographed with the 'hanging regalia' including gallows and noose, now up for sale in Illinois. Infamous Piece of Chicago History Goes on the Block, Kari Lydersen, Washington Post, Oct. 31 2006. Is this suddenly controversial? Allen had a Confederate flag, which were also displayed on the Dukes of Hazard television show [wasn't there one on the car?] in about the same time period.
George Allen is a fine United States Senator,
he has been attacked by George Bush, Karl Rove et al,
and the CIA has instigated media manipulation targeting his campaign.
Please support Allen and oppose Webb.
If anyone has a chance to talk to old Chicago prosecutors, ask if there was ever talk about John Wayne Gacy being a CIA orchestration with a ground support element slightly pre-Webb ["In addition to his clown act, he became a committee member for the Democratic Party. In this capacity, he was even able to meet and be photographed with future-First Lady Rosalynn Carter." Wikipedia on Gacy, but that would be real typical CIA]. Was there anything in Gacy's legal representation that might have been characteristic.

2006 started with two potential - viable - 2008 presidential candidates from the State of Virgina; like the famous New York 'subway series,' a contest between Warner and Allen would have commanded national attention.
All right - Warner renounced his bid, but what about Colin Powell? Hopefully Powell doesn't intend to just be a walk on after waiting in the wings [for years], and hopefully Powell isn't going to get sucked into the Bush muck mechanism which is pretty tricky for a self starter to avoid [watching McCain kiss up to Bush backers while trying to stay clear of Bush]. Supporting Allen now [hopefully with public appearances but at least a fundraiser] would have BIG payout down the road for trivial effort, particularly if Powell OPPOSED privatizing social security for instance. Big tent, and you're already beating back the flames of muck. Powell could take the publicity his own way, AND he would be shaking hands at the convention like a vet.

Hopefully Powell is not naive in the effort required to stay clear of the Bush muck mechanism.

ANOTHER FASCINATING DECISION by the CIA. Bush should be forced out - NOW, but on October 19th 'several hundred' people picketed an event with Allen and Bush in Richmond, and effectively prevented Allen from defending himself. The people chanted "Allen is a racist" which, versus Webb, isn't particularly significant but assumes a whole new tone in light of the Obama candidacy. The Audacity of Hope[?] - yeah, its audacity all right when the CIA is behind you.

Senator Obama is definitely NOT pro-gun ownership. He DOES NOT favor carry rights, presumably including the one in Virginia which says that if you're a citizen and don't have any felony convictions you can strap it on and openly walk with it [in fact you must openly walk with it - concealed requires the license].

Senator Clinton, Handsome Obama, the other Democratic candidates of 2008 - if there are any - do they realize how far Webb went down the surveillance trail in establishment of the HOME GUARD Security? Well they must - sure it's extreme, but why else do they think George Bush pushed him forward. Is the photo a 'smoking gun' direct link to the ex-director of Central Intelligence in the years after he had President Reagan shot? Not if Obama only has the political acumen of an elementary school kid - other than that, its fairly circumstantial. Does Obama know Webb is a 'fixed' candidate? YES.
Jack Ryan knocked down for Obama 2004, Giuliani knocked out [supposedly with 'cancer' induced or not] for Clinton in 2000 and now Jeanine Pirro and the guy who gets absolutely no party support in 2006 - do Democrats absolutely have to get the CIA to cheat on their behalf for credibility in campaign? Or is that just when they want to win?

Marine Corps taking the hit in Beirut 1983; a precursor to Iran-Contra and CIA Jim Webb who is currently dominating the CIA-New World Order mouth piece Washington Post. APOLOGY. This was slated to be 'lead photograph' going into the election of 2006, and it is probably still the most important photograph - the critical reason you should vote for George Allen and oppose Webb - but known, now-quantifiable, 'defined CIA gaming in the politics of 2008' is the most immediate problem which needs to be brought to the attention of the American public and the people of Virginia. An additional reason to vote for George Allen and opposed the Webb.

