Friday, November 10, 2006


PLEASE do not let them 'PALESTINIAN-IZE' the Iraqi people. Ruled first by the Ottoman Empire, then by an imposed King, after that a dictator, now they got us. Any regrets? Yeah, they should have fought harder for the Ottomans. What a great government - taxes were low and they didn't show up very often.
Do not let Bush turn Baghdad into French Algeria with barricades or by radiating crowds; do not let them 'West Bank-isize' Iraq.

REVISION. Previously accused the CIA of downselecting Mugabe to destroy Rhodesia Zimbabwe [kicking whites off the farms was not black nationalism but rather CIA diminishing regional food security]. What really was the difference between Mugabe and Nkomo? Mugabe promised to do what they told him to do [certain]; my SUSPICION was and is that the CIA basically maintains him - Mugabe - somehow, perhaps with funding coming out of the World Bank. IN FACT I DON'T KNOW for sure if they give him money or if he pays them for the franchise. It's conceptually possible they use him as a funding mechanism, particularly to the extent he can tax energy imports for example. Where they're able to do that, a guess is they keep funding in the region and if they can't make it balance [bribes to revenue] they'll try to cover by putting people on a NGO revenue stream. Maybe administered by USAID people in Africa. No idea how they do it in Russia for example.

Buddha destroyed by Taliban at behest of CIA

DEMOCRATS TRADED GATES FOR BOLTON. Hillary Clinton positioned a certain number of junior officers, and if she lets GATES pass she must be counting on them to ride it out and cushion the distain of the officer corps. They could have fought it and won.

Levin could have poked him hard but wouldn't throw him down on his own. This may be the end of the Senate's 'confirmation' authority. CIA Secretary Gates with Israeli Agent Wolfawhore passing out CIA bribe money at the World Bank.
Nobody in the Senate has any right to run for the presidency of the United States. Not one of them after Gates went through. What a bunch of Quisling collaborators; a mighty nation betrayed.


How NATO Chose to Fail in Afghanistan
Analysis: The Riga summit was meant to turn around an Alliance mission in trouble. But its a mission for which there's little political will

NATO per se is fine. THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY IS ON TO BUSH AND HIS SWINE GAMING. Germany, France say 'no' to the Pat Tillman deliberate sacrifice of their own soldiers in CIA orchestration concepts.
'How about you guys stop working on the side of the terrorists'; comments to Bush at World Forum.

Background: Afghanistan Clouds the Summit

Posted Monday, Dec. 04, 2006
The yardstick by which the success of NATO's summit in the Latvian capital of Riga would be measured was always going to be Afghanistan. By engaging 32,000 troops there - its first full-scale military action outside of Europe - against a now resurgent Taliban [AFTER the CIA had them blow down two historic stone buddha figures AND negotiated them basing rights in Pakistan], the Western alliance had posed itself a cruel test of solidarity in one of the world's most historically ungovernable patches. Last week it effectively failed the test.


President George W. Bush and his key allies — Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair, Canadian leader Stephen Harper and NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer — wanted a greater sharing of the burden, and to give ground commanders full authority to deploy troops as they see fit, rather than be required to refer back to defense ministries in Europe's capitals. But the caveats that keep Italian, French, German and Spanish troops out of the heavy combat zones in the south of the country were not significantly relaxed [REMEMBER PAT TILLMAN]. The Poles offered up an additional 1,000 troops toward the 2,500 reserve force that NATO military staff consider crucial to prosecute the war, and the French were among the allies promising to deploy troops to trouble spots in the event of "an emergency."


But the sum effect was cold comfort for the Canadian, British, American and Dutch governments whose troops are bearing the brunt of the conflict. Canadian Foreign Minister Peter McKay, whose country has lost 40 soldiers this year, expressed concerns that an already jittery Canadian public could begin to balk at its commitment if its allies aren't seen as pulling their weight.

Just IMAGINE how pissed off the Canadian public would be if they knew the CIA was in on killing the four Mounties while their soldiers were fighting in Afghanistan.
Pravda. Shooting deaths of four Mounties: the investigation is started
Canada's police force started investigating on Friday the shooting deaths of four Mounties in one of the worst bloodbaths in the force's history, a tragedy that has shocked a country where such violent crime is rare.
The officers, all junior members of the storied Royal Canadian Mounted Police, were gunned down Thursday during a raid at an illicit marijuana growing operation near Mayerthorpe, Alberta, 90 miles northwest of Edmonton....

With that blatant act - before that certainly but with that as a prime example of cross-border orchestration - it is time to re-examine the relationship between the security agencies and the divided if not spineless law enforcement community.
THERE IS A PRICE ASSOCIATED WITH KEEPING PRISONERS IN CUBA. IF YOU BELIEVE THEY REALLY ARE CRIMINALS - EVEN VERY SERIOUS CRIMINALS - YOU SHOULD HOLD THEM IN LEAVENWORTH OR FLORENCE. Well, we're letting the security agencies get into law and administrative law process. Supposedly the American Army - or the Army on behalf of the CIA - wants to divert $125 MILLION dollars for a 'trial' [or tribunal] facility in Cuba, and that is a wrong thing.

NATO in Afghanistan has become an institutional fig leaf for an ad-hoc and unstable coalition of the willing. The crux of the Atlantic alliance is its mutual defense clause, the all-for-one principle, in which an attack on any member is considered an attack on them all. But that clause's limitations were first displayed after Sept. 11, 2001, when it was invoked in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, only to be spurned by a Bush administration set on keeping tight reins on its response.


