Saturday, December 20, 2008


In with the airplanes in the New York Towers; out with the airplane in the New York river.

Sort of like Mark Twain and Halley's Comet only different.

A New York Yankee pitcher [Cory Lidle] was smashed in-flight into a building along the river which I claim is about 'half of each' or kind of an interim CIA designator but no matter; whether he was going to snitch the whole scam out or not the image of the sport remains - from their perspective - 'pure.'

Andrew Cuomo is arguing a case in which [Eliot Spitzer] 'sued national banks to enforce state laws' before the Supreme Court; CIA Chief Justice John Roberts just agreed to hear it. Word on the streets is that while Bush did kill Rehnquist or radiate him, John Roberts was significantly eager for the chair and pushed hard.

Anyway, I fear they're going to let Cuomo use Spitzer's action as an excuse to go after Kennedy when exactly the reverse is the case. If he really is a reformer he is much more capable of acting exactly where he is, and given that none of the other senators [Shelby or Dodd who have buckets of experience] are willing to articulate the CIA 'banking fix' it doesn't seem likely Cuomo would be the first. What we need is Caroline Kennedy sitting there pulling off and redirecting at least 10 to 15% of the bailout funding towards the poor. Fair is fair; the bailout shouldn't be all for the rich bastards who use it for executive compensation and to buy more banks.

What does Kennedy do? One word. Deliver. For gimps, for retards, for all the people that make me uncomfortable when I am around them and I really don't like to even talk about it. If Cuomo comes here he is going to get his dick cut off, and essentially be a weaker Caroline Kennedy anyway, so you might as well go for the real thing. D'Amato, Moynihan - they were big guys, and they couldn't swing it to avert the Bush travesty which I suspect they saw coming though perhaps not to the absurd extent Bush has taken it in crashing private planes and whatnot. And to the extent he is for real, Cuomo can better serve the nation in New York.

Lifelong Republican and 'old Nixon man' concerned about the growing disparity in income [especially given these top bastards evidently aren't all that smart anyway],

Andrew Bestor

Started with planes in the New York Towers, and ended with a plane in the New York river. Mitigating the monkey presidency of George W. Bush.

Troubling is that he evidently has leaned on Obama, with
'faith-based' government subsidy, and
the attack on Social Security continuing.

Michelle Rhee CIA-in-the-public schools was Bush.
'No Child Advance Unmonitored',
Oxley Sarbanes,
completion of the 'Seat belt, baby car seat, 21-year-old drinking age and .08 blood alcohol' agenda,
beginning of registration of cows in Wisconsin, and
preclusionary requirements for volunteer firemen;

end-of-the-day, George W. Bush was just a regulation whore.

The most intensive regulatory regime in United States history by far but even worse is the implication of unchecked CIA expansion into the economy and society.

Mike Huckabee, supposedly serious candidate from Arkansas - as if we need another regime from Arkansas - advocated getting rid of the income tax in favor of a national sales tax. Under Reagan, the income tax conceptually went down, but health care and college tuition skyrocketed. I used to greatly love Reagan, but its becoming increasingly evident the CIA stabbed him in the back as bad if not worse than Carter; all of that increase - college tuition and health care - evidently representing CIA funding mechanisms and skim. To the point where Huckabee can now just say we should entirely go with their skim and get rid of the income tax.

You know what they say; 'Capital punishment and torture or enhanced questioning isn't necessarily wrong - just that it so rarely happens to the right people.'

Arson in New Hampshire commensurate to the restrictions on volunteer firemen;
a national epidemic of 'drift over the center line' head-on car accidents almost inevitably resulting in fatalities. Leading to a minor cluster of crashed medivac responder helicopters. Swine.

What is to be done?

I very much support eliminating 'the cap' on Social Security contributions.

That one thing is the most serious issue facing our society, and it broadly impacts savings and spending if you are looking for a consumer-based consumption model to save us.

Obama and Biden can and should articulate that and feel good about it; the Republicans may be able to continue the rich people's tax breaks in return. That is a fair trade.

We need to legalize drugs in the United States both for us - to seriously attack the illicit drug market and usage, and because people need LSD, and to mitigate violence in Mexico. Now.