George W. Bush teaming with Hillary Clinton to throw the races:
Pressing Senate Bid With Sharp Tongue and Strong Resolve, Marc Santora, New York Times October 20 2006 page A20.
It would be hard to imagine a race with two such strikingly different candidates. Mrs. Clinton has a comfortable suburban upbringing, counted the nation's elite as her peers at Wellesley College and Yale Law School and became the first woman to be made full partner at the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas [ed. - without going into the allegation about laundering drug money through state bond issues].
Mr. Spencer, 59, was an orphan and a community college dropout who enlisted in the Army [in 1966, and by 1968, he was in Vietnam, where he led a combat platoon south of Danang... He is reluctant to talk about his time in battle. But he has no regrets about going. "We were on a mission to help the South Vietnamese people," he said. Mr. Spencer was awarded the Bronze Star for his service.
George Kline, 58, [ ] served under Mr. Spencer's command. "He was never a dictator type," Mr. Kline said. "But he spoke his mind. And he also had a nice dose of healthy sarcasm"].
He [Mr. Spencer] battled and overcame alcoholism, worked in construction, built his own cleaning business and became mayor of Yonkers, New York's fourth-largest city. He governed as a tax cutting, law-and-order conservative....
Yet he is also deeply frustrated by the lack of support he has received from the national Republican Party, despite its deep antipathy toward Mrs. Clinton. He also has received little help from either Gov. George E. Pataki or former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, whom Mr. Spencer has criticized as too liberal.
In a recent interview with the syndicated columnist Robert D. Novak, Mr. Spencer said the lack of support made him feel like he had been "stabbed in the back."

George Allen and Conrad Burns certainly aren't the only ones betrayed, but put the three of them [those two plus Mr. Spencer] right at the head of the line.

October 19 2006 George W. Little Kid went down to Richmond and diminished Allen with essentially patronizing talk about 'staying the course in Iraq' when everybody knows we're about to change direction in that troubled region [forcing Allen to distance himself from those remarks];
Clinton in McLean on the same day supporting the CIA nominee at least with words which didn't have to be qualified afterwards. Swine.

How can that happen? Easy, when pirates have taken over the ship and the big players in the parties are all cowardly lions.
They should have take George W. Little Kid out to the woodshed. A blogspot supporting Donald Rumsfeld [] can be accessed via the menu to the right of this text field, and will soon be updated with startling new developments. Why is Bush scared of Allen in Virginia but supporting Santorum in Pennsylvania; the religious context - or even racketeering - supporting the decision process will be discussed.
END OF THE DAY it is revisiting an issue poorly handled for decades,
previously poorly handled by the Clinton Administration,
now poorly handled by [the] Little Kid,
and an even more compelling reason to oppose the CIA racketeering
and support George Allen.

Status 10/19/06: Post of 10/18/06 was definitely an enabling device for legitimizing cheating at the polls.
Post's Web Operation Picks Spayd As Editor, Martin Weil, Washington Post 10/19/2006 page A12 identifies Liz Spayd as "in charge of The Post's national news coverage since 2000," an obvious position from which to further the CIA 'New World Order' agenda of course without speculating about her possible - or even probable - CIA affiliation.
'Ms. Spayd CIA' characteristics were examined on the condition of anonymity 1. pending completion of the report, 2. for fear of possible retaliation, 3. because [whoever it was] didn't have any balls and its easier to backstab if people don't know your name, 4. [insert your own favorite reason for The Post's refusing to attribute a comment or perspective], according to sources familiar with the investigation.

Women’s Vote Could Tip Close Contest; Webb and Allen Temper Records, Soften Images, Lisa Rein, Washington Post, October 23 2006 page A1. Do women in Virginia understand the CIA has a plan to reduce monthly ovulation to perhaps three times a year?
Word on the streets in Washington D.C. is that they’re working in that direction, perhaps intending to influence reproduction in regions they perceive to be over-populated. It may be at least superficially well intended, but that is the CIA plan.
And faced with that, understanding it ain’t gonna be entirely voluntary but accompanied by at least coercion if not outright force or decree [it might be accomplished by simply radiating the population or putting chemicals in the water without notice], women would remotely consider voting for CIA candidate James Webb on women’s issues? Of course the Washington Post, quasi-official mouthpiece of the Central Intelligence Agency, isn’t going to say anything about it. Leading to this theater of the absurd – an entire candidacy of the most flagrant misinformation. One regret is that the liberals will probably never stop to consider what they are actually doing; one consolation is that there aren’t that many extreme liberals even in the northern part of the state.