U.S. skepticism over the efficacy of the alliance, however, didn't start with President Bush. Clinton administration officials had bitterly complained of the political meddling and command confusion that hampered NATO's 1999 air war to push Serb troops out of Kosovo.

Now the rebuff is coming from the other side, for equally understandable reasons. Mutual defense of NATO territory is one thing; the call to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a bedeviled country thousands of miles away from Europe is a more troublesome proposition. It isn't simply a question of resources: Canada is on the front line despite an anemic defense budget. For all the lip-service paid to Afghanistan as a war that cannot be lost, there seems to be a lack of political will to do what is necessary to win it.

The French are right that military action in the south of Afghanistan isn't making many friends for the West, and they at least have been consistent in counseling against NATO taking on a war-fighting role. But the Taliban isn't going to yield peacefully to the economic aid and civic encouragement aimed at bolstering the embattled government of Hamid Karzai. Security comes first. At Riga the alliance underwrote a still vague plan for a "Contact Group' that would involve neighboring countries and international organizations in the search for a solution for Afghanistan. But Washington's velvet-gloved relationship with Pakistan — and its non-existent relationship with Iran — augurs poorly for that effort. Robust and dangerous military action is a still unavoidable task, and NATO after Riga is in no better shape to manage it fairly than before.


OBama and Hillary are both contenders, but they're also both CIA and obviously there is an Agency push on. Who else. Feinstein. Rockefeller. McCain is locked into that paradigm. Actually, it make an interesting survey: - 'percentage of the time voting with the Central Intelligence Agency.'
On the other hand, Durbin may resist.

The CIA School Bus Crash Paradigm: trying to restrict your child’s freedom on the ride to and from, not incidentally advancing the government’s regulatory structures.

Graphic shows the Alabama crash and an immediate subsequent crash in California.

It isn’t funny – three girls died down in Alabama [update – fourth girl died in the hospital, and its VERY possible CIA doctors killed her in the hospital disappointed they didn't have more to choose from]. There is a big military installation either in or near Huntsville, and its interesting to speculate this may, in some bizarre way, relate to the nomination of Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense. If the bus crashed on Fort Bragg it evidently would – a ‘military town’ might be less proximate.

Alan Ross is a dentist in CIA M. Jodi Rell Torrington Connecticut currently prominent in the ‘conceptual safety advocacy’ beyond that it is killing school girls [Alan Ross, president of the nonprofit National Coalition for School Bus Safety….]. No word on whether or not he’s related to the recently ‘conceptually executed’ Michael Bruce Ross, also of Connecticut.

CIA Robert Gates, Interim Dean of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M for the GREAT MAYBE CIA BONFIRE DISASTER of November [18] 1999 and doesn't see anything ironic in that. If its school buses why wouldn't be a bonfire [gunman shots down Virginia Tech on the first day of classes 2006 following the exploding pizza man of Erie on the first day of class at Allegheny though that's a couple years ago now].

Graphic is of CIA Robert Gates, CIA Marc Rich of the famous Clinton ‘Pardon for services to the CIA’ and Robert Gates energy alliance, his partner Pincus Green [not a great picture of Green], and Leo Wanta who with them in the rape of Russia but in currency trading rather than energy.

Closer to the West, but Closed to Scrutiny; Ukraine’s Natural Gas Business Is a Mystery, Steven Mufson, Washington Post, December 02 2006 page D01. [M]any energy experts say that a shroud of mystery regarding Ukraine’s natural gas business should have kept the country from meeting the Millennium Challenge Corp. standards for U.S. assistance. These experts point especially to the hidden identities of the owners of a Swiss-based company called RosUrkEnergo, which has been handed the rights to negotiate for all of Ukraine’s natural gas exports from Russia and Turkmenistan, raising questions about possible conflicts of interest or corruption.

U.S. companies that have explored doing business with RosUrkEnergo have been frustrated by its lack of transparency. One firm uncovered links to more than 140 offshore companies and trusts, from remote island nations such as Naura and the Seychelles to Cyprus and Panama, according to an internal document. Another U.S. company’s representative said a lawyer for the RosUkrEnergo owners didn’t see why the American company needed to know who it was doing business with.....

That flow of gas to Europe seemed secure until last New Years Day [apparently Jan 01 2006], when Russia cut off shipments after Ukraine refused to agree to sharp increases in prices. Three days later the dispute ended when Russian natural gas monopoly Gazprom and the Ukrainian national oil company Naftohaz signed a supply agreement that gave RosUkrEnergo the role of Ukraine’s middleman.
Why the need for RosUkrEnergo? The most likely answer is the company’s connections rather than its expertise. Half of RosUkrEnergo is owned by Gazprom; the other half is managed by a subsidiary of an Austrian firm called Raiffeisen Zentralbank on behalf of a group of Ukrainian businessmen. RosUkrEnergo is registered in Zug, Switzerland, where taxes are low and financial secrecy laws are strong.

One international consultant believes that RosUkrEnergo has earned hundreds of millions of dollars for transactions that could have easily been handled by the state oil and gas company. Ukraine’s energy minister said the country had paid RosUkrEnergo $300 million this year and owed another $300 million, Agence France-Presse reported last month.
“RosUkrEnergo, the controversial Swiss-based gas trading company, is playing a growing and persistently opaque role in the Ukranian gas sector,” according to a report issued in October by the International Energy Agency. “It’s ownership structure is murky, and the company appears to make significant profit simply because it signs contracts to transit gas from Central Asia to Ukraine.”.........

