Monday, August 17, 2009

The DIRECT Vehicles

We need a cheap ride; inexpensive space access using many existing components, spending the big money on the ‘black hole’ space propulsion system emergent w/ the collider on the Franco-Swiss border.

You ultimately will bring us in on this grand space adventure with a low cost gov’t-backed health care option. I cannot make Senators stop the increasingly transparent lying, but they should admit they **** us - actually ‘****ing us into the future’ by gaming in the CIA-orchestrated monopoly capitalism. Howard Dean would have been the man for Health and Human Services; he is a supporter and not a stepping stone.

George Allen isn't going to push it for you. Neither will Conrad Burns or Larry Craig, but it would have been possible to structure a viable low cost government-backed health care option around governors like Allen and administrators like Larry Craig - who was big in the VA - being efficient in implementation.

Now - having bagged all those guys out - it will be pretty funny if the Democrats come up empty handed or talking big without there being any real gains on the bottom line for the middle class.

It is a known fact that liberals in a herd develop a type of 'feeding frenzy' that makes them collectively more liberal than they ever would have been on their own - a plague in upper level education. Do groups of conservatives tend to be similarly more conservative than individuals? No idea, but the bottom line is that Richard Nixon, who may or may not have invented the HMO depending on who you talk to, would nonetheless have gotten us a low cost government-backed health care option years ago.

Toilet-to-tap: Is your kid drinking sewage? Word on the streets is that at least in New York they are; it literally comes out of the sewer and goes into the Nestle bottler after a seven stage purification process. In New York.... which is right on the Hudson River? How can that be? Why don't they purify the Hudson River water? Because - and this is only my theory about how they set up to make the New Yorkers literally drink treated sewage - years ago the government told IBM it would be okay to dispose of microscopic or anyway very small plastic nodules which were suppose to be harmless slash inert in the Hudson. And I suspect they did that knowing they can't clean the plastic out of the water but are making IBM leap through hoops cleaning the plastic out of the river..... which is a big scam the very top dogs at IBM were probably [almost certainly] in on the whole time though management is supposedly up in arms over it. What swine these 'big business men-on-the-fixed-tit' really are. Microsoft is said to be a CIA mechanism in its entirety; the Tuskegee Blood Experiment which started in the late 1920s before the CIA was even formed appears to have been incorporated into the MKULTRA overview designator as Subproject 24 circa early 1950s; and its worth asking if IBM was similarly a CIA creation before the Agency was formally chartered, including the work for the Zionists running the Holocaust in return for modern Israel. Swine.

They're making your kid drink sewer water? Ascorbic acid and high fructose corn syrup at least 'in' and in some cases dominating the food chain? The low cost government-backed health care option now!


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