When is somebody from the CIA going to get sick of all this orchestration and just start putting handouts under the windshield wipers of cars in the supermarket parking lots or trying to talk to commuters at the West Falls Church Metro Station?

BUSH MUST BE MADE TO APOLOGIZE. He has undertaken an attack upon the legislative branch of government that is unconstitutional and he MUST apologize for that,
including BOTH the Macaca-scam attack on Senator Allen and the Abramoff attack on Senator Burns.
He should apologize for the whole thing - the whole shabby story including Jeanine Pirro in New York blocking tacklers for Hillary Clinton [the intent to shift control of the Congress] which would reveal Bush as an imposter in his sheep's clothing,
but at the very least he MUST be made to explicitly apologize for the focused attacks on Allen and Burns. Not MENTION but actually apologize clearly and fully.
A guess is that he will acknowledge 'Macaca - the word orchestration,' claiming it was intended to drive on illegal immigration and got out of control. Bush's ability to pick the word was a heck of a lot more immediate than Senator Allen's ability to pick the guy; Bush put him up to it and Bush can fall on it. He will probably try to duck on the media manipulation aspect of the attack on Allen though.
Abramoff was a domestic deployment of the CIA over funding mechanisms in the Indian community which is why Burns thought he was suppose to go along with it. YEAH - Bush will look really bad on that but the UNITED STATES SENATE better unify and make him do it.

Last chance for the donor base to pin Bush, and make him promise to play a straight game. Hastert should step down NOW, and no cheating either way at the polls. Not for Santorum in Pennsylvania or for Webb in Virginia or for Tester in Montana or for Steele in Maryland. Not against Corzine in New Jersey. Play an absolute straight game. And Burns could use fifty thousand dollars in advertising from the RNC in Montana because they've put him through so damn much.

It is also HUGELY IMPORTANT you make it VERY clear to Bush that your support for Senator Allen in 2006 in NO WAY translates into support for Jeb in 2008.

- newsletter available weekday mornings in front of Union Station in Washington D.C.

At the behest of the Bush Administration - at the behest of Bush anyway, in adjudicated conspiracy with full deniability -
James A. Baker III will opt for a severe and restricted government in Baghdad following the conceptual election in the
United States [we go on to blast the CIA for gaming in several of the Senate races 2006]. Having instigated the violence with the demolition of the shrine in Samarra at the beginning of the year, they now intend to end it in December with repression. Do not let this anti-democratic CIA manipulation triumph in Virginia. Carry signs, paste bumper stickers, tell your friends. 'He who hesitates is lost' - if we hesitate we are lost together. Hopefully it's not too late.

Cutting to the chase - Jim Webb represents a CIA attack on
George Allen. Point blank he does; perhaps he rationalizes it any number of ways but he does. How BAD or negative is the CIA activity - what is the full extent of it?
EMERGENT. We're just figuring this out.
Originally keyed on a kid - now a young man at Virginia Tech - having been sexually abused a child, and the assailant transitioning the attack into the college environment. They're very good at what they do; one witness spent roughly 173 days in a Maryland jail for trying to instigate an investigation [held on a prosecutor's allegation of something like 'perjury,' they would have been released at 180 days without a formal charge or trial]. Originated at a German school and both the kid [now a young man] and the assailant speak German.
Donald Fedge, a really smart and good natured high school kid crippled in a car wreck, now - 'damaged but cheerful' - going around to lecture groups [I think typically kids or young people] on auto safety. McLean Virginia. Studied German.
Keegan Zacharie, by all accounts a very smart high school kid on the brink of graduation gets somehow hustled into hunting for a weapon and ends up attacking - and badly slashing - policemen in Alexandria Virginia; top school and, you guessed our interest, studied German.

'What!?! Oh that's bull**** - the CIA is 'grooming' - gaming, attacking, assaulting - kids who study German in Virginia, or transitioning it in from other states, or starting it there and taking it elsewhere.'
Sorry. Street 'validation' or indicators [I am] very comfortable with....