A Ukrainian businessman, Dmytro Firtash, has claimed that he owns 45 percent of RosUkrEnergo, but diplomats and investigators for companies and non-governmental groups like London-based Global Witness believe he is a front man for well-connected Russians and Ukrainians.
Recently, RosUkrEnergo has moved deeper into Ukraine’s domestic gas supply business. A new joint venture with Gazprom has been given most of the domestic distribution business. How it will run the network remains the subject of some anxiety; in November the venture refused to sign new gas deals with 16 Ukrainian companies in what some observers see as an effort to extract ownership stakes in the companies....
Meanwhile, Western oil and gas companies are hoping for greater clarity as they seek approval to explore in the Black Sea.

Last Christmas Eve, the government published, in Ukrainian only, a notice inviting tender bids on a 12,000-square-kilometer deepwater exploration bloc in the Ukrainian portion of the Black Sea. [ ] [D]espite the low-profile announcement, it drew five bids from companies, including ExxonMobil.
The surprise winners were Vanco Energy Co., a small Houston-based firm that has prospected for oil and gas in deep water off the coast of West Africa, and JNR, an investment arm of the Rothschild family.......

Increasingly clear is that so-called 'Big Oil' or 'The Energy Sector' is a CIA unified funding mechanism, now pretty evidently including in Russia and the Ukraine.

Reported yesterday, November 29 2006, the plan is to send four battalions of COMBAT ENGINEERS over to turn Baghdad into French-Algeria. The Israelis have earned so much good will in the Gaza and West Bank the King of Jordan suggested we try the same thing in Iraq, dividing up the big - and even the not so big - Iraqi cities. After all, on the way out the door Westmoreland was saying we could have held Saigon [but for the CIA PHOENIX and program of ultimate betrayal anyway] if we had just been willing to spread around a little chicken wire and some two by fours.

This is absurd. Is there any pandering the religious right won't do for Jerusalem? Karl Rove just got off the phone - how many battalions of COMBAT ENGINEERS have you got; temporary bridges, wire, few guard towers with spotlights, a Superdome to house displaced persons in Baghdad so Barbara Bush can say its actually better than where they were living anyway, main gate posts to hitch the fence to, and some temporary housing units for a ghetto.

Robert Gates CIA. BAG HIM. Force him out; DO NOT confirm him. The REAL FEAR is that once they have the Iraqis locked down in a mobility restricted paradigm, they will radiate the neighborhoods to turn them into pumpkins. Have we reached the point of saying fifty percent of them actually were better off under Saddam Hussein? What is the tipping point which justifies an invasion - fifty/fifty? The second part of the problem is that the failures and idiocy [some intentional and some just collateral damage] make Hussein look better than he really was.
We should leave Iraq. Combat Engineers to divide Baghdad, our last best idea, is just asinine and self serving. GET THE GUYS OUT, and undertake economic interventions designed to stabilize given cities or areas from outside. Probably using proxy foreign governments because we have disgraced ourselves and are basically hated.

Bush is a communist, or in any case the Republicans have, at an overview level, enacted a Marxist-Leninist trade policy.

"Developing capitalism knows two historical tendencies in the national question. The first is the awakening of national life and national movements, the struggle against all natural oppression and the creation of nation states. The second is the development and growing frequency of international intercourse in every form, the breakdown of national barriers, the creation of the international unity of capital, of economic life in general, of politics, of science, etc.
Both tendencies are a universal law of capitalism. The former predominates in the beginning of its development, the latter characterizes a mature capitalism that is moving toward its transformation into socialist society." Lenin, "Critical Remarks on the National Question" page 108 [in Lenin on the Jewish Question, Hyman Lumer ed., International Publishers, New York 1974].

William Buckley [middle] was tortured to death after being betrayed by George H.W. Bush and Ted Shackley as a way of bringing Bill Casey and the Reagan administration wholeheartedly into Iran Contra. Guessing they were ultimately behind it, at an overview level this may be an action photo as Israelis ‘cape the bull’ and it doesn’t automatically increase your respect for Bill Casey. You are wondering why ROBERT GATES was ultimately involved and we are wondering that too. That he was is certain – the history of IRAN CONTRA definitely includes Gates, but he was supposedly a specialist in the Soviet Union and it almost looks like he was tacked on the end for CIA ‘administrative reasons’ – anticipating higher office, his involvement may have been intended to diminish Congressional legitimacy or blatantly ‘put one over’ on reform efforts in Congress and media.

Resist without throwing your guys under the tanks. The French in occupied France getting downed pilots out and destabilizing the occupation. BAD NEWS. Richard Helms went on to specialize in setting up pseudo-resistance forces in Eastern Europe which were then betrayed to the Soviets in anticipation of eliminating potential resistance to the Communist Bloc unification. Kind of like honest police recruits in Iraq today.



Secretary of Defense?!?

Surely you jest.

They just suck. And we understand the reciprocity concept. We understand the decline of the British Empire was significantly managed or orchestrated, and Treason In The Blood by Anthony Cave Brown [Houghton Mifflin Co. New York 1994 on Kim Philby and his father who similarly betrayed the British only for the Americans in the Middle East] suggests that was not entirely a bad thing - though 'communism' broadly stated has not typically bettered the human condition and the Chinese in particular do not have a government which lends itself to the competition of ideas, reward of individual accomplishment, or transparency in what is conceptually a classless economic environment. Instead they're all about 'pull', ties, and relationships.

