Ed Cox, R-NY - a candidate for reconstruction
Hillary's declaration of war, plotting to seize power since before the convention. The graphic is from Roll Call, 11 Aug 2008, page 17.
Nixon's son-in-law Ed Cox. 'The conservatives' were in control 2001 to 2009 and it didn't go so well; I don't think a strong conservative will be able to win without cheating for at least a couple decades. And I was never happy with the intrusive morality that branch of the party represented anyway; Larry Craig should have run again. The election was then a year out; alternately, they threw a bunch of other races so I don't know what would have stopped them from throwing his, but except for that possibility he was faithful to the State of Idaho.
Beyond being a sharp guy, Obama ran a good campaign and deserved to win. The biggest problem facing us abroad is separating unemployed - and angry - youth from real terrorists, and Obama - street organizer - is much more qualified to tackle that problem than John McCain - pilot who bombed from three miles up. Looking at the McCain and Palin fiasco 2008, all I can say is that Nixon's wife Pat famously wore a cloth coat, and its time for moderate Republicans to move passed all the faith crap and get to the problems which need to be addressed.
2012 is Obama's and Biden's to lose.
How can we build around that? How can we channel that energy? Those are the immediate questions.
Geo. W. Bush and Karl Rove 'anticipating Republican dominance into the future' meant 'run for the life boats' and abandon ship. This is also a story of great betrayal, actually on both sides - 'enemies in the camp' selling out their candidates in Oregon [until that race was recovered, perhaps by Ron Wyden] and Minnesota which is still very much up in the air; Franken won but they're taking it away from him. They took it from Stevens in Alaska. How can the good Democrats - the non-swine anti-manipulation elements - recover; and how can we help that recovery? That is the context in which the immediate questions are asked.
How can we avoid the 'world domination theory' the other guys - the bad Democrats - are secretly plotting? There was talk about knocking an asteroid out of orbit so it went out like a boomerang and returned as an attack on Earth, instigated in coordination with the 15 Nov global finance meeting in Washington D.C.-type stuff. Oh, swine! That is the larger question, and it is actually a pressing national security concern.
Article. III. Section. 3. ...[N]o attainer of treason will work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the lifetime of the person attained.
Who are 'they'? Read 'em an' weep. We will name names; bad, bad Democrats. Really wicked ones. Schumer and Feinstein for sure; there may be others. Scary is that the mission to maybe knock the asteroid out of orbit actually launched: Screw the 'CIA-flying- nuclear-weapons-around-the-U.S.-on-a-B-52' and 'nuclear-fuse-assemblies-to-Taiwan' military reform effort; nobody secured our space assets, or whoever did let these clowns just walk in and take 'em away.
What does 'that-they-were-able-to-do-it' really tell us? Council on Foreign Relations has a much more immediate 'in' with our space program than most people realize, and the space program itself is much more active - in actual space work beyond occasional launches and ongoing monitoring - than is generally understood.
This is a blogspot dedicated to rebuilding the moderate wing of the conservative movement - without cheating.
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