Merely "...very comfortable" was 5:00 Friday; by midnight it was "OFF THE CHARTS CERTAIN" and by their standards that identifies the source but what are they going to do, kill the whole German Army like they went after the French 'government workers on vacation' with the plane crash [in South America]?
In 2001 Senator Allen tried to deploy the entirety of Virginia law enforcement over this - stripped command at least south to Richmond [true - you didn't know they had 'four star' policemen in Virginia but they do and the guy was not alone. In fact the room was crowded] - but Bush shut him down on it. Now we're talking NATO field maneuvers. They are pleasant in public but like each other? Don't believe it.

.....If [I] had the name of the kid being sexually assaulted, would it be posted here? In a word, yes. Somehow the CIA has a mechanism in a highly defined community, and it should be possible to 'reverse engineer' the activities - the assaults and attacks - to find the instigators or the designation mechanism that selects the young men who have been targeted.

An additional problem is that were he to be elected,
Jim Webb would not be the only Senator with significant ties to the CIA in the United States Senate.
Actually beyond 'ties' per se, Senator Clinton probably came up as a CIA executive dating back to her days in Arkansas, and now [continuing] runs an entirely private surveillance structure of her own. 'Public Official in Private Conspiracy using Government Technologies on the Quasi-State Dime; be sure and ask her about it if you ever rub elbows at a Bloomberg fundraiser apart from politics for instance. Bilyeu v. Clinton et. al 1:00-cv-02290 RWR which became Bilyeu v. Federal Government 1:01-cv-00321 RWR [DDC con't Dist of Columbia Court of Appeals] would be a reference.
Representing the alternate end of the spectrum or kind of a minimal involvement, Senator Obama let the CIA take down Jack Ryan in Chicago to seat him whether or not he himself was involved in the effort beyond taking direction for media responses.
Of the Republicans, McCain looks fixed from the Vietnam War which is hardly a mark of integrity but is better than the short term knee jerk opportunism - and treachery - on the other side.
The question is whether the Democrats are particularly driven to it insofar as they are a perpetual minority party going back to Wilson and the First World War.
Not a pretty picture but that may be where Howard Dean should start.

They have to keep Webb and Jon Tester out.

Again, awareness is emergent, and of course everybody should be watchful in looking for other CIA-precursor activities. The ounce of prevention is definitely worth the pound of cure. Oppose it, every way you can.

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that strains with me
Shall be my brother:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That drove for us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Before Agincourt, October 25 1415. There is still time for you to contact the Allen campaign in opposition to CIA activity in Virginia.

Bush keeping Santorum in Pennsylvania because Santorum just gave half the CIA cover on K Street to support the expanded government of the 'New World Order': will President-elect [Senator] Clinton, pretty evidently collaborating in the Bush effort, offer Casey a cabinet position as the 'consolation prize' down the road?


Frist can't get the **** out of there soon enough.

Writing at [menu to right]:

Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte (R-Va.)may not be "affiliated with" the CIA attack on George Allen in Virginia but he's certainly proximate to it and he was writing the legislation right around the time the CIA-orchestrated controversy down there blew up. It [the CIA-racketeering] isn't just Burns or limited to particular issues; they just want the guys 'who won't go their way' OUT and out now.
FASCINATING INSIGHT: In both these cases - Burns and Allen - the Senators typically don't just roll over for them but this time did 'what they thought the CIA wanted' because it seemed relatively trivial and compared to what the CIA usually does they figured nobody was going to get hurt. 'Macaca' - Allen did say that but only because he figured that him taking a few punches was better than the CIA causing a child to die of exposure in a border crossing which they have been known to do. Now its 'CIA-high school' - they're like a bunch of little kids trying to combine and attack the adults. Petulant.

Keep your eye on the ball – it ain’t the ‘party affiliation’ which is important or a mark of integrity one way or the other. Its the man. Please continue to ALSO support Conrad Burns in Montana who is definitely taking heavy punches in this same attack.