CIA Gates as Secretary of Defense - can't some Senator put a hold on that and force Bush to name somebody else as "Acting" Secretary of Defense as the Iraqi situation is clarified? Do you want to confirm a Secretary of Defense or even hold hearings on the slot during what everybody - us, the Iraqis, and the Europeans [for that matter the Soviets and Asians] - understands to be a transition period in strategy?

The IRAQ situation REVISED as Bush moves or tries to move career CIA into the Pentagon. In memory of my brother, John Roser Bestor, 3rd Infantry Regiment, May 1984.

Advice that I would give an honest man today.

He went to Vietnam - Bush did - and that is essentially the outcome they're looking for in Iraq, with a PHOENIX program to eliminate resistance and enable a fairly draconian government to take over [PHOENIX was our CIA program to eliminate resistance in SOUTH VIETNAM in anticipation of the Communist victory, with that eventual government being the 'Phoenix' which rules today - it was entirely successful; who says we lost that war?].

DO NOT go to Iraq now, as we enter a training phase which focuses on 'unifying' their troops [turning their military into a tool of the police state], because it will DEFINITELY involve CIA identification of collaborating elements and elimination of allegedly 'uncooperative' elements - innocent, friendly and otherwise.

Don't be proud of it or ashamed of it - be AWARE of it. Unfortunate, the CIA favors hostile collaboration and victimizes friendly or naive 'independent' elements. That is their entire game plan - essential duplicity with plentiful resources at key junctures.

1956 Hungary to the revolt in the south and Kurdish areas following the first gulf war, which George H. W. Bush instigated and abandoned as a way of re-establishing Saddam Hussein's regime.

Within that paradigm the CIA will command home field advantage. The percentage of American officers 'in country' will rise and naturally some will die, with the CIA playing both sides of the coin.

They will use assassinations [betrayal of Americans to death as they famously do with roadside bombs] as a way of solidifying the participation of allegedly 'rouge' Iraqi elements [which in turn will offer up a sacrifice in many cases - 'we caught the guy who did it' with folded flag at the funeral of the American which probably will not be in Arlington if they can prevent it but at one of the lesser cemetaries - no waiting, though their picks don't have to wait at Arlington],

on the other hand holding out medals and promotions for choice career Army officers looking for the stamp in the folder or rung on the ladder.

For the sake of the argument, supposing you have friends that could try and mitigate the CIA's ability to kill a particular American [officer, troop or contractor].
NOTE: YES, THE CIA KILLS OUR OWN OFFICERS. Two captains from Michigan with a car bomb at a check point - no idea how they got TWO captains both of whom should have known better to pull the duty, but Jennifer Granholm, governor of Michigan, is affiliated with the CIA and that is from a very reliable source.

EVEN WITH top friends - don't go.

Senator Warner [R-Va]. Supposing Senator Warner happens to be your friend?
Carl Levin couldn't do anything for the two captains.

Plus you know what they're doing to Iraq. Its imperial. Colonization without the responsibility of actually trying to do a good job; Nazis picking Vichy and Quisling. Sure you admire the panzers, but you also want to hang the Vichy - unfortunately its one picture.

AN ENTIRE CAREER spent in obstinate deference to civilian authority over the military.
No, one doesn't rocket to the top - 'slow major' might be the best that happens, particularly if you are loath to bluff with ignorance as the quicker men to rise might do.
You have credibility in it - walk away, retire, but you always resist, and there aren't enough of us resisting for you to throw it away. Suppose they promise light colonel or bird colonel - well, there is no resistance if you die.

Suppose 'the friends that made you' will be pissed if you walked on them, or more immediately you'd like the grade for retirement [wouldn't we all].
If they're big enough friends they can bring you back as a contractor - still don't go to Iraq - and they will keep your number anyway with very little effort on your part [send them a card at Christmas] because now that they made you they don't want to throw you away.

Across the years has the same type of problem ever come up somewhere else - did 'good guys' ever use you to go sit on a base where a corrupt command structure was killing American servicemen? The 2004/2005 alleged suicide "death cluster" at the sub base in New London comes to mind.
That may be what they want you to do in Iraq - go 'babysit' so Special Forces doesn't kill Pat Tillman all over again.
Don't go.
You're too unique a resource - if they were serious about that they'd already have you up at Walter Reed as CID with authorization to make biting comments [attributed] to media, because by now our guys know its the GPS on an ordered patrol route triggering the bombs.

1. Some guys pretty evidently volunteer for death [sgt from Sparks Reno NV in an Army mechanized unit, and I think a Marine maybe from Connecticut but anyway who had a retarded younger brother], and
2. some guys don't. Pat Tillman as what I call a CIA 'marquee' death. Blue Death cluster 2005 [CIA killing cops] had marquee deaths in Providence Rhode Island, Minneapolis-Saint Paul and Denver though the NUMBER of deaths was substantially more than that - I counted something like fifty and that was in an informal survey of media. Hate to say it, but the sergeant who got the Medal of Honor might have been down selected because he had a son for the graveside photograph, or at least the photograph with the President.
2.A. 'Passion play' [the hammering of Ohio 'Lucky Lima' or a Guard/Reserve unit from near New Orleans] is a subset of the marquee death.
3. Some deaths in Iraq appear to be undertaken for regional distribution in the United States [look for parades and big crowd turnouts with school children standing for hours with signs in a front page photo in the regional daily].
4. Some deaths appear to be undertaken for reasons of diversity [if not the deaths of virtually all women in theater to date, at least the early death of a woman in military intel on the first leg of her trip home].
5. Some deaths are sacrifice flies - two guys from Kentucky going over as security contractors when Blackwater wanted to keep the market limited [2005]. For that matter, the famous death of the four Blackwater guys who got burned and hung from the bridge, enabling Bush to send in the Marines and level the city - making it very clear to the Iraqis they are better off killing our soldiers than our mercenaries. I very much believe they were sacrifice flies used in a marquee event but were not marquee deaths in-and-of themselves, though the categories obviously blur.