As it stands, we've almost lost two party democracy in favor of the CIA manipulation agenda, and the criminal whore John McCain is pretty much to blame for that. Aside from the carrier fire, the man simply flat out was not "native born American" and there was no pretending he was. From there the whole thing went to crap, and if you here people talking on hate radio about Obama, the first thing you better say is that the whore McCain was flat out not born in the United States.
Other side of the coin is that Biden needs to start stepping up to mitigate the attack on Obama, speaking out against privatizing Social Security or Social Security accounts, and cutting back on 'faith-based' subsidy.

Defend the unions. $40 billion as a first step toward rebuilding our inflight refueling capability with another $40 billion almost certainly to follow? The pendulum swung out too far to the contractors; have the Air Force design it and United Auto Workers build it [like they built the JSF mockup] with assembly in St. Louis trying to mitigate the CIA attack designator which swept up both St. Louis and McDonnell Douglas.

$150,000 dollar-a-year police and firemen; $100,000 dollar-a-year bus drivers; none of that is in the contract. That is just crap management we have to get ahold of. Don't throw down the union system; toughen up the negotiating. If you get really pissed, use the Army to run the subways for a couple months. The unions will come around. Yes, I think there is a Republican future there - big gun owners and hunters, fairly religious; that territory shouldn't belong to the Democrats.

The CIA has a dog pound agenda. With $80,000 dollar-a-year directors, and $60,000 dollar-a-year assistants [no joke, and that was for a county out in Missouri or somewhere like that. It wasn't Manhattan or Cook County]. Most places can get by on a $16,000 to $24,000 dollar-a-year animal control officer, and from there the person has to graduate into a police K-9 unit or something.
Not every position is a career position.
I would be tempted to go the other way as a career option, and staff the dog pound with somebody else like a parole officer, and put convicts coming up for work release inside cleaning every day. Its really a parole officer who happens to run a dog pound, and a trustee goes out with a pickup truck to bring in the dead deer at the side of the road.

Support rail improvements. Bush attacked American Airlines and their MD-80 fleet last summer, cause enough for rail infrastructure development. Geese strike put the plane - piloted by the nationally recognized safety expert instead of some yo off the flight line - into the river in New York [not really but for the sake of the argument]; there's ANOTHER couple billion to Amtrak.
Now we need short run MAGLEV development New York into Pennsylvania and the Iowa Tech Corridor to Chicago to East Lansing/Ann Arbor/Detroit; time to get the show on the road. F***ing geese.

The Republicans are looking for a national chairman, but all they're getting is hacks and churn. For God's sake, at least interview George Allen for the job, and at least get some truly conservative ideas. There is ebb and flow in the universe; if you outlaw cockfighting you're probably going to starve some African or bankrupt somebody in sleepy small town western Iowa or Kansas. Was cockfighting that bad that you should outlaw it as opposed to telling your kid its for shady losers without much of a future?

Bush was the big volunteer guy, who decided to regulate volunteer fire departments and drive them out of business in favor of professional departments? George Allen won't go for that, but will probably take the opposite - and correct - ideological approach; not only do you encourage the volunteer fire department but get the mayor of the town to go to their potluck dinner.

Throwing the New York Senate race to Hillary Clinton BOTH in 2000 AND 2006? No, you don't get to cheat for somebody TWICE.

On the other hand, I support complete or at least significant legalization of drugs like alcohol. A lot of politicians secretly do, but really criminalizing drug usage creates a demand representing a CIA funding mechanism so they can't support legalization,
and George Allen above everybody else represented a tough-guy lock 'em up approach. Well, hopefully getting ambushed by Bush has matured his thinking. On the one hand, your drug problem shouldn't be your neighbor's real estate problem - with losers hanging around and idling in the street; on the other hand there is no prohibition in the Constitution, and the one time we tried it we changed our mind quick. We need to somehow realign the government so policy improves society and ends the violence in Mexico. Without radiating the ghetto for example.

'No Child' had its chance; now we need to go to single sex education - boys schools and girls schools - rather than privatization.

Dear Senator Allen,

I feel the so-called 'Charter School' movement has significantly undermined parochial schools - notably Catholic schools, which used to represent a REAL faith-based alternative to public schools.

That is really stupid, in my opinion, because those Catholic school teachers were pretty good, incredibly inexpensive, and the kids got a solid background in discipline, faith, and 'continuity' with the school experience broadly impacting the community in a positive way, beyond being sheltered in a charter school simply because there are discipline issues in the public schools.

Can we go back to the way it was?

Yours truly,
A Protestant who went to a Catholic Sixth Grade and it was pretty good.