Latest development - Bush is hustling down to Richmond trying to deny following:

Does Jim Webb have the George Bush corrupted CIA endorsement, and if so - why?
He no doubt does have the endorsement - hardly a trick to 'reverse engineer' [read on].
The 'WHY' is emergent but becoming clear.
The bombing of Marine Barracks Beirut was 23 Oct 83,
and CIA station chief William Buckley was kidnapped 16 March 84 and tortured to death by Hezbollah over the following [fourteen] months. Which set up Iran Contra as a Bush effort to frame Reagan. Adler Berriman Seal - Barry Seal, CIA drug hauler bringing drugs into the United States under the SEA SPRAY designator - was killed in early 1986 which is kind of a marker, but the activity of Richard Secord 'reportedly' flying cocaine around the United States backs into the domestic surveillance mechanism Webb represented as Assistant Secretary of Defense. Among friends Webb probably doesn't even try to deny the latter point; we think he will try to duck on the Marine Barracks and Buckley.
Problem - Bush's whole focus is to 'enable' Hezbollah, currently gaining ground in definitely Lebanon and Iran if not Iraq which isn't as clear because the situation on the ground is more factionalized. There's long been talk that Hamas is a Mossad creation, and its equally possible Hezbollah is really a CIA creation from the Richard Helms years in Tehran. Of course they would love Webb and you should not be blind to the argument - to avert the terrorism you need to befriend the terrorist and migrate them into non-violence and he already has the connection blah blah blah, but Webb - at least through his UNDENIABLE affiliation with Bush - is so much worse than that. Why would you put a Hezbollah-linked CIA warrantless covert domestic surveillance specialist - actually an executive in it well beyond just the 'specialist' - into the United States Senate?
Swine. Or anyway a man caught in a very bad circumstance; of course he doesn't mention that activity. The question is whether or not he denies it when people ask him about it. 'HOME GUARD Security' is rumored to be the designator.

Hopefully this is damaging whatever plan there is for Jeb in 2008, but understand they are BRAZEN and will try to leverage any win in 2006. At issue is Bush diminishing the conservative wing of the party - on purpose and as a way of fueling his schemes in the 'New World Order' paradigm - and using it for his own advantage.

Our awareness of CIA activity in domestic politics exploding from the obvious cases in Virginia and Montana, we have to ask where it ends - what is the extent of it?

Sure he threw Conrad Burns to the dogs in Abramoff [actually worse - Bush selected Burns and targeted him and then set up for the Indians to close the door in his face; screw 'election,' Burns ought to slam the lot of them so hard the whole little scheme 'ends up in last week' for doing that], the real question now is whether Bush has arranged for voter fraud at the polls as a follow up measure.
Marc Racicot is a pro, but on the other hand Montana is still a small place.
No such doubts on cheating in Virginia [giving it away], Ohio [to keep], Maryland and probably New Jersey [to win]- the question is 'where.' Urban or rural, wealthy or more either side of middle class. Of course the guess is they already have wealthy and will cheat urban and middle class.
Similarly, to make sure control of the Senate does shift - and 'word on the streets' in Washington D.C. is that it will - we see the Republican party cheating for Cantwell in Washington State, and for Democratic candidates in Tennessee and Missouri.

The numbers still don't work though. Rhode Island, but its possible there is a Republican out there in a so-called 'safe seat' which isn't really safe.
Without Bush cheating for the Democrats, is it possible the Republicans would keep all their seats or only suffer a narrow loss IN SPITE of all the stunts they've done? Doesn't impress you, does it. The American people can, in a certain light, look suspiciously like sheep.

Question. What about Minnesota. Bush wants to claim it as an argument for his 'moderate' [moderately socialist] policies.

Humphrey, Mondale, and - Ventura -. Jesse kind of disgraced third party politics though, suggesting the 'big boys' [with the big money] are happy the way things are today. Cargill only has to cut two checks, and doesn't want to open itself up to supporting more overhead. Particularly now after DeLay [Texas] and Santorum from Pennsylvania DOUBLED the number of lobbyists under the conceptually Republican Administration. Bush likes to stay tight to the agencies, and that may mean he needs to keep Santorum who just gave half of them cover on K Street - watch for cheating at the polls in Pennsylvania NOT because Bush opposes Casey but because 'that's just the way it is.'