HOW MANY has the CIA killed? When there were 1,500 American deaths, I guessed the CIA had killed 'a couple hundred' of them. And heard I was way low.

All right. If some are volunteers, how do they volunteer or who asks them? Do Reserve military intel detachments help make the selection for regional distribution?
Some warrantless surveillance is going on in the United States relative to that. What are the communication mechanisms used to convey the external death request - conventional lines of communication in military intelligence at least for the regional distribution? If so they almost certainly use code words or designators - what are they?
As opposed to sacrifice flies who are fingered for death in theater, right? Are their deaths arranged in the regimental command [you still generally need interpreters if there is going to be any Iraqi interface, right?], or does the occasional sacrifice fly rise to the theater level?
Is this something the XO typically works while the company commander tries to stay 'clean' on it? Somebody has to put the vehicle next to the roadside bomb. How do they designate which vehicle? Maybe a sneaky electronic bug planted in the seat cushion, maybe its a homing device on the GPS, but maybe they put a big damn chalk mark on the door.
How do they MAKE the patrol commander stop at the appropriate location or take the exact specified route? What happens if some of the guys disconnect their GPS units?
Do they have Special Forces with the Iraqi 'terrorists'? Do they have CIA actually with them - probably yes. Who communicates with them, adjudicating the violence, and when they need to meet how is it done? Where is it done - in Syria, or more likely in the Kurdish area.

If you do not already know the answers to these few questions - never mind the questions somebody in country would be able to ask - DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING.
Only bird colonels know those answers. Well if you ain't a bird colonel you can't go, and it ain't 'hustle up.' Brief you on the plane. **** that.

Do not just disagree with them - hold them in contempt. SWINE.

**** sending you to Iraq when they haven't done the precursor work. THEY haven't positioned you - it isn't that you're 'walking away from it.' Washington Post reports some of our advisors refuse to go out with the Iraqi troops but stay in contact via cell phone. I can't blame the advisors.

OF COURSE simply quit. If you can. AWOL if you have to and your friends can swing it - don't let them catch you. You may have to sacrifice half a foot 'in a chain saw accident.' I'd say to go fishing in Canada and get lost and walk out - take a year or two; but I think they'd find you. Hiding in Thailand is out [certainly on your own, and they will pressure even very good friends]; finding the needle in the hay stack is simple these days if they know which haystack to look in. Be decisive and beat them or they will make you wear it.

No way will friends make YOU go to Iraq or Afghanistan. CIA - Special Forces or whoever [what happened to the command structure in the 3rd Reg Old Guard - did they advance without incident?] - will also kill you in Afghanistan. If people try to make you go they aren't your friends.

That is the best advice I can give an honest man. MY congressional delegate [non-voting] is Eleanor Holmes Norton, and she is CIA.

Having come this far I HOPE - I really hope - your friends can deliver this one last time, and you can walk away. Learn to relax; teach or tutor at a college/university as you go for the Ph.D., but really just sit to be a resource used when the 'peculiar situations' come to light.
University has a great population [as fluid or stable as you need to it be] with broad categories to tuck somebody in across a stabilization period, an orientation period, and a launch period. If you've pulled military guys there's a fair chance they were at the cross roads once and picked military rather than college or grad school anyway in which case you're just putting them back at that cross roads [Question: How often do you pull military guys? Answer: As often as you can if they're targeted for Special Forces/CIA/"terrorist" death in Iraq].
Older military guys can be brought in as visiting professors or vaguely defined researchers,
and, if you're parking people from overseas, they can tutor/teach languages or so-called 'political science'. Under-utilized counterweight to the Chinese is RAW ['Research and Analysis Wing' with the name left over from the days of the Raj - they're the Indian CIA], and the ounce of awareness mitigates the pound of hostile assailants at least across the stabilization and orientation periods.

Charles De Gaulle's resistance speech in French. The occupation was actually brief, some - famously women who got their heads shaven afterwards - collaborated, and, shamefully, the police always outnumbered Germans in Paris. Is that more bleak or less bleak than its represented in the history books as being?

The one thing they KNOW with certainty is that you're good for it. It really isn't walking, it's waiting.

Because he knows with certainty they do it, and because he knows with certainty you're targeted, my guess is that Senator Warner might be able to deliver for you.

The merry pranksters. Gates with his right and left hand men [Wanta and Rich]. Missing is Rich's partner Pincus Green. Anyhow these guys did it, and ought to be shunned by people of good character. You shutter for your child to see Janet Jackson's breast on television but don't hesitate for them to meet Robert Gates, CIA Boy Scout Rapist of the Soviet Union who has old pensioners living in the street. WHAT SWINE. Those Amish are by no means stupid or backwards ['shun'] - we don't have enough tools at our disposal, in part because in our society wealth excuses bad manners.

SWINE ROBERT GATES. Bag the man, bounce the man, and bounce the man HARD.