Why can't Obama do any of this? Maybe he will; I am excited and I want change - he certainly can do these things and I think he has brought good guys in. Leon Panetta looks good to me insofar as Stansfield Turner never really ran the CIA and George Tenet was a thug who prepared the CIA to undertake the attacks on 9/11. Huckabee, Romney and Company [Sarah Palin et al.] are just hacks who hearken back to the Bush administration and have never sufficiently renounced Jeb.

The story only goes downhill with Bush.
The Bush-originated attack on Cheney.

1.'Privatizing' Social Security was an issue first articulated under Clinton;
2. targeting Saddam Hussein for internal shortcomings in government was undertaken under Clinton;
3.'deregulation' of the financial institutions with a 'hands off' approach to debt/equity swaps and derivative sales was expanded under Clinton [the massive 'China trade' was begun under Clinton and may have even been planned in detail by Hillary Clinton at Wal-Mart then under Bush]:

in short, it is essentially impossible - beyond the realm of reason - to ignore the 'Bush-Clinton-Bush-[Hillary-in-State]' continuity mechanism, including at the very 'center of the cumulative storm' which probably won't ruin but is overtly, consciously intended to significantly downgrade our country.

What does anybody have against Dick Cheney?

He did say "Deficits don't matter." That was wrong. You can even argue that was emblematic of the Bush headlong rampage into catastrophe, but that was a description or excuse as opposed to a command. "They" - the manipulators; the Bush-Clinton Council on Foreign Relations and other criminal elements in the inner circle prearranging policy - had their program fully developed and Cheney was never able to stop it from unfolding, but that is nowhere close to responsibility for it.

Did Cheney ever deny Bush anything?

Bush murdered Rehnquist, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Opposed by Cheney. Bush wiped out New Orleans with a hurricane, and it simply is not possible to say Cheney was in fact really behind that. Bush gimped the nation 'a day late and a dollar short' except in wasting money on security infrastructure which is ultimately going to be used against us - 'we the people' - while Cheney carried a shotgun and did his own dirty work.

Now, as time runs out, Bush is going to save his 'legacy'.... the legacy of shame and fraud and deliberate indifference.... by trying to ultimately blame it all on Cheney. Forget about GITMO - in fact the toilet level at the National Cathedral on Wisconsin Avenue; torture was routine in Vietnam and for some reason an overt effort was made to legitimize it now by moving it into the court system. Had they left it in the field you wouldn't have heard about it. Nobody should give a damn about Cheney or his people being hard-ass guys in pursuing it; the real question is 'why the effort was made to move it into the courts in the first place.' The end of habeas corpus after Clinton wanted additional search powers in public housing complexes was certainly at the hands of the first Mexican American to ever be made attorney general. Are people now claiming Gonzalez suffered a volitional impairment? Turns out he wasn't really a lawyer? Or that Bush was a passive spectator, overcome by events? What was behind the death of Rehnquist other than Bush wanting to long term 'pack the court'? Was Rehnquist not giving them the rulings they wanted? No; just that Bush wanted to put his guy Roberts in.

Did Cheney attack Senator Johnson from South Dakota [we do know for sure Bush used radiation on Rehnquist]; did Cheney murder Senator Thomas from Wyoming, frame Ted Stevens, or blackmail Larry Craig into looking ridiculous in a men's room as various aspects of an attack upon the legislative branch? Put Kennedy into a concrete barrier or have Cynthia McKinney attacked by a policeman?

Did Cheney make the Africans suffer treatments rather than giving them the CURE for AIDS [N-Dimethyl or the trade name Rifampicin at levels right below hemo toxicity or serious ocular changes], and then get all sanctimonious and self-righteous about it as a great legacy?

Did Cheney pound Florida with hurricanes in 2004?

You are out of your ****ing mind. Bush is swine, and Cheney's great shortcoming has been in failing to identify Bush for what he is and the Bush-Clinton-Bush-[Clinton] CIA continuity mechanism for what it is. Entirely getting rid of the Department of Education and instead 'block funding' grants out to the states [being generous as a concession and letting Medicaid transport retarded school children], sharply limiting this 'endless copyright' great law scam which is totally unconstitutional, 'show the cards' in providing neuro stimulants to mitigate the dementia onset caused by radiation exposure; the real Bush legacy and triumph is in crushing the conservative movement for another generation. The rest is sideshow or distraction.