Attacking Allen but keeping Santorum?! And thinking of themselves as good conservatives? That's outrageous.

'Manner in which returns were reported 2004' and talk about Santorum 'being a strong finisher' may be precursor CIA involvement in the Pennsylvania race.
Questions: 1.can Christian fundamentalists work as poll watchers, and 2.if God tells you to add or subtract ballots a Muslim would do it and not call it cheating, right? Suppose you 'had a dream' the night before, or 'heard voices' [no, really][whether or not it's induced neuro-stimulus].
Slaughter of Amish kids in a one room school house as another precursor event to CIA activity in Pennsylvania - you have to call somebody you know on Capital Hill and ask them if they've heard anything. Swine.
Is DeLay still on the ballot in Sugar Land Texas? Don't be surprised to see him again.

Anyhow, Ventura in Minnesota started strong in refunding a budget surplus, and he was otherwise a pretty moderate guy - being 'conservative' should not equate to being draconian. How many young black men do you want in prison [selling drugs is bad, and 'possessing with intent to sell' is bad, but we can't get worked up over simple possession]. On the other hand, liberals - certainly like Humphrey - also enslave. Ventura briefly showed what a populist party might have been.

Footnote - 'word on the street' in Washington D.C. says Bush flew A-10 [low altitude attack planes] in Vietnam possibly after the American involvement had conceptually ended, and Jesse Ventura was a Navy SEAL at the time. It technically is possible they might have known each other or 'known of' each other from the service.

We are conservative, but not necessarily 'pro-Republican.' George H.W. Bush was chairman of the RNC as the CIA knocked out Nixon, and then went on to run the Agency after serving in China and being implanted with a neuroprosthetic - his being able to assert situational dominance over a lot of hacks is not a reason to fall in step with 'The Party.'
Quite the opposite, given the attacks on George Allen which show Bush to be - worse than a liar, traitor, or smack gutter hoe - very, very ideologically weak.

What the heck is really going on in Virginia.

Why President Bush is attacking Senator Allen,
the mechanics of the attack,
and important points for the players involved.

First important point: 'polling' is very important because it establishes a basis for 'cheating votes' on election day and beyond the media campaign may lead to real malfeasance at the critical point in time which is really what Allen is worried about. We also think there is an enemy in the Allen camp [at least one], but Allen should be able to define that - or go to Bush and ask flat out who it is - and handle that aspect of the situation.

Second important point: the betrayal is part of a larger political swap process which guarantees Senator Clinton re-election in New York and takes Allen out of the 2008 presidential race, conceptually advancing Senator McCain.
In that sense, it is necessary to understand Bush is not - and never was - a conservative or a Republican per se; this is "our crowd," a fix-mechanism from the interwar period when American politics were really defined. 'Give and take' or adjudicated victory - all they want to do is win, and can readily play offense/defense or liberal/conservative as required.
The problem comes in establishing the framework to perpetuate the victory; the idea is to try and subjugate with a regulatory environment and THAT is what tended to drive Bush into big government. The CRIME is the use of government positions, authority, and ultimately money to do it - were this just a group of people - even very rich people - off on their own in conspiracy it would be much less offensive and perhaps vile but not really threatening to the structure of democracy.

This website does not celebrate Allen who probably has his own clique or circle, but insists Allen has been targeted, very probably for being conservative. His father probably was 'tied' to Nixon or knew him [coached at Whittier after a series of religious schools in the midwest], they shared character traits, and its possible Senator Allen is conservative out of vision or anticipation rather than conviction [Nixon saw a larger conservative movement coming and told Allen to jump on it]. For whatever reason, ultimately his belief structure threatens "our crowd," which needed Reagan but does not see themselves as needing Allen.

What they did was lure Allen passed the tipping point before cutting him off at the knees.
Macaca - "You want me to say what!?!"
'Yeah, we can pin the Democrats on immigration in other districts where we're weak, we need this, help now and we're behind you down the road' - quick serious with the President in an aside after the Tuesday caucus meeting or chummy over lunch, on the phone with Karl Rove, or even via the notorious liar Ken-who-is-head-of-the-RNC. Allen wouldn't have completely trusted that guy speaking on his own though, and would probably have called Rove or the President to confirm on it.
And the President/CIA-fix put the kid in the crowd to begin with so its kind of ipso facto.