Gates Nomination (Senate - November 07, 1991)[Page: S16305][Begin Insert] Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I rise in opposition to the nomination of Robert Gates to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency..... Mr. President, Robert Gates is a career Soviet analyst and former Deputy Director of the CIA who was wrong about what CIA analyst Harold Ford described as 'the central analytic target of the past few years: the probable fortunes of the USSR and the Soviet European bloc.' And I believe that the committee report points out one possible reason why the CIA failed to predict the collapse of the Soviet Union. According to testimony, Mr. Gates was busy pursuing hypotheses and making unsubstantiated arguments attempting to show Soviet expansion in the Third World, instead of looking for or paying attention to facts that pointed in the opposite direction. Why? Why, as Senator Monihan has pointed out, was the CIA able to tell Presidents everything about the Soviet Union except the fact that it was falling apart?.....

SMOKE SCREEN. An endless lie to Congress, which is KNOWN to be riddled with members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Unfortunately the situation is much worse than Gates merely being wrong. The CIA actually restructured the Soviet Union to its own ends. Pictured is RAPIST Leo Wanta who led the gang bang as Robert Gates held the girl down with a pillow over her mouth; in this rare photo he appears to be wearing a Masonic jewel.
UNBELIEVABLE Bush would try to move Gates into the Pentagon as Secretary of Defense. AUDACITY.

If you didn't like Bill Clinton you can't respect Robert Gates. He is simply the last minute Marc Rich pardon cover up on the Republican side with broad bipartisan tendencies. Marc Rich was undertaking activity from Switzerland for the CIA in at least UTILIZING the demise of the Soviet Union as a CIA funding mechanism [profiteering in various natural resources including oil]. Whether or not he was able to CAPTURE a revenue stream or streams apart from legislative oversight [for the Council on Foreign Relations or CIA - Marc Rich, maybe for Israel] on a permanent basis is not clear.


GEORGE W. BUSH, pictured in a 'red state.'

Bush, sanctimonious in awareness of the CIA program 1968-1973 to kill the South Vietnamese resistance structures in anticipation of the North Vietnamese victory [Phoenix].

Bush urges patience on winning Iraq war, By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent Fri Nov 17, 4:20 PM ET.
HANOI, Vietnam - In a land where America suffered military defeat, President Bush urged patience for the war in Iraq Friday and tried to stiffen global resolve to challenge a nuclear-armed North Korea.
.... As for local Vietnamese, the turnout for Bush as his motorcade moved past storefronts was far more subdued that the enthusiastic reception that greeted President Clinton six years ago. A few people waved, but most merely watched impassively. Weary of war, many here deeply disapprove of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.....
Smart Vitnamese.

Bush mock serious, visiting the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command [JPAC] Hanoi. These people may be the serious bad guys depending on the extent of the CIA infiltration [Ross Perot suggested there were Special Forces left in the region to thwart POW escape and mitigation efforts, and if that's true of course they would be the real problem]. The Vietnamese are NOT the enemy.

BUSH is there now. We need the POWs, infected and rejected brought home.

Unbelievable Allen is down; this is not at all trending in the right direction.

Panhandler is Arrested in Brick Attack, Juan Forero and Jayson Blair, New York Times December 01 1999 page 1. ......The highly publicized attack immediately led to speculation by police that a person who was homeless and possibly mentally ill was responsible, and three days later Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's administration announced that the homeless had no right to sleep in city streets and would face arrest for refusing shelter. The police have arrested more than 100 homeless people since the measure was announced.....
CORRUPT Giuliani. Tsongus down in 1992 by cancer, odds are the CIA did the same thing in 2000 intending to plant Hillary Clinton. Not a reason to give the guy a rematch in 2008 when he could have had it in 2006. He is of the SWINE, greatly increasing intrusive government in New York. Locking up the street people.
Please do not vote for him.

This is an interesting time - we go on to look at other conservatives, but there are not a lot of people out there viable in leading the Allen Faction minus Allen. McCain is not the guy. Its possible - EVEN PROBABLE - Bush offered Allen a cabinet slot before attacking him; somebody ought to make Bush deliver on it now. New Attorney General, and Allen could diminish the Patriot Act intrusions. Allen would apply for warrants, noting they always had pen searches, roving wiretaps, and 'sneak and peek' searches.
Both are effectively out of the race in 2008, Allen over the fall in 2006, and Feingold because he took himself out. Instinctively looking for reform - ending torture for instance - one might think about Feingold as Attorney General and Allen as head of the FBI, but for real, true, reform we might be better off with Allen as Attorney General and Feingold as head of the FBI if he'd take it.
The FEAR is that if you put a liberal in as Attorney General the CIA will run them off the road, even though they'll promise they won't. The problem with Allen at Attorney General is that he really would not be positioned to take down Romney over the CIA 'Big Dig' funding mechanism or the CIA gay marriage in Mass issue.

Mitt Romney used "tar baby" in answering a question about the CIA 'big dig' on 29 July 2006 in Iowa, which was followed by "Macaca" on 11 Aug 2006. Previously opposing Romney's candidacy for anything based on his 'juggled positions,' association with the Israelis [Netanyahu probably continuing through ties in Utah, indeed, that 'scenario' of relationship may have figured into resolving the residency issue], and cover up of CIA activities, this merely heightens our objection to swine-like racketeering.

BUSH IS IN VIETNAM. We want 'the POWs and all American citizens including the infected and rejected' returned to the United States, certainly prior to any trade deal or deepened relationship.
ON THE OTHER HAND, please DO NOT blame the Vietnamese or more generally the Asians. Blame exactly the CIA and maybe Henry Kissinger with collaborator George H.W. Bush.

The situation, as Bush moves a career CIA man into the Pentagon.

U.S. will train Latin American militaries; Ban lifted to offset trend to the left, Barbara Slavin, USA Today, Nov 10-12 2006. WASHINGTON - Concern about leftist victories in Latin America has prompted President Bush to quietly grant a waiver that allows the United States to resume training militaries....
Decided certainly after the results of the election were made clear to him, one wonders if George W. Bush consulted with the United States Senate in reaching that decision.
PLEASE NOTE this is a staunchly CONSERVATIVE blogspot; while appearing liberal is certainly a concern the effort to STOP BUSH is of larger immediate importance.

Initially, American military officials said the two prisoners died of natural causes. Lieutenant General Daniel McNeill, the American commander of allied troops in Afghanistan at the time, emphatically denied the prisoners had been chained to the ceiling or that they had been mistreated. Only after an investigation by the New York Times did the military acknowledge that the prisoners had been killed by U.S. soldiers, who had, among other things, suspended them from the ceiling of their isolation cells.... Guantanamo and the Abuse of Presidential Power, Joseph Margulies, Simon & Schuster, 2006 page 137.
And they deliberately killed Pat Tillman and lied about that too - these are really discouraging issues.
GET OUR GUYS OUT. The combat commands are very well managed but the war is lost; the guys on the field have skills and abilities but the special teams are trashing the stadium and deliberately destroying our fan base.

Bush Paraguay Land Grab Incites Unease
Asuncion, Oct 18 2006(Prensa Latina) The land grab project of US President George W. Bush in Chaco, Paraguay, has generated considerable discomfort both politically and environmentally.
The news circulating the continent about plans to buy 98,840 acres of land in Chaco, Paraguay, near the Triple Frontier (Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay) is the talk of the town in these countries. [That is apparently in the fairly arid western portion of Paraguay].

Although official sources have not confirmed the information that is already public, the land is reportedly located in Paso de Patria, near Bolivian gas reserves and the Guarani indigenous water region, within the Triple Border.
Alto Paraguay Gov. Erasmo Rodriguez Acosta revealed he heard that part of the land purchase consists of an ecological reserve (Fundacion Patria), with which Bush is affiliated.

In its interview with Rodriguez Acosta, reported that he does not have documentation of this affiliation and it could not communicate either with the foundation or with the National Rural Development and Land Institute, in charge of these state lands.
Concern increased last week with the arrival of Bush" daughter, Jenna, and a source from the Physical Planning Department saying that most of the Chaco region belongs to private companies.

Luis D"Elia, Argentina´s undersecretary for Land for Social Habitat, says the matter raises regional concern because it threatens local natural resources.
He termed it “surprising” that the Bush family is trying to settle a few short miles from the US Mariscal Estigarribia Military Base.

Argentinean Adolfo Perez Esquivel warned that the real war will be fought not for oil, but for water, and recalled that Acuifero Guaraní is one of the largest underground water reserves in South America, running beneath Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (larger than Texas and California together).
“The southern US states are already struggling with water shortages," asserted the 1980 Nobel Peace Prizewinner.
Orlando Castillo, Paraguay Peace and Justice Service member, recalled the US military buildup in Chaco under a bilateral agreement.

SWINE BUSH: Israeli Tool

The story goes that in 1973 – “a few weeks” before the October war [presumably at some point between maybe July and September, leaning toward September] – George H.W. Bush et al ‘stole’ or anyway commandeered a C-130 for drug trafficking, and flew it like a bat out of hell across the Middle Eastern sky to Egypt – where their pursuers were forced to abandon the chase [F-105 fighters 'reluctantly' called home].

C-130 lands at Cairo to take on fuel, in what was then the midst of the SOVIET Air Force. Back Fire bombers ready to fly on Tel Aviv and push it over for the Arab cause. Tricky CIA pilot George H.W. Bush has guys sneak off the C-130 and plant homing devices in the sand around the airport which was the whole point of the mission. Israelis were able to strip EVERYTHING off their fighters except slave guidance to the homing devices and weapons, and when the war started they annihilated the SOVIET Air Force on the ground in Egypt.

Guess who was flying the lead F-105 in pursuit of the C-130. George W. Bush, son of the C-130 pilot or anyway that’s the story on the street. Gold Stars of David for all in profusion when the October war was subsequently won. Continued slavery for the Egyptian people under the CIA tool Mubarak goes unmentioned; true to their word, George H.W. Bush et al supposedly did continue on their way to use the C-130 in drug trafficking.

Taken with a grain of salt, it would have been after George H. W. Bush was in the United Nations, but before he was implanted or had served in Beijing; it also would have been WHILE George W. Bush was a National Guard pilot and may explain his affinity for the F-105. The source is seemingly well placed for the story [lives in a shelter which is almost the same as a CIA paycheck voucher with verified identification badge. Interestingly, he claims the CIA under Bush laid away $120,000 dollars for him, but President-elect Senator Clinton somehow managed to get her hands on it or anyway re-appropriated the money for other purposes, hardly an endearing trait for CIA agents and maybe a harbinger of things to come]. Bush is swine – all of them without exception; in parallel to serving as tools for the Kissinger Israeli interests, transitioning Tuskegee syphilis experimentation to Vietnam and abandoning U.S. troops there.

Kerry and the swine liberals were barking up the wrong tree on George W. ducking his National Guard service. They had it exactly wrong. He flew much more than they claim he did, and much of it represented corruption and betrayal. A different source says he [Bush] also flew A-10 in Vietnam, which almost certainly was for the CIA and may have been after the Americans had conceptually evacuated. Probably bombed Laos or something.