The Jewish issue had been raised in 2003 - Allen demanded a retraction from some magazine which they gave him, and if the retraction was at the behest of Bush a guess is that he put them up to running the article in the first place as a precursor. He may not have known when or how he'd use it but that use of it was possible.

The deer head is the fascinating question - one of the other two guys involved died, which is worthy of note in the context of Bush/CIA awareness of the incident. It's been burning a hole in their pockets and they established some basis for tracking the issue - whether they let it sleep or freshened it periodically is the real question. The one guy - now gone public - obviously spilled. The CIA would have preferred to cut an overt deal with him - a little bit of grant money here and there, or opening doors to make life a little easier - but they might not have. Or the guy - if approached - might not have taken the deal. The story - dating from the 1970s - almost certainly is true; the CIA, the media relationship, and the timing reflected in the telling is much more current and newsworthy.

Finally, the 'WHY.' Why advance James Webb - why attack Senator Allen.
1. GENERAL STRATEGY: "our crowd" likes Hillary Clinton, and knocking down Allen does advance McCain in 2008. Be real clear about this though - Bush is in it for himself, and supports Lieberman in Connecticut as a sure thing. Less direct and more adjudicating: Jack Abramoff was a fix designed to protect the CIA gambling franchise, and it's tough to see the attack on Conrad Burns as anything other than Bush-inspired in a reciprocity concept 'trading infiltration of states' - break GOP holds in Montana and Virginia in return for a GOP gain in New Jersey. That latter point is vicious payback for Jon Corzine who took down their CIA-fix Codey, now taking down Corzine's appointment of Bob Menendez with Tom Kean Jr., son of the 9/11 Commissioner.

Serving in the Reagan White House, John Roberts developed a program for warrantless domestic surveillance. It is run out of offices of the State Adjutant General - the Army National Guard - using retired, service, and prior service operatives. It is called HOME GUARD Security, it apparently parallels HOMELAND Security [an intelligence mechanism to support the guarding or prevention function] or in any case the name is very similar, and they have access to the full technology support systems of the United States government.

James Webb served as the first Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs in parallel to John Roberts who was then in the White House [Roberts stepped out as if to 'cape the bull' around Iran-Contra after setting it up with Oliver North and John Poindexter but that is another story].
The National Guard was operational in HOME GUARD Security deployments no later than mid-1985, visible in Connecticut during a relocation between units, in turn raising the possibility Rob Simmons supported CIA murderer Michael Bruce Ross in the eastern part of that state a couple years earlier. Simmons was Army Reserve Military Intelligence [he commanded the unit in New Haven which may relate in some bizarre way to Skull & Bones] and HOME GUARD Security is Army National Guard run by state offices. It is not clear whether those represent entirely separate tracks out of the Pentagon or a pool of available resources - of course Webb would know.
Webb went on to at least be 'peripheral to' if not 'involved with' CIA mechanisms in Hollywood and the media/publishing world.

According to multiple sources, Asa Hutchinson was the United States Attorney in charge of drug smuggling in Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor and Hillary Clinton was laundering the money through a funding structure which included bonds and the Rose Law Firm, Hutchinson going on to serve in the House of Representatives and the Department of HOMELAND SECURITY before running for governor of the state [current].

William Barr was the CIA executive in charge of the drug smuggling which Terry Reed claims included Oliver North and [Air Force general] Richard Secord; that smuggling had a parallel 'administrative' infrastructure. It probably is possible to back track drug saturation through that administrative structure, in turn that implies there was another executive commensurate to Barr who has not yet been identified. Barr went on to be attorney general which is what makes him conspicuous [Roberts may have been solicitor general at the time] before work in telecommunications radiating the ghetto [from the mid-1990s during the Clinton administration] to diminish the crime bubble and death curve resulting from the drug smuggling. The 'inside' executive probably had the contact with Webb.

IMPORTANT: 'CLOVERLEAF' is the designator for spraying chemicals over cities and definitely over Northern Virginia - we do not know what the designator is for radiating them.

PRECLUSIONARY issue: There are two cross-linkages of relationships which either incriminate Webb or serve to advance him in "our crowd," whichever way you want to look at it.
Roberts-Webb in HOME GUARD Security mechanisms or 'the structure' of warrantless surveillance, and
Webb-Hutchinson-Barr with Clinton and a few others advancing 'deployments' in warrantless surveillance.

Either of those points should be PRECLUSIONARY - together, in fact they ARE preclusionary. You can sit Webb in the chair, but you can't fool the Europeans or Jews [the latter of whom may LIKE and endorse Webb but the corruption is and will be known].

PRO-REAGAN, anti-North/Webb viewing Iran-Contra as a George H.W. Bush 'Quisling' or 'semi-tough' mechanism for attacking a true cold warrior. George H.W. Bush was a 'hero' fighter pilot [with talk to the effect that he really wasn't but for the sake of the argument here assuming he was] while Reagan was never in the Army beyond Hollywood. End of the day, one was tough - and the other wasn't, but the really dramatic point is that one had a vision for freedom while the other never wanted to see beyond a 'CIA fix' with himself as a strong voice in "our crowd" but not really responsible for anything. One way of looking at it: our nation is stuck in this rut over George H.W. Bush's relationship with his father [apparently Geo. H.W. is very nonconfrontational] - certainly to the extent that it has impacted his son Geo. W - but really it equates to duplicity at least apart from their family life.

Webb supposedly went to Annapolis with Oliver North; both were certainly Marines. Both were also very likely operational in Iran-Contra [North conspicuously]. A number of articles have discussed arms shipments in that era beyond just the Contras - some by submarine - and a few articles have noted transactions involving weapons swaps for drugs [citations pending here - at issue in the original search was expanding the concept of 'the Mafia' passed Sicilian or Italian heritage].
Affiliation with North may not be a negative in Northern Virginia [footnote: North was once 'conceptually attacked' - people 'talked trash' on him - in a way which generally suggested at the time he supported our position on the need for political reform]; at the same time we would have anticipated North supporting Allen, particularly is-so-far as Webb is evidently CIA-fixed.

A question is whether Senator Obama and the other Democratic candidates of 2008 - if there are any - realizes how far Webb has gone down the surveillance trail in establishment of the HOME GUARD Security paradigm. Hold on to this photo - it may be a haunting one.

FOOL ME ONCE, SHAME ON YOU - FOOL ME TWICE, SHAME ON SENATOR ALLEN. You can poke him, and you can poke him hard. Gaming took down Ryan in Chicago when Allen was running the broader Republican senate effort. Obviously, the "our crowd" paradigm travels with infrastructure - not to claim they're totally unified or have some magic trick for avoiding cliques and factions, in general one hand washes the other. A guess is Bush let the media bring the Ryan situation forward. Controversial, those 'who've known the ropes' are pretty sure he gave it a green light - advancing Senator Obama. Better man may have won - just that Bush was in on taking down Ryan, and Allen had a front row seat. If he's an idiot - for then supporting Roberts as the Supreme Court nominee for example - he shouldn't be in the Senate.

AHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!?!. What's he gone and done now? Conservative pundit Laura Ingraham has been wrapped in CIA cover since Eastbury School in the old days.

And SOMEBODY close to the Allen campaign invited her to speak at one of their events. An important - and unrecognized - aspect of the Vietnam War was 'the corrupting of Laos' for no good strategic reason but just to diminish them which the CIA did over about a decade. They will try to leverage Laura at the event and it won't be remotely clear what their objective is; that they have something going on will be a certainty.

What else - where else are they cooking it[?]. [menu to the right] briefly examines the New York race; 'the lost page of notes' resulting in 32 seconds of silence in Pirro's announcement speech [covered live on television], and 'partnered-in-crime Bernie Kerik,' emphasizing the most important outcome of Pirro's dwarf candidacy was keeping other contenders - Richard Nixon's son-in-law Ed Cox - out of the race.

Your awareness is very much appreciated - pass it on.