Was Vietnam intentionally fought and lost, and was JFK aware of that impending plan – and intending to mitigate that with deployed Special Forces rather than heavy concentrations of ground troops? How about more recently blowing down the shrine in Samarra – when are we going to hear about that? Indicators here [Washington D.C.] are the Israelis did it, in trying to force us to maintain ground troops in the Middle East.

With agencies like the CIA we don’t need enemies.


U.S. will train Lating American militaries; Ban lifted to offset trend toward left, Barbara Slavin, USA Today, Nov. 10-12, 2006. WASHINGTON - Concern about leftist victories in Latin America has prompted President Bush to quietly grant a waiver that allows the United States to resume training militaries....

Fidel Castro and communism in Cuba was a very cynical swap for restoration of the Shah in 1953 - promptly followed by Castro's first attack on Batista or literally an army barracks, now with Chavez brought to power as Castro is in decline. They're even running the Sandinistas again. SHAMEFUL that Chris Dodd lets the imposter President get away with all that [anyway the 'repressing the peasants' part], but then again First Female Speaker of the House Pelosi took away the Senate's balls.

ABRUPTLY AWARE OF THE RACKETEERING AFTER ORIGINALLY HAVING SUPPORTED THE WAR IN IRAQ, we say to bring the troops ALL home without leaving a ground force in the Middle East to protect Israel which increasingly appears to be the larger political motivation behind the intervention.

HUMOR. The Israeli lobby NOW trying to represent the summer's attack on Lebanon as a disaster with angst verbiage, when in fact it nicely accomplished all of their objectives and they're busy putting condos up on the Golan.

CIA transitioning Tuskegee-era syphilis testing to Vietnam as it was ending in the United States, and holding infected POWs - now - ongoing 2006 - well after the war ended, as Swine Bush makes relations between the United States and Vietnam routine.

Tom Harkin was in on it from the beginning, and Webb picked it up no later than the mid-1980s [but didn't support Perot on it in 1992]. Webb's wife is in on it.
The problem is not that they're 'bad people.' It's that they're NOT TRYING to BRING THE GUYS HOME.

When Congress comes back, FORCE BUSH OUT. The Senate looked like a bunch of monkeys at the Roberts confirmation hearings – did Bush threaten anybody on the night of September 19th 2005 or morning of the 20th? Pelosi doesn't want to impeach Bush, and she's trying to take it "off the table." Can Pelosi give away the Senate’s confirmation of important nominees? It is possible to muscle a nominee passed the Senate if you make it real clear you will knock the crap out of anybody who challenges the guy? Could Bush do that for the UN Ambassador he wants?

Two or three Senators – maybe anonymous – complain to the House, which holds a closed hearing and declares “there is cause to impeach President George W. Bush for high crimes and misdemeanors including threatening members of the United States Senate on September 19/20th 2005.” Senate votes the guy out. Ought to take part of two consecutive days. Unless Pelosi thinks threatening the Senate – while unfortunate – is simply not that big a deal. In which case Bush could be impeached over the attacks on Rehnquist 2004 [inducing cancer] and May and July 2005. Unless Pelosi thinks that isn’t such a big deal either.

For the sake of the argument, supposing the majority of Senators oppose physical violence directed at the senior figures in other branches of government – and are able to overcome a stubborn minority of Senators who would turn a blind eye or turn the other cheek - how would you maximize the impeachment process? Bush hasn’t got the POWs back yet, and while that should not be abruptly the cause of a ‘freeze’ or a huge step back – severing all ties - we might not want to press forward in normalizing relations with Vietnam until the prisoners – all native born Americans held POW or otherwise abandoned, betrayed, infected, blah blah blah – are returned to these United States. Do not BLAME the Vietnamese – BLAME the CIA. BLAME the ISRAELI lobby that pulls the strings. Does Hong Le Webb – Jim Webb’s wife – give the Vietnamese money to support the Americans held prisoner? That is shameful, and it definitely sounds like something George H.W. Bush cooked up.
We need to bring them home - as opposed to what? Having furtive American prisoners cowering around Vietnam, trying to hide for fear of incurring beatings and losing whatever privileges they’ve managed to earn in captivity across thirty years ? The one guy in Con Son had been in since 1966. That would be forty years. They probably will not come running up to Westerners begging for freedom. That was so 1980s. And they probably were beaten and harshly treated for trying that, and they’ve been told time and again they can’t leave and dimly realize they won’t be able to get a passport anyway, so now they probably just cower and answer monosyllable. What do the Vietnamese call them – have they given the American POWs new names? Yes. Is that a form of torture – in our newly written manual, do we prohibit making long term prisoners answer to new names? In the 1980s military the guys could not pronounce long names [maybe that's changed in the big bonus-era]– at GITMO do we expect the prisoners to answer to kind of abbreviated versions of their names? If the Red Cross inspector sees us doing it and then continues on to Vietnam, they won’t be surprised to find the Vietnamese doing it. Working in Tokyo, even very well intended Japanese had problems saying fairly short Western names [five and six letters long].

POWs are honor-bound to resist and to lead resistance, but what about deliberately betrayed POWs? Is there an expectation they also will continue to resist? Does the military still train for ‘name, rank, and serial number’ only? We need to bring the Americans held in Asia home now. Throw it in the impeachment and blame it on Bush and his dad. CIA. Swine.

If one of the photographed prisoners was an infected American [and we think one probably was]we suspect its this one [above], who looks almost Negro and may be a legacy of Tuskegee-type experimentation [described in the archive CIA Attack Upon America].

The American, Frank W. ("Red") Walton, may have been CIA.